Moral Story – Destiny has a way of finding you
Photo credit: emlyn from morguefile.com
“Rank numbers 101 to 200, please go to room no. 201 at the 2nd floor and wait. We will call out when it would be your turn for going to the counselling room. Please be seated patiently.” announced a man wearing golden framed spectacles at the entrance of the campus. His fingers were filled with gold rings; even he wore a gold chain in the neck. As Meera stepped into the building with her father she could not but stare at the man astonishingly.
Following the instructions as announced, Meera and her beloved father went to Room no. 201 at the 2nd floor. The room was a big, spacious one partially filled with the selected candidates and their respective guardians sitting with anxious, excited expressions. Both of them seated themselves in the 1st bench.
Drinking a few sips of water, Meera took out her rank card from her bag. It read, “Meera Chatterjee, Rank- 160 at BALLB Entrance Exam conducted by the University of Calcutta.” Just then she felt a comforting arm around her shoulder. “Don’t worry so much dear. Everything will be fine. You don’t get nervous.” said her father. Meera smiled lightly.
She was really worrying, but not about the about the counselling she came for. There was a weird reason of her anxiety. Never ever in her wildest dreams had she thought of studying Law. Practically, Meera didn’t have any dream of her own. Since her parents wanted her to study medicine, though they didn’t force her she decided to fulfill their wishes. Perhaps fate had some other plans. Meera failed to crack the medical entrance exam twice. Out of the blue, she filled up the form for BALLB Entrance Exam conducted by Calcutta University. Surprisingly, her paper went well and she scored well. That’s why she skipped the honors studies to take up a professional course, because general line wasn’t her cup of tea. Then was her dream an illusion?
Her phone vibrated. It was a SMS from her best friend Subhro.
Subhro: “Reached?”
Meera: “Yes. Half an hour back.”
Subhro: “Great. You okay?”
Meera: “No re. I am not. What is happening with me? And why is this happening? This can’t be true.”
Subhro: “It’s the harsh reality Meera. It is your destiny that you are there.”
Meera: “But the dream? I had a vision last year that Baba and I have gone for counselling at a place. There was an air-conditioned room with glass doors with a label on top written “seminar room”. A printout was attached at one of the glass doors which read “counselling room”. This building doesn’t seem to be like that. Then is further trouble going to come?”
Subhro: “We can’t conclude everything whatever you see in your dreams. Can we?”
Meera: “You remember, just a week before the AIEEE, I had a vision that question papers would be leaked. Exam would be delayed for the day. It was true!”
Subhro: “It was a mere coincidence. If it is not then you can’t change what the Almighty has planned for you. You will be there where you ought to be. Don’t freak out.”
Meera: “I can’t recall anything else I saw in that vision other than Baba was with me. I am scared re. What will happen?”
Subhro: “Take it easy. Destiny has a way of finding you. It was just a fragment of dream.”
Before she could reply, an announcement was heard.
“Rank numbers 151 to 161, follow me with all your documents and your respective guardians.” the same man in golden spectacles called out.
“Let’s go.” Father held Meera’s hand. They were standing in a line at the 2nd floor corridor. Within minutes, they were in front of the “counseling room.” And, Meera felt a chill run down her spine.
It was exactly the same room that she saw in her dream a year back when she didn’t even knew about the BALLB Entrance Test!
They went inside, within 10 minutes everything was fixed. Meera Chatterjee got into the Department of Law, University of Calcutta, Hazra Campus, one of the best as well as prestigious law schools in the country.
Overwhelmed in joy, she called up her mother to share the news. Maa’s reply made her go numb. Her mother said, “Destiny has a way of finding you my child.” How did Maa got to know about my dream she kept wandering. As her Baba hugged her saying, “I am Proud of you sweetheart.”