Moral Short Story – The Coffee Beans
Photo credit: godidwlr from morguefile.com
It was a bright hot day in April, and the clocks were striking twelve pm. Hridya, a young school going girl was sitting in balcony and keep thinking like a matured writer. She was appearing very upset and hopeless because her assignment was incomplete due to her fractured hand and the deadline is going to be strike.
Her mother came to her and asks her: what happened baby? Why are you upset? Is there any problem?
Hridya has tears in her eyes and told her mother about her assignment and how things were so hard. She said, I don`t know, how to face it or to give up.
It seemed that, as one problem was solved a new one arose.
Her mother said to her: Owww dear! Don’t get stressed. Come with me, I will show you something very interesting.
She took her to the kitchen and said: Dear, give me those three pots (she points toward that pots which were put on the shelf).
Hridya brought that pots and gave them to her mother. She filled three pots with some water and placed them on a high flame at the cook top. Very soon the water came to a boil; she placed three items in each of these pots. In first pot, she placed carrots, in second pot she placed some eggs and in the third pot she placed some coffee beans.
After sometime, she asked to her daughter: Tell me dear, what do you see?
Hridya was surprised that what her mother wants to do!!
Her mother asked again, tell me dear, what do you see?
Hridya replied, you placed three pots on high fire then placed carrots, eggs and coffee beans into each of them. But why mamma? I am not getting, what do you want to do?
Her mother said, relax… you will get to know very soon.. now tell me, what do you feel ?
Hridya replied, carrots became soft. Then she asked about eggs, hridya said: the egg’s shells are now pulled off. Right, and what about the third pot’s item?
Hridya replied, mamma the beans of coffee which you placed into this pot are mixed up with the water and it`s aroma is very rich.
Her mother smiled, looking her mother is smiling, hridya`s curiosity is now out of control. She eagerly asked to her mother; mamma what happened to you?
Then she explained to her daughter that all these objects faced the same trouble (boiling on high flame) but each of them reacted differently.
The carrots were strong and hard but now they became soft and weak.
The eggs had been fragile but now its inside became hardened.
The coffee beans were unique but now they mixed-up into the water.
Which are you? The mother asked to her daughter.
Hridya said: AM I A CARROT? But it became soft and changed its stronger body into weak body. Nope, I AM AN EGG, but they lost their upper shells which were protecting them. I AM A COFFEE BEAN, Yes! I am a coffee bean which dissolves itself in to boiled water and releases its fragrance and flavor.
Her mother said, yes my dear! You should be alike coffee beans because they didn’t change their nature after boiling in fact they increased their smells and taste. So don’t be worry about your problem, try to face it because until you face the problem you cannot solve it.