Moral Short Story – A Boy’s Fast Car
Photo credit: genieslot from morguefile.com
Once there was a boy. He used to be called special. He had a bright, shiny good looking car. He was very attached to the car, driving it around the neighborhood as fast as he could. The car had a special feature. Its wheels were relatively smaller which led to the lightness of the car and hence the speed. The boy always used to remain intoxicated. Intoxicated in his own foolishness. His intoxication was so high that he never realized that others used to continuously ram and destroy his car. Also , even after getting the scars he never used to let them take the best of him.
As usual engrossed in his daily activities, he happened to meet a girl . She used to do a lot for him. She used to save him from the cruelties of the world, give him a shoulder for support. The boy’s dependence on ‘intoxicants’ started reducing. But another drug started to take its toll over him. The drug of love. The boy used to drive the car in the same usual irresponsible way, this time out of a new intoxication and with a confidence that he had found a new partner in crime. But his whole life the boy had never seen the “Don’t Drink and Drive” sign . He used to drive in the same old fashion. Two new drugs had entered his chamber – “foolishness” and “love” .
He never confessed to the girl about his love for her. But he never let the intoxication out of his life.
One fine day the girl asked the boy to drive her car. This time the boy really got mad. The vicious foolishness had taken its toll over him leading to the car’s accident. Being afraid of the situation , he fled the place in a hurry. His “foolishness” started loosing its sheen. Somehow he gathered courage and went the very next day to seek forgiveness. But the girl had given him away leading to his imprisonment. Here his dependence on “love” also ended.
After being released from jail, he thought that it was necessary to give up his drugs. He decide he would never part ways with her and drive his car in a more responsible manner. Following this he replaced the old tires with new bigger ones. They helped him drive his car in a safer way . Soon people started respecting him , he earned a lot of fame and wealth, became more “mature”. But an old body and those new tires could never be compatible and soon the car slowed down .
The car was now attacked by bystanders. This time due to his renunciation of the drugs, he could feel the pain. The pain grew with time forcing him to ponder upon his way of driving. Then one day he realized that it was necessary to get those old tires back, to get those drugs back. But at the same time it was much more important to synchronise the driving and the drugs.
He thought ” Let world tell what it wants to” , I will switch back to the old tires. Give respect to “foolishness” and “love”. I will try to bring them under control. Slowly and steadily he gained control over the driving and the drugs.
The girl had given the boy a special intoxicant that made him fall in love with her. The intoxicant was only available with her. In his pursuit for love he tried many intoxicants but none of them gave the same euphoric feeling he got from her’s. He wants to tell only one thing to her – “Listen, I have been released from jail long ago, so please give up your childishness and become a child with me once again.”
You must be wondering what this story is all about. My friends , the “car” here is the boy’s life, “the small tires”, his ever energetic youth which he gave up on as he “matured”, “jail” , his period of solitude , “the big tires” , his struggle in life, all these leading to self realization.
He is back on track with the tires and “foolishness”. But still is in search for that missing intoxicant.
Message- Never kill the youth within you, Life’s roller coaster begins and should end with it.