Moral Short Story – Trust on Faith
Photo credit: wallyir from morguefile.com
This Sunday morning was not like other Sundays. I woke up early in the morning, in fact, last night I couldn’t even sleep.
Something was haunting me, how could this happen to me, although I am not the topper of my class but also not a failure. It seems like I wasted my golden 10 months.
Last day was our pre-board exam result day and what is this…”I was among the failures?” I had just managed passing marks in mathematics and the total score was 50% only. This was nothing less than being a failure.
Now only 2 months are left for preparing for board exams. How shall I make my dream of scoring good marks? It’s all over now, I can’t, I am a looser.
And I was confused whether to tell my parents or not, but I have to tell them about parents teacher meet also. Papa definitely will be angry and reprimand me for this. Oh God, no, please no more interpretations in my mind, show me the path. Ok good idea, I can ask mom to handle the situation, but first I have to tell her and have to be ready for her reaction, I know she will not be as angry as papa but…..
So finally, I told mom about my poor result, she got upset but she didn’t react the way as I had expected, I was confused, did she hear me or not? Why isn’t she reacting? Is everything fine?
Then she asked me to show my results to papa. He was enjoying Sunday morning tea in the Sun going through the newspaper and relaxing.
Mom asked me to go and get my report card and speak to papa. I told, Mom…… (Silence for few seconds)…..mmmm tomorrow is PTM in our school and both of you have to come, our teacher will speak to parents about our performance. Mom said ok we will come, but first you go and bring your report card. I went to my room with quivering steps, heart thumping in my chest, I was getting cold sweat. Somehow I make it to my room but was scared to move out to papa. I started my frightening journey to the balcony with quivering steps, thumping heart and a sweat-drenched report card in my trembling hand. I took more than half an hour to cover the distance from kitchen to my room and from my room to balcony.
Now mom was sitting next to papa and having tea. I looked at her and she gestured to show result to papa.
With my trembling hands, I handed over the report card to papa and burst into tears, apologizing that I couldn’t make it this time.
Papa asked me to sit next to him, wiped my tears and gave a smile beyond my expectations.
That morning we had good breakfast (my favorite Aloo paratha with curd) and evening was planned for outing.
I was confused, why papa didn’t say even a single word. That night I slept a bit longer than last night,peacefully.
Then Monday morning I woke up at 4am, took out all my books with maths as priority to chalk out my study plan to cover the whole syllabus.
After taking a look at whole syllabus, I was confused again. A thought of failure in boards hounded me and my heart again started beating at its full speed like it was running for Olympic medal.
It’s true….our parents come to know what we are thinking before we tell them, now Maa-Papa came to me with smile on their face and wished “good morning”. I told them about what I felt; they encouraged me and asked me to relax. The day passed and my palpitation increased. Monday evening I was sitting on my study desk and the books were laughing at me.
Suddenly Papa called me and said let’s go to the stationery shop on main road. Papa took a small torch which had less light; I interrupted before we started.
Me: Papa…Are we going on foot?
Papa: Yes dear.
Me: But Papa, it’s a dark night and there is no street light on our path, it’s like a creepy path.
Papa showed me that small torch and said this torch will help us, let’s go beta.
Me: But this torch can’t help us, see it will only lighten the area where you are standing, it has least coverage area papa, we should go on our bike.
Papa: Beta just come with me, everything is not like it seems to be.
Me: Ok.
We started for the shop and with an extra vigil, reached there.
Then on the way back to home papa said, Beta look we reached the shop without any hurdle. Isn’t it?
Me: Yes papa, it was not as scary as I was thinking.
Papa: Yes I think u got the point. Just like that, your journey to board exam is not as scary as you are thinking.
Me: But papa, board exam preparation is completely different thing, there is huge syllabus and I am yet to begin! It seems like I read nothing in last 10 months .It’s tough, how could I prepare for whole syllabus just in two months. It’s impossible.
Papa: Ok just calm down. Listen, stop thinking about whole syllabus, start thinking about one chapter at a time, make sure that you have to cover that chapter today only, and I am always with you, I will help you at every step in the journey of your life. First of all, have faith in yourself, don’t underestimate your power.
When we were starting from home you were not sure about reaching the destination, because you didn’t have faith on this small torch…is it?
Me: Hmm…
Papa: But we reached our destination, right?
Me: Yes
Papa: Just like that, your self-confidence is a torch, and this torch only will help you to reach your destination. You need to have faith on your torch, your self-confidence of achieving what you want, and nothing can stop you from your goal…neither the short duration nor your pessimistic ideas.
And start your journey from today only. I will help you in your preparation.
Me: Ok papa, I will start from today only.
After dinner, I discussed my routine with Papa and started my preparation. After two months it was board exam day, I was not worried about the paper, rather I was confident.
The first paper was of Mathematics. After exam got over, I was very happy.
Yeah….My maths paper was beyond my expectations,it was very good, Thankyou Papa.
Now with the whole exam over, almost my all papers were good, unlike what I was thinking two months back. After one and half month, results were declared, again my heart beat was at its pace. Wow, I had secured 88 in maths and overall score was 90%.
Me: Thanks a lot, Papa; it would have been impossible without you.
Papa: No beta, it’s because of your dedication.Now never underestimate your potential and never give up before you try.
“And remember a dim light torch can also make your path easy if you have faith in yourself. Success depends on your FAITH, not on the TORCH”.