Moral Short Story – The ‘Belief’
Photo credit: mvictor from morguefile.com
“Dad, please just 1 year. I’m asking for just one year. I promise this time of one year will not go waste” pleaded Vrusha to her father.
She wanted to prepare for a year to give medical entrance. She had given her boards and wanted to drop a year to prepare. Her parents were not convinced about Vrusha dropping a year for preparation of medical. Finally she convinced them to agree to her decision by promising that she would do whatever her parents would say if she wasn’t successful in her motive.
She was sent to one of the finest coaching institute for medical in India. There in her class she was the person who got the lowest marks in the boards. The people with the highest percentage would never talk to Vrusha. Even the teachers got irritated from Vrusha as she would ask too many questions and still was the lowest scorer. Vrusha never protested to this discrimination towards her.
There were tests conducted every week. Once after a similar test when the result came Vrusha was again with the lowest rank. The next day in the class it was asked that if someone had some doubt in the paper.
As soon as Vrusha stood up the teacher said, “See class whom we have. Miss Vrusha once again. Yes miss Vrusha I think the whole paper must be a doubt to you isn’t it? You shouldn’t waste your parents money and leave preparing for medical because you’re never going to get a chance in any college.”
Vrusha didn’t say anything. One friend of Vrusha’s said once the teacher went out of the class, “Don’t pay attention to this. Don’t be sad.”
“Who said I’m sad? Why should I even be? He knows me from just a week and I know myself since childhood. I believe in myself and by no means can someone deter me from it.”
Days passed and many tests took place. Vrusha upgraded from lower ranks to the middle ones. Still she was behind many other people. In the meantime no one noticed that Vrusha’s performance improved in each test though she got low ranks. Her parents would also criticize her for not getting good rank but she never payed attention to all that she believed that she would do what she promised.
The day for which Vrusha spent a whole year of her life finally arrived. Vrusha’s big day, the day of the entrance had arrived. Vrusha entered the hall with no tension in her head. She got the paper and saw that she knew 98% of the questions. She answered all the questions of which she knew the answer. On being asked about how her paper went, she replied that it was fine.
Finally the day of the results came. Vrusha waited for the websites to show the result. She had an All India Rank 3. Her institute called to congratulate her. She politely spoke to everyone. She was called for an interview. The journalist asked, “What is the reason behind your success? What advice would you like to give to the other students?”
“There are three reasons behind my success. One is my parents who let me follow my dream. The second is my coaching institute without which I could not even answer a single question. The last but the foremost reason is the ‘belief’ which I have in myself. The ‘belief’ that whatever the world may say I’m not a loser and like anyone else I have potential to make my dream come true. This is what is my advice for other students. No matter what anyone says to you always have the ‘belief’ that no matter what you are as potent as anyone to follow your dreams and make them come true. Have the ‘belief’.”