Photo credit: imelenchon from morguefile.com
“Sir, please show me your ticket”.
Suddenly these words by the TTE interfered my vendettas with the deity. After showing my ticket relished for a while after reading my SMS from Raunak. Raunak was planning to elope with Monica. This was not a very shocking news which would have made me stagnant. Rather, 2012 was appearing to me as a year of love marriages percolating among all the youngsters of my age.
…”I am still awaiting my chance to enter into the realm of true love. I have seen a lot of romantic movies and have read a plenty of romantic novels. Every day, I imagine myself to be one of the character of romantic movies/novels but still have not deciphered the real meaning of love. The almighty has kept me bereft of this holy word with which every creature of this planet associates itself at some course of time”…
The sprouting weeds of failure were clearly visible on my face’s felt as if I was in tatters. Again, I engaged myself into my vendettas with the almighty that was having a dalliance with my soul. I was feeling jealous of my soul who felt elated for having a perfect love affair with the almighty since my birth on this planet.
This jealousy forged a villain as ME. The only purpose of ME was to vitiate this romance. ME was getting his appalling power from both the god and my soul and it was a very easy task for him to destroy the immortal love. ME had roots originated from my engineer’s brain which compelled him to do a final research on the pure romance before vitiating it. First time in my life, I felt proud of my B. Tech degree from a private engineering college. ME started his toughest research work without wasting a second. ME entered inside me and reached the sacred place where my soul was physically intimating with the deity. ME got excited after watching the pure real love making scene, but his sense of excitement was an aberration. After completing his research work he submitted his report and awaited my decision. I started reading the report…
“The romance between the deity and your soul is unique. It seems as if they both are perfectly made for each other. Generally, even so called pure dalliance between two opposite sex of this planet contain some elements of greediness. But in this case I couldn’t find a single element having weeds of greediness. They both protect their romance as well as protect you. Every moment you are attacked by millions of devils present on this planet. It is only the appalling power of the supremacy’s immortal love with your soul that eludes you from the weapons (negative thinking) of the demons. You will be astonished to know that you are their only child and they are the best parents of this whole universe. You have succeeded to reach your goals only due to their blessings (positive energy) on you. These blessings always compel you to move on the path of real success. Your surrounding is full of blessings and weapons. The weapons always try to deteriorate the effect of blessings on you. Blessings are forged only by the holy romance of the deity and your soul. The devils present all over the universe try to forge weapons which can destroy the pure romance and plunge into the realm of darkness. This process is going on since your birth and will continue till your end”
…The whole report made me stagnant for a long period of time. I had known the real meaning of true love and much more above than this. My jealousy got converted into inner happiness (a kind of I have never felt before) ME peered into new ME to play the role of a hero. ME entered the sacred place and started the role of a soldier to fight with weapons and protect the immortal love.
Suddenly, my phone started ranging…
I came out of my motionless position to be stagnant again. My mom announced me the news of my final selection in UPSC examination. Tears roll down from my eyes. This time my hero ME whose roots originated from my brain sensed the future and made me to do the same job he was doing. I am going to be an IPS officer and a soldier to save the immortal love of the deity and the soul of my country INDIA…