Fiction Social Story – PK?
Photo credit: wintersixfour from morguefile.com
You know what Pk means. In real life, playing the role of a killer is looked at alarm. People will be no killers and some people play killer role in disguise only, as an undercover operation. Obviously, no one is a PK, we are all gentle men and who will murder for nothing?
He entered Tokyo as a nice gentle man with some IT job and everybody knows him as the IT profession related a very soft gentleman. He is a bachelor and she is his girl friend who changed him entirely. She pleads anything and everything with great talent. So he thinks whatever she says is truth, damn truth. He goes on doing as she goes on saying. She is his hidden brain and he is her force. You can call him as ‘one man force’ in her hands.
She is Akira and she is a scientist working in her personal lab. Akira is a young girl. She always looks like a sweet girl in playful mood. She is the magnet and he is going closer to her with in a very short time.
His name is Hiroshi. He saw Akira in a restaurant first time.
Akira sat before Hiroshi when he is taking his lunch. She did not order for any food. He looked at her. She is looking him with some unknown interest.
“Why are you looking at me like this?” Hiroshi asked her.
“Akihiko, don’t you remember me?” she asked him with wonder.
“I am not your Akihiko. Who are you?” Hiroshi asked her.
“I am your Akira. Did you forget me so easily? You are my classmate till our school education. Later I came here to Tokyo with my father to this city. You know my father is a businessman here.”
“I am sorry. I may be looking like your Akihiko. But I am not Akihiko. I am Hiroshi.” He said.
“Hiroshi? No, you are Akihiko. I am seeing you after roughly seven years. But, how can I forget you? You are my Akihiko. There is no doubt.” Akira said.
She made him Akihiko from his original Hiroshi. She is so strong. She is so determined. She is so stubborn and obstinate. Nobody can stop her if she is determined to do something
“You are my Akihiko and my bright prince” She told him.
Her voice is with some boldness and Hiroshi accepted to satisfy her feeling. Thus Hiroshi became Akihiko.
Akira asked him one day with some serious looks to quit him his job and join with her as her right hand.
“Quit the job. You don’t know what you can do. You are my bright prince Akihiko.”
“Quitting job? What can I do quitting my job?” He asked.
“There are a lot of things you can do and you have to do. Just do what I say.” Akira ordered him.
Akira is not interested in jobs and earning salaries. She has very big ideas to do some great things. She has no problem for money. There are big properties earned by her grandfather and she is the owner of two factories of food processing and one armor manufacturing company.
One day a serious discussion is going between Akira and Hiroshi.
“Killing is bad. It is a crime. I am not a PK” Hiroshi said as he is not a killer and killing is not his job.
“You are. You are a Pk. L2PK for cleaning the society. A lot of dirt is spreading and killing millions of people. You start L2PK to clean by starting your play Akihiko.”
“Society stands for Society. Rules stand for Rules. Peoples stand for peoples. Nothing will change and the dirt will grow like giant to kill the people, kill the society, kill the rules and finally kill everything. We are just like dumb viewers.” Hiroshi looked at Akira.
“What is killing?” Akira asked with annoyance.
“Killing is causing a death for living organism. Killing is stopping life. It is seizing the life for existence. We have no right to kill.” Hiroshi said.
“They have no right to live. Who gave right to killers to live and kill the others in the society who are harmless and innocent?” Akira questioned.
“They take the right to do everything they like as their right given by their intuition, given by their own intention, given by their own feel of doing things. They think that I have a right to live, I have a right to kill, I have a right to grow, I have a right to torture, I have a right to be happy as I love, I have a right to accumulate all I love so I kill people, I walk on the dead and grow tall to reach the sky, who can stop me? They always think so and do so. You know, killing people is a fun for them for their own growth.” Hiroshi said with a smile.
“Stop you fool. We are society. We are people. We are gods. We are devotes. We are good. We are bad. We are everything. Some people think that they are masters. Some others think they are the preachers. Everyone thinks as someone doing good to the society and mislead people, by which they become rich.
The society is getting rotten. So kill the worms killing the society. Kill the wrong beliefs spreading to kill the poisonous snakes that pollute the healthy nature of the society. What you can do is not just for your personal growth, it is for the growth of everyone.” Akira explained.
“Akira, I love you.” Hiroshi took her in his arms and kissed her.
Hiroshi whirled round and round holding Akira in his hands. Hiroshi took her up in the air above his head. She is laughing and laughing. He is shedding tears of joy with utmost happiness in his heart. He knows that when some feeling of joy touches the heart as a sweet cloud, you enjoy a lot of happiness from inside. This cloud makes you shed tears. These are the tears of happiness.
Hiroshi is not an IT professional now. He is in Akira’s lab as a scientist. His brain is not less to that of Akira.
He ate a capsule that is made by Akira. This capsule makes your body repellent of any metal objects. It can also makes you do some excellent wonders. It can make you control all the electronic equipments. So you can be a superman with super powers.
“Akihiko, now you can clean the society. This can give you superpowers and this wig makes you look like some unknown animal. Nobody can recognize you. “Ninkyo Dantai” is the big group of the transnational organized crime Syndicate and they are called “Boryokudan” by police and people there. You know, “Gokudo” is the leader of this group. It is estimated that there are nearly a million working criminals are under this operation. Then, think how many innocent people are under the clutches of the death by this operation.”
“I know, Akira, I do my best. See now the killing game is started.” Hiroshi-cum-Akihiko took his oath.
The operation started. All the drug mafias that are operating underground are facing killings. Their drug operations have come to a jolt. The alarm in the criminals is wide spread.
“Alien. It looks like an animal. It is killing us.”
Gokudo tried his level best to prevent the alien. But it was not under his control.
Finally, one day, Gokudo faced the alien. All his men are shooting the alien with their different guns and weapons. But all the bullets are coming back to kill them. Everywhere, the dead bodies are like a heap of flesh and blood is flowing all around.
Gokudo is at the peak of alarm.
“Who are you?” Gokudo asked.
“Alien” Hiroshi said.
“No you are not alien. I know that you are a man. If not, you have no interest in killing us.”
“So what if I am a man. I am killing you. Get ready.”
Just then the police officer entered with a scientist called Akihiko. He is just like Hiroshi. He saw Hiroshi and he used a weapon which made Hiroshi as a tiny bird like small one with small body. He took Hiroshi with the police. Thus Hiroshi’s operations have come to a halt.
Hiroshi is in interrogation room and Akihiko is before him.
Everything in the interrogation is recorded.
“So you are a PK?”
“No. I am not a PK.”
“Then… what are you?”
“I am L2PK.” Hiroshi answered.
“I don’t see any difference.” Akihiko answered.
“The drug mafia is to be eliminated. I took this operation for the good of the society.”
“For this operation, the government department is there.”
“I don’t believe that the government operation can do it. It is trying form so many years and the mafia operation is growing from a small stone to a big hill.”
Hiroshima’s answer is recorded and Akihiko did not retort. Just then, Akira entered there for giving bail to Hiroshi.
Scientist Akihiko saw Akira with wonder. As the bail operation is finished, Scientist Akihiko asked her about her studies and her family. When she answered everything, Scientist Akihiko said that he is her friend studied with her.
That evening Akihiko, Akira and Hiroshi met in a special place.
“Hiroshi, now I believe you that you are Hiroshi. I found Akihiko now. You are now Hiroshi as you said.” Akira said with confirmation.
Hiroshi laughed. Akihiko still wondering by looking Akira as a girl he knew from the school. Akira is a scientist like him. She is the spirit behind this operation. Hiroshi is just a IT guy entered this operation with the support of Akira.
“So you are the centre of crime.” Akihiko said.
“Stupid. You are also now a part of this operation. You should not say this as a crime.” Akira said.
Akihiko is changed in an hour or so with Akira’s speech and he decided to resign the government job.
Hiroshi is L2KP. Now Akihiko is L2KP. Akira is L2KP. Slowly a counter organization called “L2KP” has been started. All the educated, talented people of the society are now grouped as L2KP.
L2KP started cleaning the society. It is cleaning the people who become “Cleaners” to clean mafia.
What society needs for revolution is not some people as preachers. It needs some people as the force to enter in the hearts common people to make them HEROs and HEROINEs. Then the expected GOOD can be achieved,
People run to worship GODS and GODDESSES in the temples. If they spend that time to make the society as the temple and good thoughts as the GODS and GODDESSES. You can see every god and goddess in the society. The gods should do something for you, they don’t need you to do something for them. This is my feel which is put before you. You are the ultimate judge for your fate. “If you are to act as a judge on your fate to do justice for your good, go do it” is my appeal.
_The End_