Moral Short Story – Dear Mom, Truth Is Rewarded
Photo credit: taylorschlades from morguefile.com
“Mamma, don’t beat me mamma…Please mamma…Really I did not steal…I got it from the school ground…Believe me mamma…Please …I will not repeat it” Bobby cried aloud in the sleep.
“Bob, what happened? You had some insane dream?”—Rushing to her brother, Roselin asked in a breath and shook him thoroughly.
“Mom”… “Mom”… ‘I saw our mom in the dream”—Bobby murmured.
Roselin could catch the thread of it—Yesterday Bobby must have gone to visit mamma. Whenever he confronts with any problem, he runs to her tomb and there he is greatly comforted. Even now, many years after her death, mom is a living person for Bobby.
“Did you visit mamma yesterday”?—Roselin wanted to clarify.
“Yes I did. I shared with her all my troubles…She will pray for me; I’m sure”.
After a pause he continued: “Rossy you know well what happened yesterday; but I stand for the truth even risking my life. I treasure the words of mamma in my heart always”—He stopped abruptly as though to meditate on what he has said.
“I understand you, Bob”—Rossy tried to console him.
Flinging his right arm round her neck and drawing her close to his chest he said” Sweetie, I’m afraid I’ve disturbed your sleep; it’s only half past two. My pains should not disturb you. You should have enough sleep. I want you to get good result for the medical entrance. So please go and sleep; otherwise you will not be fresh in the class.”—With much affection and love he forced his sister to be back on her bed.
Bobby could not sleep again. His whole heart was with his mother. The dream he just had been a real incident which remained dormant in his sub conscious. That actually took place some twenty years back when Bobby was just a school boy. One fine evening as he was returning home after the classes he happened to see a beautiful pen on the school play ground. Enticed by its beauty, he stared at it for a long time and finally took it away as he was not able to resist the temptation, making it sure that no one else had seen him picking it up.
After reaching home he was fully occupied with enjoying its beauty and with a great work man skill he broke the pen into several parts and tried to rejoin them. There came a sudden blow! –His mother who had been watching him for a long time from afar came closer stealthily and gave fine beatings on his legs till that tiny stick was broken. The mother was in fact very affectionate to her children, but she could never compromise with any kind of lie or stealing.
That evening without eating anything the boy went straight away to bed and wept bitterly. No sooner had he slept, than he felt a smooth touch on his body. As he opened his eyes, to his surprise his mother was sitting beside him stroking over his legs. Her eyes were welled up with tears. He soon got up and embraced his mother.
She felt so sorry for beating her son; so covering him with sweet kisses she said “My son, I did not want to hurt you, but I am always particular that my children should be truthful and honest. This is an important lesson for your life. Never try to own anything that is not yours. Be truthful; you will be rewarded. Whatever you learn when you are a child will accompany you all through your life”.
The value of truth– that is the biggest lesson my mom had taught me, Bobby began to recall. Mom after that particular incident did not live longer. Being a victim of cancer she could survive only for three more months. At last she bid farewell to the world, leaving both her kids alone in the world.
The troublesome life after the death of his mother came to the frame of Bobby’s mind. His father had already deserted them. Aunt Clare, a widow, was their only refuge. She gave good education to both Bobby and his sister and met all other expenses concerning them, until they were able to stand on their own legs. Bobby got a job in a prestigious company as a clerk.
His growth from a simple clerk to the Assistant manager of HRT North Company was sudden! He was well appreciated for his truthfulness and commitment. His promotion was obviously based on these qualities. But his happiness did not last long; for the atmosphere in the company began to be clouded when a news spread that Bobby would soon become the manager of the company. Mr. David was indeed shocked as he realized that his days as the manager were counted. There was already a rift in their relation as Bobby objected vehemently the corruption he could find in the management side and resented to support them in their fraud activities. David therefore looked upon Bobby as a threat to his existence and only one way was left before him –eliminate him somehow from his office.
Bobby, lying on his bed went back to that fateful day on which he met an open attack from David. As soon as Bobby reached the office David shouted: “Hey look! Our Harishchandran is coming”
Then turning to him he said “You, Bobby don’t pretend to be very truthful; you are an impostor. I want to see how long you will sit proudly on your seat. This company is not for indecent orphans like you”.
An arrow pierced Bobby’s heart and he could not utter a word back. That day he was very upset and failed to concentrate in whatever he did. He felt very slack and insipid.
“Always I am a butt of their jokes”—Bobby deplored. “Never again I wish to go to office; but I have to…Yesterday the atmosphere was worse and David expressed his bitter anger”. After a sigh he continued his soliloquy.
“My mother, it is you who taught me to be truthful and I understand how much I have to pay for this great virtue. But I know truth wins at the end”.
“Bob coffee is ready”—Rossy’s voice awakened him from his thoughts and looking at his watch he exclaimed—“Oh! It’s 7 o’clock!—Very late! I need to reach the office early”.
Bobby’s mind was very disturbed. That morning he did not make fun with his sister. His face appeared very gloomy and pale. As Bobby reached the threshold of the HRT Company, he was shocked to see a battalion of Policemen waiting for him. Mr. David was there with a wicked smile and pointing to Bobby he said: “This is the thief we have been looking for. Why such waiting; please take the actions immediately. I think all the evidences you have got are more than enough”.
Bobby realized that he was tricked, but there was no way to escape. He was soon arrested and in the midst of ridiculous smiles and words he was taken to the Police Station. Bobby was arrested for corruption in the money transaction and false proofs were produced against him. He was totally helpless in the treachery played by David and his friends. Even in the court he could not prove his innocence; for David knew where to draw the line. He was therefore imprisoned as the destiny led him there.
Bobby’s life in the jail was miserable. The thought about Rossy made him all the more depressed.
“She has no one else in the world except me…But I am here in the most wretched state, humiliated to the core of my being”. He shared his pains with other companions in the jail and wept bitterly.
Rossy was rather courageous. When she came to meet him she said,” Bob, don’t worry about me. Hasn’t our mother told that truth would win? I’m sure, one day you will be acquitted, proved innocent before the public”. After presenting him a Bible she left, hiding the tears trickled in her eyes.
During the days spent in the jail Bobby learnt to trust in God, more than any other times. Every word of the Bible was a medicine to his pains. The life behind the bars gave him enough time to experience God’s love in a deeper way. One fine evening, as he was reading the Bible his eyes caught sight of the word “You will know the truth and the truth will make you free. He pondered over the word and slept peacefully.
Next morning, he had a dream and he saw his mother approaching him with a broad smile and kissing on his forehead she said—“My son, didn’t I tell you truth will be rewarded. See, this is the gift for your faithfulness”.
As he got up his whole being was flooded with happiness. New hopes arose in his heart; with great joy he welcomed the day.
It was at 10 o’clock that morning the glad news reached the prison cell announcing that Bobby was acquitted proving innocent and later he learnt that the real culprits David and his friends were caught by the police. It so happened that there was a discord between David and his friends regarding the money acquired through corruption . So one of them betrayed the whole group disclosing the truth to the public. Now everything turned topsy-turvy.
The chair man of the HRT Group decided to give Bobby one immediate promotion and he was appointed as the new manager of the HRT North Company in place of David. The new manager was given a grand reception with all pomp and glory. It was important news in the local news papers too.
That evening carrying the garlands and bouquets, of course accompanied by his sister, Bobby moved to his mother’s tomb. Throwing himself on the tomb he babbled in tears—
“Mamma, your son has come back. Look mamma …I am not worthy of it. You discern it all…Mamma how true are your words. Yes, truth has won…Truth is rewarded”.
As Rossy looked up she saw the setting sun smiling at Bobby, sending its beautiful rays on him as though agreeing with his words…