Moral Short Story – Premonition
Photo credit: dantada from morguefile.com
Nilesh was busy playing with his friends. He had just completed a cricket match and was busy with the preparation for a game of badminton. Suddenly his parents told him that they all had to visit Bhopal, which was approximately 5 hours by road. They would be back in a week’s time.
The preparations for badminton were halted mid-way and Nilesh rushed to his home. He told his friends that they would continue playing the next day although he was aware that he would be missing out on the fun for a week.
Back home, bags were packed for the journey. As soon as Nilesh’s daddy came back from office, the journey started. They were travelling in his dad’s official car. Two hours into the journey, Nilesh started shivering. His parents touched his forehead to find that it was very hot. Nilesh could speak but only with great difficulty. A minor panic set in.
The logical thing to do was to visit a hospital. Thankfully, there was a hospital nearby. Without any second thoughts, the vehicle was diverted towards a small hill, on top of which the hospital stood. Couple of doctors were known to Nilesh’s dad.
It was late in the night, so the doctor’s residence was the only place to go for advice. The doctor’s residence was very close to the entrance of the hospital. The vehicle was taken right up to the doctor’s residence. As soon as the family entered the residence, the doctor and his wife were found sitting and chatting in their lawn. The doctor started the conversation.
“Oh, it’s you Mr. Pandey”.
Mr. Pandey, “Yes, it’s me and my family”.
“I understood”, said Dr. Rohan, “the way your car drove in. Only you would have the guts to drive in at that speed”.
Mr. Pandey laughed and said, “I know what you are saying. But, there’s a pressing matter that has brought us here.”
Mr. Pandey briefed Dr. Rohan about his son’s illness. Dr. Rohan examined the boy and found some swelling on Nilesh’s neck.
Dr. Rohan: “I think this needs immediate attention and should not be taken lightly”.
Mr. Pandey got shocked and said, “What is it doctor?”
Dr. Rohan said it could even be cancer. Hearing this, the whole Pandey family went into a collective depression.
Mr. Pandey : “What needs to be done, doctor?”
Dr. Rohan: “Send Nilesh for a thorough check up anytime in the next two days. After proper tests, I would be able to tell you about the next steps.”
After bidding a nervous goodbye, the Pandey family left Dr. Rohan’s residence. Now, they were headed back home, instead of going to Bhopal.
Mr. Pandey, after dropping his family home, restarted his journey to Bhopal. He had instructed one of his subordinates to take Nilesh for a check-up after two days.
Next day, Nilesh’s friends called up and were ready to play. Now it was Nilesh’s turn to be surprised at the working of his mind. He had a premonition that he would be back home playing with his friends although his conscious mind knew that he would be out of town for a week. Such are the wonders of the semi-conscious mind which are inexplicable.
Nilesh was heartbroken by the news that the doctor gave and was preparing for the worst. But, for now, he was all set to play with his friends.