Moral Short Story – Random Acts of Kindness
Photo credit: alive from morguefile.com
After waiting almost half an hour I got into the crowded Volvo bus. I was thankful for getting a bus after long wait that I didn’t mind not getting a seat to sit. In the next stop more people boarded the bus than the number of people getting down from the bus. I had a sinking feeling that I may end up travelling the 6-7 kms standing.
I saw that the girl across me was standing up. She was dressed in casual but in style. She waved towards someone. I followed her eyes and saw that one lady with an infant had boarded the bus. She had 1 huge bag in her one hand and the baby in her other. The girl was waving frantically towards this lady but she was busy trying to settle and get a grip.
Then the girl called out, “Listen, you can come and sit here”
“No, its fine. I will manage.” The lady blushed at the sudden interest shown by everyone in the bus.
“No, no, please, you have a small child. Please be comfortable and take my seat.” The girl insisted. The lady could not resist anymore but she tried again.
“I am getting down after 2 stops. Really please its fine.”
By now the girl had gotten up and people were rushing to get her seat. She pushed her way to let the lady sit in her seat. The lady thanked this girl. The baby in her arms gave her best smile to her. The lady got down after 2 stops as she had promised. But as soon as she got up one guy quickly grabbed the seat. The girl was now standing and she was standing till I got down. I couldn’t help but wonder, her rare act of kindness made someone else comfortable but she lost her comfort. Was it worth it? May be yes, may be not.