Moral Short Story – The Guilt
Photo credit: hamper from morguefile.com
It was 8:00PM. In Jaipur, it was the fun time for some 15 to 16 years old children to come out from their homes and to meet their friends. Shanu was also one of them. Today he was late. He was walking fast. On the way, he saw a boy. The boy was weeping.
Shanu said to the boy, “Why are you weeping?”
The boy replied, “I have lost my new mobile. My father will beat me. He couldn’t afford a mobile for me. But he gave me a mobile and now I have lost it. My family is very poor. I have searched the mobile everywhere. What will I do now?”
He again started crying. Shanu said, “It’s very sad. But I can do nothing. You give me the details of your mobile and your address too. If I find your mobile, I will return it to you.”
The boy gave the details of his mobile and his address to Shanu. Shanu went to his friends. When Shanu reached to his friends, he knew that his best friend Pramod was giving a party.
Shanu said, “What is the reason of the party?”
Pramod said, “I have found a mobile today.”
Shanu said, “Give me the details of mobile.”
Pramod gave him the details of the mobile.
Shan said with excitement, “It is the mobile of a poor boy. We should return it”.
But Pramod and Shanu’s other friends refused to return it. Shanu tried and tried again. But his friends were not convinced. After a month, as usual Shanu was going to meet his friends. Suddenly, he saw that someone was crying. Shanu was shocked. It was his friend, Pramod.
Shanu said to Pramod, “Why are you crying?”
Pramod replied, “I have lost my new ‘Samsung Galaxy S4’.”
Shanu said, “So what? You are very rich.”
Pramod replied, “Yes, I am rich. But my father has given me this mobile as a reward. He will be very angry.”
Shanu said, “Don’t worry. If anyone finds it, he will return it.”
Pramod said with glum, “No, he won’t, because I didn’t return the mobile of the poor boy. Shanu I couldn’t live a day or a night in peace. But now I want to return it. Will you help me?”
Shanu replied, “That’s great. I will help you.”
Pramod and Shanu went to the poor boy’s house. But the house was locked.
One of poor boy’s neighbours said, “They have left the house fifteen days ago.
Pramod said, “Where did they go? Poor boy’s neighbours replied, “I don’t know.”
Pramod became very sad. He couldn’t have peace whole life.