Photo credit: wallyir from morguefile.com
The telephone was ringing continuously. Vasu was relaxing on the easy chair. He moved little further and lifted the phone. It was a call from his younger brother Pranav informing his retirement from the bank service on that day. Five years back, Vasu had retired from bank service. He tried to remember the events that took place about three decades back when Pranav joined the bank service.
It was Monday morning Vasu heard the voice of somebody from outside.
“Who is Pranav? There is a registered letter for him.”
Vasu came out. It was the postman
“Pranav is my younger brother. He is not here at present. Can you deliver this cover to me?” said Vasu
Without making further enquiry, postman delivered the cover to Vasu after taking his signature, date and contact number on the form. Vasu observed on the bottom of the cover it was written ‘if undelivered, please return to Pragati Bank, Head Office, M.G.Road, Bengaluru.’ He was confident that his brother must have received appointment order in the bank. After ten minutes Pranav returned home.
“Congratulations! Pranav here is good news for you.” Said Vasu
Vasu gave the cover to him. Pranav opened the cover and he could not believe his own eyes when he saw a letter containing his appointment order as a clerk in pragati Bank. Pranav was happy to hear the good news and thanked his brother. He straight away went to a nearby Hanuman temple prostrated before God and recited mantras. He requested the priest to perform puja on behalf of him and paid the amount. He also took the blessings of all the elders of the family.
Vasu’s younger brother Pranav after graduating as a bachelor of commerce was searching for a suitable job. It was not possible for him to continue further education. Vasu was working in another bank and had completed five years of service.
In those days there was no bank recruitment committee for jobs. Individual banks called for applications through the advertisement in the news paper. Only few lucky guys used to get the jobs in the bank.
Vasu was staying in a small town called Yadunathagiri with his mother Kaveri, wife Vimala and younger brother Pranav. He lost his father when he was seven year old boy.
Getting suitable job for Pranav was the immediate problem before Vasu. Being a head of the family, he had to accept every problem as a challenge. Vasu thought of opening a small stationary store for Pranav. He asked Pranav about his opinion. Pranav did not agree immediately and requested to give some time to think over the matter. Probably, he wanted to consult his friends before taking any decision. After a fortnight, Pranav conveyed his acceptance to take up a small business.
There was one shop vacant on the main road and very near to his house. It was not in the commercial area. The owner of the shop was known person and fixed a nominal rent. Vasu approached the bank where he was working for finance. The bank insisted Vasu to arrange 25% money as his stake. With great difficulty the margin money was arranged.
Luckily, he got readily available shelf and other furniture from the local Bar Association with the help of Mr. Amaranath, an advocate and member of the Bar Association helped to get the furniture at a throw away price.
The stationary stock was purchased locally at a whole sale price with the help of Sudheer a local business man and friend of Vasu. He helped Pranav to arrange stocks perfectly in the shelf. He gave brief coaching to Pranav the dos and donts of business ethics.
On the auspicious day Yugadi the shop was opened by a little girl in the presence of few persons. Puja was performed by a local priest.
Initially the response was good from the customers. Pranav being a commerce graduate kept the shop accounts up-to-date. After few weeks the momentum of business along with the Pranav’s enthusiasm declined. Everyday evening after bank duty Vasu used to visit the shop and spend some time with his brother. As soon as Vasu arrived at the shop, Pranav left in one pretext or another. This continued for a long time. Vasu had to sit in the shop up to 9 p.m and down the shutters after closing the days account. This arrangement was going on for several days. Pranav was fully aware that his brother Vasu was already tired working in the bank up to 5.30p.m. Vasu became unhappy with his brother.
One day, he asked his brother, “Pranav do you have interest in continuing the business or not? You are not at all showing interest in the shop.”
“I don’t have any interest in the business. You have forced me to start a small business. Unwillingly I had accepted.” Said Pranav
“In that case, did I force you to start business? I have just advised to keep you busy and earn money to support the family.”
The brothers entered into serious argument and there was no sign of the issue getting resolved. Both were not in talking terms for some days. Vimala and Kaveri intervened and slowly the situation relaxed. Vasu realized the situation and changed his mind. Within 9 months the shop was closed. The stocks and furniture were sold at no profit no loss basis. Sudheer came to help Pranav for disposing off the stocks and furniture. The bank loan was cleared after getting the payments from the persons who bought stock, furniture. Deficit fund was arranged by Vasu. Again Pranav became unemployed.
One day, Vasu went to a local Dr. Niranjan for routine check up of his health. There was a rush in the clinic. Vasu had to wait for some time. During this time, he saw a group photo in the clinic. Just to pass the time, he asked compounder, “Ramu, can you tell me in the sitting row of group photo on the wall, who is that gentleman in suit just besides Dr. Niranjan?”
“Sir, he is a chairman of Pragati Bank shri Sundarraj. He is a cousin of Dr. Niranjan.” Said Ramu
Vasu’s checkup was over. After one week, vasu recollected the incident that happened in Dr. Niranjan’s clinic. An idea flashed to his mind. Shri Sundarraj would be certainly helpful to get Pranav job in his bank. Idea was fine. But was it possible? Certainly the answer was ‘no.’ Firstly, Vasu was not acquainted with Dr. Niranjan. Secondly, he cannot directly ask doctor to tell his cousin to help Pranav.
Vasu was seriously thinking as to how to contact Dr. Niranjan. Again another idea flashed to his mind. Only doctor’s close friend would be in a position to help. How to find his close friend? After about one week, one gentleman’s name struck to his mind. He was Mohammed Mustafa proprietor of a local medical store. Mustafa was a customer of a bank, where Vasu was working. His assessment was confirmed by a reliable person.
Vasu decided to meet Mustafa to seek his help. He telephoned him with a request to spare few minutes. Mustafa was a nice gentleman. He told vasu to meet him next day morning at 9 a.m. Vasu went along with Pranav to meet Mustafa at the appointed time. Mustafa was in the medical shop. He called both the brothers to come inside and offered seats.
“Vasu, how can I help you?” asked Mustafa
Vasu introduced his younger brother and told him the purpose of the visit.
“Vasu, if I am helpful to someone, I will certainly go ahead. Dr. Niranjan is a good friend of mine. I don’t know, whether he will oblige me or not? There are two aspects here. One, Dr. Niranjan should accept my request to recommend his cousin to help Pranav. Two, Mr. Sundarraj has to consider his cousin’s request. Anyway, I will meet the doctor today evening in his residence and convey you the outcome tomorrow. I wish your brother all the best.” Said Mustafa
Before leaving both the brothers thanked him and left the place.
Next day, Vasu received a phone call from Mustafa to meet him in his shop at 2.30 p.m. Accordingly, Vasu went to his shop.
“I am happy that your work is over. The doctor has agreed to give you a personal letter addressed to his cousin. You have to meet him day after tomorrow in his residence at 10 a.m.”
“Thank you very much Mr. Mustafa.” Said Vasu
Vasu informed his brother Pranav to be ready. Both went to doctor’s house on that day.
“Good morning doctor. Mr. Mustafa told us to meet you. He is Pranav, my younger brother.” Said Vasu
Doctor asked the brothers to take their seats. He gave a closed cover and told Pranv to meet his cousin at bank’s head office Bengaluru.
Vasu expressed thanks and left the place. He told Pranav to make arrangement immediately for going to Bengaluru. Pranav left on Sunday evening and reached Bengaluru next day morning. He went to Pragati Bank head office at 11 a.m. and enquired one staff member to meet the chairman. The staff member was nice chap. He took Pranav to Chairman’s chamber directly. Luckily the staff member, who arranged a meeting, was none other than private secretary of the chairman. There were no clients before the chairman.
“May I come in sir?” asked Pranav
“Come in”
It was clear that the staff member, who arranged meeting, had already briefed the chairman.
Pranav submitted the letter to the chairman. He opened the cover and read the contents.
“You may go and approach Madhukar, who is an officer in staff department.”
Pranav expressed thanks with folded hands and came out. He met the concerned officer. All the formalities like filling up application forms, certificate copies of educational qualifications and passport size photo graph were completed.
He was asked to return to his native place. After one week, Pranav received formal interview letter. He appeared for the interview. After one month, he received the appointment order as a clerk.
If you have determination, ambition, patience, courage and optimism, you can find a solution irrespective of the magnitude of the problem and help others
Vasu came back from his past memory, when his wife Vimala told him to be ready for shopping.