Funny Story with Moral – Mr. Reddy decides to die…
Photo credit: bjwebbiz from morguefile.com
It was perhaps the 50th day when Mr. Reddy is off to the bed with such twinge.
Oh my lord- he murmured and looked at Mrs. Reddy’s photo on the wall.
‘Darling, you died and left me alone to subsist in this pain’- his emphasized more on pain than on Darling.
It’s been eight years he was living alone. He wasn’t blessed with children. Actually he never had time to plan for children because of his business, and when he got time, there was no sense to plan. He used to live in U.K., but one day he received a letter in which his uncle told him that he has named all his wealth to Mr. Reddy. His uncle was dying so he called him back in India.
After few days to his uncle’s demise, Mr. Reddy was dragged to court by his few cousins for the property their uncle left, but eventually he won the case and all the property came to his big pocket.
That day only he decided to stay in India only. He hired two French cooks as he was a big foodie. He never did any kind of exercise. Neither he did, nor did his any friend advise him to do. He never believed in god and his greatness. He simply believed that why to trust that you have never seen.
He was always fit and healthy but met an accident few years back in which, his left knee and back was badly injured, and for last two and a half months, he was having a great pain in his body plus digestion disorders.
He gets up and looks outside from the window. I am still alive- he says.
He took the newspaper and milk packets from his door. He prepared a cup of tea by himself and set with his newspaper. Then he got ready, locked his house and left for office.
He was a very well known and revered man in his society and also a very successful man in fabric business. His textile business was very huge. He was always surrounded by many assistants, managers and other staff members. He was a very busy person. But for last 10 years, his business was on declination. His wife died 8 years back and now all he has, is his small office where he sits daily and recalls his past, his typist Mrs. Lolita, who actually has forget typing because of lack of work, his two servants, one driver and his worth 5 million property bequest.
There was no one to be the nominee for his bequest. Sometimes he thinks to give away his all property amount in cash by a courier to any random person, selected from the state telephone directory, but then he thinks how he’ll see that person being happy with this gift and hence, decides not to book a ticket of that show, which he can’t attend.
His two servants are also in their late 70’s. Sometimes they also need to have servant for them.
Mrs. Lolita, a divorced lady in her late 40’s (as she tells everyone, otherwise she is in her early 50’s), enjoys her work of doing nothing and still getting paid a nice amount of three thousand every month. If she would be offered some more money, she may even go to North Pole for job (of doing nothing). She is always suspicious and distrustful towards men. Men too always kept themselves 100 meters away from her. She considers herself as a working ‘girl’, and is very much insecure because of her ‘self- proclaimed’ beauty. She hates almost every man, maybe because no one has ever dared to gift her rose or chocolate, to which she could have rejected and fulfilled her feminine part of heart. She knows how to save her ‘divine beauty’ from these women- eaters.
His driver was suffering with vision defect. He could not see clearly in night. But Mr. Reddy still love all of them.
It was getting dark and he was leaving for home. His driver was not with him b’coz of his vision problem; he decides to drive his way to home. He reached, cooked some food and went to his bed to sleep, obviously alone.
This is the daily routine of Mr. Reddy.
Next morning was a little cold. Somebody knocked. Mr. Reddy opens the door. A lady, oops…… a ‘beautiful lady’ was standing outside, wearing a red skinny dress. She has donned a half jacket and a million dollar smile.
Hello Mr. Reddy!
Oh hello.. Sorry I can’t recognize you- he says.
That’s ok honey. No need to recognize me.
She enters the home and says- may I have a cup of tea Oldie Goldie?
Oh yes for sure- he says. I’ll get you a cup of tea within a minute.
No, I’ll make it for you and me- she says.
Oh my goodness, you made my day- he thinks.
She gets off the chair, stands up on her feet and asks- where is the kitchen?
This way.
Ohk- She says. Her high heel slips and her leg crashed with the table and suddenly she falls on Mr. Reddy.
Oh my god- he screams with joy and at the moment, he is on the floor with his one leg still on the bed and the other folded back.
Oh no, it was a dream????? He asks himself.
Holy crap, now these kind of romantic dreams also making me feel throbbing. Gosh, romance could be that painful, I never even imagined that. He gets up and moves his leg.
Hash, it’s still working. He thanks to his lord. Oh my already broken leg has got one more crack in it.
He had tried every possible treatment for his pain and digestion problem but at last, everything was worthless. He had taken almost a tanker full of digestion syrups but all gave him relaxation for 2-3 days only and then again the same.
Now I’ll have to go to my doctor.
He goes to his family doctor for checkup. He was tired of this pain and wanted to get rid of it.
We will have to get an x-ray of your lower back and knee. It can be fractured or hurt- his doctor says. He gets an x-ray and doctor asks him to go office as he will inform him about the x-ray reports on phone.
He was terribly in pain. Even walking was looking so tough for him. Somehow he managed to reach his car and drove his way to his office.
Mrs. Lolita was waiting for him, as she had a small work after a long time. She typed about three pages deal with a company and gave it to him. But he was not in a mood of work. So he told her that he wants to be alone in his cabin today. He threw that deal in his cabinet.
He waited for the call for many hours. His phone rang. It was his doctor.
Yes doc, what my x-ray says? He asked.
Ammm see I am not sure Mr. Reddy……..but it could be a case of bone- marrow cancer.
What the hell???????
Look I am saying I am not so sure. But the symptoms are most likely of that of bone marrow cancer. Your digestion chaos could also be a result of it. But let’s not lose the hope. There is possible treatment for this, I mean…hello……hello….Mr. Reddy!!!
He puts the receiver down and sees in zero.
Oh sh*t!!!! Now what? He gets frozen.
Mr. Reddy, it’s raining outside. I think you should leave as it seems that the rain will get heavier afterwards- Mrs. Lolita.
Yeah, I should leave. He stands up and leaves to his home.
He doesn’t remember when he entered his house. He is sitting on his bed. He then looks at the photo of Mrs. Reddy.
Darling, I always missed you and wanted you to come down here, but I never imagined that you will also miss me and want me to be with you up there soon. He smiles. He is not in the mood to eat anything so he falls on the bed and tries to sleep.
Death is a reality for all of us. On any given day, at least 130,000 people die worldwide. Some deaths are peaceful and others violent. Some die of disease; others, from thirst, starvation, murder, accidents, illness or the easing away of the body after a life well lived. What a bitter rule god has made, you live, you love, become familiar with all the people around you, be a part of their lives and make them a part of yours, and suddenly…. Everything stops and there is a darkness that makes everything invisible.
Bone marrow cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, but why you are asking about this sir? Mrs. Lolita asks, having a questioning look on her face, and her left eye brow at a right angle.
I am just asking Mrs. Lolita. I heard about it a couple a days ago.
Ohk, actually it is a very dangerous disease sir. My uncle’s nephew suffered with this and after battling for more than three years, he died.
If I could have, I would have killed this idiot lady right here- he murmured. Oh Mrs. Lolita, please don’t cry.
What a brainless typist I have. My uncle’s nephew!!!! Does she feel embarrassed to call him ‘my cousin brother’, huhhh.
Anyways, he died??
Yes sir, it was a dangerous, painful and slow death. Oh my gosh, excuse me sir, I’ll be back.
Aah she wasn’t that poignant. Actually her mascara was being spoiled by her fancy tears, so she left for a moment.
Dangerous, painful and slow death!!!!!
I have always lived my life the way I wanted. I am responsible for what I am and I should be the one to choose how to die. He was clear at his thoughts.
Yes, no disease can kill me. It will be me only to decide when and how to die. I don’t want my life to be ending slowly and painfully. I can’t see myself in that condition. Before death comes down to hug me, I should surrender myself to it. I’ll die…..yes, I’ll die, but on my terms and my way.
Mr. Reddy finally decided to die (or we can say he decided to kill himself).
He searched in many magazines, papers, internet for next couple of days for some successful suicide tricks, which kill. Well it was not actually the first time when he decided to do so. Time by time, different- different ways of hurting has attracted him. There were times before also when he wished he could die by stabbing his body with a knife at home, but his precious carpet that he bought from abroad stopped him as it could have added a reddish look and it would not have suited it.
He thought to jump from his roof top but then he realized that people will surround his crashed body and will put their fingers to show their babies- look son, this is how our heart looks. Huhh.
He finally selected five of them to attempt (as he believed the famous quote- “always before a break up, you should have a back up”). I don’t want to live anymore. I have done everything in my life and lived every moment of it with full joy and enthusiasm. I should attempt suicide as soon as possible and I have to succeed.
It is important that we come to terms with our own death. Unless we do, we will limit our ability to assist and understand those who are dying and accepting your death will help ease your fears and enable you to offer more peace and comfort to those struggling with death and loss.
So here starts his journey to death.
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