Moral Short Story – Stars encouraged me
Photo credit: dantada from morguefile.com
Twinkling star show how to spread our quality from far also. Today i was sleeping on the floor of my house and watching the daily routine of space workers who all are trying to make a wonderful sky. If we do analysis, the stars are far away from us but they have excellent intensity of light to blink in the sky . In this world every thing which are alive or dead give us motivational thinking . From one of this i make one inspirational icon which is STARS.
Yes this is my icon because of its light , my life get bright. When i was in intermediate (12th std) , i always be in depression . How i will study ,how i will get good marks . I was not getting any thing ,what teacher teaching .
One day i back my home from school and directly enter in to the bathroom and start crying with words’ what will happen if i cant under stand these subjects how i continue prospect of my parents. If i will failed in exam then what will peoples say to my parents how they will live in between them hey god please help me.
July month was passed i’m still at that place. like every day after study i get dinner and came on the roof for sleeping. During sleeping i was thinkig i will suicide and after that there will be no problem and no one will say to my parents about my poor result. After thinking this worlds foolish thing i listen voice of my mother who saying to my father ‘ you ask your son how his life going ,is it any problem ‘you study well or not’
my father reply ‘what you thinking i’m careless ,i care..My son and i know he studying in school with discipline.
After listen this i get shock and start crying, how i’m ? asking to myself . how much they have believe on me.i turn and clear my tears and suddenly i seen stars which are twinkling from thousands of light year and we can see them. They don’t have any tension about there light, which will get over one day. Still they twinkling every night and i also want to become a star of this world and i also want to spread a light of my qualities. I want my parents happy every day .i will study and i will do hard work .
From that day i start study by myself after school ,i leaved my past . By my hard work i got 82.67%. Due to this everyone get happy, not only my parents but who are thinking i cant pass in this exam they get shock by my marks but i don’t care of them. By those days I got one icon who help me to over come from that depression who is- STARS. I learn one thing in this life don’t give up, just move and if you feel u will loose then change the way of move definitely u will get success.