Funny Short Story – There it Goes ‘Again’
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
Buzzing sound of the alarm woke me up, I woke up and it was 5:30 A.M soon I realized that I have an interview today. Hurriedly I got ready and made a couple of calls to my friends to know their status. Those stupid’s are almost there near the interview college by 8 A.M. Hush I was late nevertheless I made up into the third batch for the interview. It was crowded outside and there were four rounds to clear the interview. First was the written test then comes Group discussion (GD) the penultimate ball of the match was Technical and final was HR. I was always good at giving interviews especially when it comes to GD my track record was 100%.
The written test was good, not that difficult, few of my friends cleared it and we were waiting for GD. The topic for GD was a tricky one “Should women be given Equal opportunity in all aspects in society”. There was a group of panel in the GD room when I entered each were looking as if they were supreme court judges ready to bring justice to all. On the funny side people in GD started to make it more or less like a debate than a discussion. I used my old success formula that brings success to me in GD’s. In a GD to be a stand out performer either make rest of the group talk against what you say or make them talk around what you speak. As simple as it gets….
I was selected from GD and then came technical round I was strong in technical and cleared it with ease. Only a couple more could clear the Tech round. One was a pretty girl depending on her looks, I thought she was full of confidence the other not so confident but he was also tense and literally shaking his feet out of tense. To reduce his tension I started to chat with him. We were asked to wait outside a cabin and they first called the girl. It took a bit of time for her to come out. After her completion she was asked to sit in a separate room and we came to know that she was selected and only one place is there to be filled. 1:2 ratio. Couple of minutes passed then they called out loud Pawan … Pawan… It’s me I said I told best of luck to the other guy and went to the interview room.
After a while I came out and straight away went to the other guy and shook hands with him and congratulated him. I started towards my friends who are waiting for my success story outside. Then one of my friends asked
“Hi Pawan where shall we go to celebrate .. How much they offered you” All the other friends were laughing loud. I gave them a shocking news that I am not selected and let’s move out. They were spell bound and asked what happened in there. I narrated the conversation inside the room .
Interviewer: Take your seat Pawan.
Pawan: Thank you Sir.
Interviewer: We are very much impressed by your profile and the way you handled the GD was real good.
Pawan: Thank you Sir, It was a good discussion in the end.
Interviewer: So how much would you expect for pay, shall we discuss further formalities.
I stopped him for a while and doubtfully asked him a question.
Pawan: Sir , may I ask a simple question.
Interviewer: Yeah sure Pawan you are almost through just a couple of signs then you are welcome onboard.
Pawan: How many requirements do you have currently and the girl is she selected? Don’t think otherwise it’s just a curiosity than any other thing.
Interviewer: Ha ha…We have 2 openings and she will be you’re team-mate.
Pawan: If I may …I don’t know whether it is right or not but I would like to opt out of your opportunity.
Interviewer: We can negotiate salary and all other benefits Pawan. Don’t worry about it.
Pawan: No Sir, it’s not about that there is other guy who is waiting outside this hall, he is also as good as I am. I would request you to opt for him rather than me.
Interviewer: What’s makes you think that I will hire him. You have all the qualities for the Job to be done.
Pawan: He is also having those qualities Sir, but he has one additional quality over me.
Interviewer: And what would that be?????
Pawan: Need Sir, he is from a very poor background and his parents and he need this job desperately than me. For me it’s just another interview but for him it’s the one chance to make his parents happy.
Interviewer: Very Well. You could have been a very good prospect for us but since you are opting out we will consider him.
Pawan: Thank you very much Sir. It means a lot to that guy.
Interviewer: I have never seen anyone lose their job for others . You will make a fine citizen in future for our country Pawan.
Pawan: Thank you Sir. Thank you Very much, really appreciates it.
One of the batch mates asked me
“So finally what happened ?????”
There goes it again……..