Moral Short story – Change the world..
Photo credit: wallyir from morguefile.com
I was disappointed.. disappointed in Life, in God, in Me. I had been trying so hard to do something for the betterment of humanity. Trying to help create a better world, to change the world. But something always comes in my way to stop me from achieving my dream, no matter what my dream is. So I left for a walk, to clear my mind, to come up with something new and so I ended up reaching near railway station.
So there I was sitting on a bench at the station, watching people travelling throughout Mumbai with the trains running late. Then I suddenly noticed there was a girl sitting at the other end of the bench, she was probably 4-5 years older than me, but she seemed sad and had an intense look on her face, like she was travelling in her mind through thousands of thoughts. Maybe she was waiting eagerly for someone and was sad that the trains are running late. I got curious, so I said “Hi..”.
Me : Hi
She : Hey
Me : You waiting for someone ?
She : (Paused for a moment) Yes.
Me : Then why are you sad ? I don’t think people wait at stations for someone whom they will be sad to see.
She : Oh no, it’s just I heard 2 people that were passing by saying that a guy intentionally came in front of a train this morning and died at this station.
Me : Oh that’s sad.. I wonder what made him do it, what made him bear so much that he couldn’t take any more.
She : Maybe he lost too much that he coudln’t handle it, or he was pressurised by his family for something, or maybe he had problems in his love-life..
Me : Maybe he wanted to change the world.. but kept failing, and then gave up eventually..
She : Is that why you are here ? To give up ?
(I kept silent for a moment)
Me : No, not yet.. I would rather die trying to change the world than trying to die.
She : Maybe he gave dying a try, just to make someone understand how much he really wanted something or.. someone..
Me : I wonder how other people who knew or cared for him are thinking about him now. I hope they will get through this, hope they get will through the pain that they may feel when they think about their time with him. I hope they will understand that it was a privilege to spend time with someone who gave their life for something or someone. I hope they will understand that the next time when someone asks them for something that bad, then it means that they are in love.. and you should never separate someone from their love, it’s like ripping their soul off from their body. I wish I could have seen him with what or whom he loved. I hope they will fulfill his last wish, I hope they will at least be Kind to his soul..
She : (Sigh).. Tell me why did you started talking to me ?
Me : Because you looked sad, and I didn’t want you to look sad. I knew you would feel lighter if you talked to me, so I tried.. I tried to be kind.
She : Hmm.. okay. I have to go now, the person I was waiting for isn’t gonna any time soon, there is no point in waiting for so long. It was nice talking to you, take care..
Me : Sure, it was nice talking to you too, bye bye.
And then she went and I continued thinking about new ideas and inspirations and whatnot.
After 5 minutes or so there was a young girl who approached me and handed me a note and said it’s from the girl whom you just talked with. I said “thank-you” and then she left.
The note read :
“Thank you for being kind to me. And I’m sorry for lying to you, the guy that gave his life this morning was my boyfriend. We were in a relationship for 7 years, however his parents didn’t allow us for marriage because of us being from different caste. We tried and tried and tried to convince them but they wouldn’t agree. We didn’t wanna run away and get married because that would bring shame to both our families. But we couldn’t move on from each other either, it was too hard. It was like ripping our soul off from ourselves.
So he gave up, and he made a last wish, his wish was for me to not give up. He thought it would be easy for me to move on if he wasn’t there at all. But it wasn’t, it wasn’t even close to easy, so I came to the same station to give up on my life too. So I wasn’t waiting for someone, I was waiting for a train, but instead came you. You were right, his parents weren’t kind to him, they didn’t care about his wishes from the beginning. But I was, I treated him as he deserved to be, I loved him more than myself. He was too kind for his own good, like you. You reminded that I still have to be kind to him, I have to be kind to his soul. You have changed my life today, you have changed my world.. maybe that’s all we need then, a bit of kindness.. to change the world.