Moral Short Story – The Preaching
Photo credit: alive from morguefile.com
The Preaching
A priest was once addressing his disciples in front of a temple. “one shall not be possessed by any desire” he said.
A young boy stood up from the audience and said “sir, i want to make love to a beautiful woman” .
The priest got very angry and said “you fool, you talk such nonsense in front of the Gods. They shall bear no mercy on you. You shall be punished for what you just said.”
He was thrown out of the temple and was never allowed to worship there. The young boy went about in his search for that woman and the priest after finishing the remaining speech retired to his room which was filled with fragrance of flowers and two young women were waiting to serve him. They gave him a bath and fed him and slept with him. The priest was never happier before and went to take a quick nap as his next speech on “desire” was due in two hours.
There once lived a man and his wife who used to fight daily. Their neighbour was a wealthy merchant who traveled a lot and was out for days together.
Once as the man and his wife were fighting, the neighbour’s wife listened.
“ look at our neighbours”the wife said “they never fight and her husband brings gifts for her from his long journey, the love they must have, and you always fighting “
The neighbour’s wife wept and wept for there was nobody to fight with.
My past and my future were arguing. The past said “ i have taught him so much. He has learned from me. He has become so wise.”
The future argued “but i behold his true powers. He will be so much richer , he will marry a beautiful woman and he will be famous.”
My present smiled and said “you are nothing but me, o fools”.