This short story is participating in Write Story from Picture India 2012 – Short Story Writing Competition.

Code: WSPI-2012-01
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Three basic elements of Life are Aim, Name & Fame. If there is a right aim, there will be surely name but it it is not sure about fame. The word Fame , How interesting the word is! behind it, there is a lot of struggle, trouble even a lot of sacrifices. Sacrifices, sacrifices and all time sacrifices are the only roots which are essential to grow up the tree of fame. It takes whole life to get fame.
There is a description of Tamanna who is a very sincere and hard working girl, has the potential to pursue new and adventurous things at the workplace. She is a Petroleum Engineering passed student. She could not get the job from her college because she is very passionate about life . She has dream to join Oil/Gas sector. She does not want to join any Software/IT company or does not want to do any marketing job.
Her health is not very good. She has stomach problem. If she eats any junk food/oily/spicy food, there is pain in her stomach. She could not attend classes during college time but she tried hard to attend it. She has the strong feeling of vomiting. Doctors could not find her problem. She founded the solution of her problem. She did not eat any single piece of bread during classes (9 A.M. to 5 P.M.) and tried to attend each class and her dream was safe into her heart.
Tamanna belongs to a highly reputed family. Her father Mr. Rajeshwar Khanna, is a Major General in Indian Army and it is a White Collar job. Although there is no lack of money in her family yet she wants to do something in her life. She is little nervous about her dreams, but her father helps her to realize potential and advises her to move far away in desired direction and reach the targets .
Tamanna readily goes on the terrace; looks in the sky and weeps. Her father comes and says,” See the tallest building, this is the tallest one because its base is strong, if there is any scratch or any mark on it, it could stand upright.” Main thing is base, if your basics are strong, you can surely enter into world of Charisma. You have to become a tough person mentally to reach your targets. Every successful person has to live a tough life whether we talk of Sachin or Mr. Bachchan. He describes the meaning of her name, Tamanna- Dream or a passion . He says” To do extraordinary things in life, you have to be an ordinary person”.
There is smile on the lips of Tamanna. She is full of inspiration and it is the key which plays an important role to reach targets. She decides for Higher Studies. She joins an Institute in Delhi to develop her skills.
There is a month of December. Chilled Atmosphere and cold winds are flowing . She takes a room on rent. There is no facility of bed to sleep. She sleeps on the chilled floor. She has a problem of stomach but there is not facility of ordinary food. She arranges ordinary food from outside area and continues her preparation. She wakes up early in the morning at 4 o’ clock in the chilled season when all the persons sleep in their sweet memories. She runs daily to be fit.
She misses her friends and sometimes weeps when she feels alone but in the mean time, she becomes tough and indulges herself in preparation.
After hard working of 4 months, she checks her results . Unfortunately she could not qualified in Entrance Exam. She weeps. Her answers were filled correctly then why she is not qualified? The fault is of scanner. Scanner used in the checking of answer sheets chooses wrong bubbles and there is negative marking. So this is the main reason for her failure.No one is there to help her in this difficult moment but she is not alone. Result shaked the lives of many of other candidates.
Tamanna does not lose hope. She decides to move further to reach targets. She does Research on her favourite subject Refining and Petrochemicals. She works hard again and in 6 months of hard working, she gets result. She discovers a new method to produce Petrol from wastes or other harmless gases. She publishes her research during Paper Presentation in her college and gets selected in various Petroleum Companies.
All the Indian companies and Foreign companies offer her great salary to join their companies but she speaks,” Its better to work,live and die for my country because my country is the best to work.” She decides to work with Indian company.She proves herself as a daughter of Army person who loves his country.There are tears in the eyes of her favourite subject lecturer Mr. R.P.Badoni. He feels very proud of her new discovery. Mr. Badoni and others clap for her precious words.
Perhaps the word ‘Fame’ plays a significant role in her life. She does not want high salary offer but she wants to fulfill her dreams. She did. She reached her aims.