Letter to the boss
Photo credit: mconnors from morguefile.com
This is my first open letter to the CEO of company which I am going to leave by this month. OH, I missed. Actually it is to the CEO of that company which has relieved me recently from the service without any fault and that is too in the span of one month.
Dear Sir,
I would like to inform you that I have recently joined your organization and this is my first job. It has been one and half month and truly speaking learning process has been too much exciting, interesting and satisfactory. Sir, the single reason to apply for this job was,the absence of fully fledged branch office of the organization, here in the city (it will not be appropriate to take the name of city as I just want message to reach you). It may be a meaningless reason to you, but it is the only fact because of which, I wanted to be the part of the organization. When I did research before joining, I came to know that earlier few people were looking around the activities, but now since a good number of clients are lacking here, only one person is looking after all the official activities. The outcome shook my inner self and directed me – you should take it as a milestone in your career, as you are not going to be the part of an organized official hierarchy, having a number of bosses above you, who are going to guide you and remind you, your mistakes. The idea of doing work from home, reporting only one boss and handling such big responsibilities of a reputed organization, single handedly, developed a framework of professional responsibility and zeal to give my best in upbringing of my organization.
Everybody told me that, I will not come to learn about basic practical outer world, until I don’t become the part of everyday catching a bus and office going system. My parents, my friends, my mentors, everyone tried their best to convince me not to go for this job. But I have already taken my decision. I knew much well that opportunity was standing at my door with gift of relaxation of doing work from home in one hand and challenge to do the best by exploring and generating profit for organization while sitting alone in a single room, in the second hand. Though the facility of calling and chatting with bosses on official id was smoothly available, but this job was giving me platform to explore my individual potential and to give my best in first job.
The day arrived for which, like every other young fresher I had been day dreaming from a long time. The excitement was at top, as it was the first day of my job and I was at home. This was really a life time memory as first day of first job remains always special for a young fresher in his entire life, no matter in coming future where his destiny takes away and whether he remains the part of the organization or not. The first job and the first boss always hold a special part in a person’s life as it arrives with the first transition phase in his life- from an immature careless and fun loving student to mature, responsible and work loving person. The first job provides the window through which we start having glance of professional life and the first boss teaches how to view it, how to handle the bad phase and how to generate best from the worst. May be, the method to teach can be harsh or soft, but at the end when we look back, we realize how far we have come and yes, for sure we have come out as a new person. On analyzing the time span and mistakes we have done, we come to know the difference between pre working us and post working us. It is not only about a new person born with more professional experiences. Rather, the mistakes and learning phase give birth to a new individual, with more patience and strong determination to handle situations in life.
With all these thoughts, that I will also be an entirely different person, with lots of new lessons learnt and not fully, but at least half drenched in ocean of strong determination, I started my first day of job. The first day went well, without hectic and drilling lecture session- the fear which has been always haunted me related to private organizations. I was comfortably sitting in my drawing room, and was checking the official site. There was no tension of getting early in the morning, deciding dress ( as it was the first day of job), making lunch and running for catching bus and that is also in the new city, where I have shifted 3 months back. I don’t think so that anyone can have this much liberty in his or her first full time job. The first week went well without any responsibility and with few works. In second week I came to know regarding my clients and their requirements. From the third week, gradually I started handling few clients by my own, under the guidance of my manager. I started exploring the way to talk and methods to convince my clients. Handling them alone developed a sense of responsibility inside me. Though, it was the third week of my job, but I was feeling accepted by people because of course I did. This has been a single dream of my life, from the moment I took admission in my course. I have never dreamt of becoming an icon. I have just dreamt that after passing, at least few people should know me, not because of my name, but because of my practical knowledge. And this job was preferably shaping my dream in reality. People other than my college life and family have started recognizing me .My identity to them was becoming a connecting bridge to the organization and I had started feeling honored that Yes, I did it. Thank You So Much Sir, for giving me this opportunity and also for believing in me. I joined as a fresher in your company, without any prior experience. My one wrong act could have diminished the reputation of the organization in the market. But you relied on me and selected me for such a big responsibility. And this is the only reason that though in few days I will not be the part of the organization, but still it will be always the first and important turning point of my life.
Sir, everything was going good and smooth. But unfortunately things took wrong turn when I called for query regarding my late salary. One month and 16 days was passed and till now no one has asked for my bank account details, attendance and monthly expenses related to official work. Every single day I was calling to the head office and I was not being informed regarding the date on which it will come and the other procedure. Even in the starting, no one has informed that to which concerned person I should talk regarding my salary. I arranged it by my own. This was the first stage where I felt cheated and ignored. I was entirely new to the organization and Sir, sorry to say but I was not in the concerned list of higher official. I was fully sure that I have joined a good company and because of this, it was first shock to me that after doing so many message and calls, feedback process was much slow.
Finally the message arrived from the HR person regarding my details and attendance. I mailed him instantly. To be very true Sir, as a youth and a fresher- infectiously full of life, I was having a list of plans related to my first salary (though amount matters the least). The sense that it would be my first earning was making me restless and I finished all my mobile balance in messaging to know my account balance. Every single message tone in my phone used to make me run in the hope, that it will be from bank, mentioning that your account has been credited. But sadly it was not there. One month and 16 days passed and my account was yet not credited.
And suddenly at 5 P.M on the 17th day of second month of my job, the HR person called me. Sir, if I would know that his call is going to finish me, I would have never received his call. He said that I should start exploring new opportunities as for the project I was hired, I am not giving any positive feedback. I FELT LIKE I WAS BEING SHOT BY MY NEAREST AND DEAREST ONE. It was so shocking to me that without any fault I was kicked out. The feeling was devastating. It was the first time in my life when I felt rejected and that is also without any fault. Sir, I was fresher to your company. My manager who hired me knew well that this was my first job and in my offer letter it was clearly mentioned that I was on probation period of 6 months. I called her, just for asking that what mistake I did. And her answer put me in dilemma that to whom I should make responsible for my first failure. Her explanation was totally on a different track. She said bluntly that it was not my mistake; it is company facing the financial crisis which has made them unable to keep one more employee.
Sir, I am highly obliged that company cares so much for me that instant decision was taken to relieve me from service as I can’t be paid in near future and concerned suggestion was given to explore new opportunities. But I would like to include here sir, that even at the time of joining I clearly mentioned that salary is not the main issue for me and I still stand on my same statement. What mattered for me was those mentioned 6 months in my offer letter which could be proved as best learning phase for me. Though at the end I was being assured via call and mail that I will get my salary for the two working months.
One most important thing on which I want to drag your attention that while joining I was not briefed by any higher official authority regarding projects and clients. I was not at all hired for any particular project. I was told that the assistant manager here, who is looking all the activities, will explain me all and I have to assist her. The explanation process went for three weeks of the first month as it was not easy for the manager also to explain each and everything in absence of office, as well as not for me as fresher, because this was my first practical exposure. The last week of the month and first week of another month went in executing the lessons which I started learning from my boss and the next very week proved to be my relieving month.
Sir, I know as a human being and chief of the company you must be understanding my pain, soaked in agony, as you have passed this phase of fresher’s life and also, because head of the organization is like father to his employee. He cares for them, motivates them, tries to bring best in them by giving deserved opportunity and also train them to give positive feedback by being disciplined and punctual. I AM SAD SIR, AND ALSO FULL OF INSECURITIES REGARDING MY FUTURE AS FROM NEXT MONTH I AM GOING TO BE JOBLESS AGAIN. BUT I AM NOT BROKEN AND SCATTERED. Because the sense of responsibility and intensity of faith on myself, which have taken birth inside me in this past one and half month is going to be with me always. And the whole credit goes to you that you gave me chance to perform and a platform to know and reshape my potential. But yes, no matter what I do, where I go, one discontent I will always have and that is ‘’ I DIDN’T GET GOLDEN CHANCE TO BE TRAINED BY ONE OF THE BEST PROFESSIONALS” ; mixed with this painful experience that ‘’ I WAS BEING JUDGED IN ONE MONTH WITHOUT POINTING ON MY DRAWBACKS’’.
In the end I wish you more success with blessings, so that in coming time I can walk with my heads up and the statement on my tongue “ THAT YES, I WAS THE PART OF THIS ORGANISATION’’.
Yours Faithfully and About To Be An Ex- Employee