Fiction Short Story – Life Cycle of Universe
Photo credit: pschubert from morguefile.com
The story here is completely fiction, it has nothing to do with the reality of lives, nor does it have any relation to any religion or beliefs.
It is the story about one of the planet “Herat” in the galaxy “Kalymwyi” where a messenger of GOD talks with human life there who are under him during coming doom day and explain them how the cycle of live are maintained in Universe and how the lives in their planet are destroyed and misguided also He says about the ghost which doesn’t exist but explains the reason which they hear and see as ghost. He wants to convey message of what God really wants.
Life cycle of life in this Universe.
This is our planet “Herat” among many planets in our galaxy “Kalymwyi” and now we only handful of humans are left now in our planet and the reason are only you all. Your greed, inhumanity, lust, hatred, fake religious, uneducated brain and many more have destroyed our planet and now we will also be finished soon. What are we left with? We destroyed environment to build factory and houses and industry to make money and survive but you never bothered once that we are alive only because of this nature and you only studied in life that we should never disturb nature but never implemented. You killed each other in name of country, races and religion. What is this religion? What you know about your religion? Have you ever seen God?
(A voice from crowd): We are alive only because of God, He is there and He will help us.
HE: What you know about God? Have you ever seen him? Did God ever asked to kill other people in the name of religion? Did God ever ask you to rape female? Did God ever ask you to steal and cheat others? Did God ever say that different races people should preach God in different way or such races people are not touchable or such people who preach God in different way in different ways are not God’s people?
(Voice from crowd): What you know about God?
HE: (smiling) only I know about God in Universe among all galaxies. I am in this galaxies from 10, 00,000 years. Many lives came and gone. Many times all planet and galaxies died and given life and I have witnessed all.
Crowd laughing and making fun of him and then suddenly storm and lightning hits HIM and HE turns into giant, glowing, beautiful creature who was similar to human but not a human.
(Every person in crowd bowed and was having fear on their faces. They all were in fear that God is just in front of them and they are all sinners. They were thinking it to be doom day)
HE said I am not GOD I am just the messenger of GOD whom I have serve these many years. Don’t bow in front of me and this the only problem in you human you bow to everyone easily. Even you human have made God and prayed to other human. If you see any people showing some magic or do some scientific game in magical way you make them God and pray and then you start fearing them.
Yes there is God but only one God and he never asked anyone to pray to him or bow to him nor ever wrote any books to be read nor any prayers. Life is not only in these galaxy but in all thousand galaxy and in many planets. Life is not survived the same way in every planet but in different form. Not every planet have humans, only one planet have human in each galaxy and other planet have other creature who are more or less like human. Life cycle goes and every time planets also changes for lives.
I will say you how this era of human beings started in this planet.
Now as different planet will be selected for human life in this galaxy and same will be done in other galaxy too and you few hundred people all aged 18-30 year old will sent to different galaxy each except this galaxy and same will be done from other galaxy too. I have thousand forms in every planet and every galaxy. Same was done for in this planet too, human were sent to different part of this planet. Before you human other lives were living in this planet named docathri and it also had many races they ranged from 10 feet tall to 100 feet tall and they were all killed and destroyed as time of their living in this planet was over. You have heard and read about fossils that your ancestors got and many movies were made upon those creatures having long tail and giant body some two legged and some four legged, those were the creature living before you and while destruction of this planet some got burnt some buried and thus fossils were recovered by your ancestors.
Likewise after you will be sent to different planets you will no longer remember me nor anything nor your own language, you will be completely blank, same way human were sent in this planet and not only human other creatures are also sent 1000 years before human to make nature and ecosystem.
Then 50-100 people are send in different parts of particular planets and this is done in every galaxy. Only 3 couples are sent together and rest are sent single in different part of the planet. Only 3 couple whose love were true and strongest among all are sent as couple. All are sent with nothing, now they need to survive in this world alone with no technology, no memory, and no intelligence. But they have all in their gene, all they need to recognize need and with situation they gain their intelligence.
Now their life begins among plants and animals around them, some friendly and some wild. To eat they start eating leaves and fruits and some fed upon dead animals and when they started liking meat of animals they started hunting and feed upon them. Couples intimate and give birth to human but single person become friends with similar looking animals that are monkey, gorilla and many more as these animals become friends with human soon. As human are sent with no intelligence thus they can’t make much difference between human and monkey and thus their friendship is converted to love and thus they give birth to child which were half-man half monkey, even they mated horse and other animals too, and thus you all might have heard about horses having upper body and face of human and these way population increases and these is the reason why you all have learnt that monkey and gorilla are human ancestors. These way the population increases. Now there were population growth in different part of the planet.
Now nature as always tries to balance themselves thus when there were flood or tsunami they started fearing water and slowly started praying saying that there were water God and when water God gets angry then they destroy in form of flood or tsunami. They started feeling that there is some God who made them and they need to make God happy to live happily. When thunder and storm they hear they thought there are God in heavenly sky and thus when they are angry they shout in form of thunder. Same seeing volcanic eruption they prayed mountain God, for fire eruption in forest they started praying fire God and many more. There fear in every aspect created hundreds of God. This was not liked by our God which is one and only one.
HE said “I never asked people to fear me or beg in front of me then why they are fearing Water, fire, mountain, sky etc. They should know the path and way of living”.
Thus God asked me to go different part and live as human among them and teach them the path of living and ask them not to believe in any other God. Also he asked me to spread message that God can’t help and fulfill everyone’s wishes as this will imbalance nature and also everyone’s life so God will help only the one who will be true, noble, right, kind etc and help will be such which won’t hurt others, it will be such help that credit will go to their own hard work not a miracle.
He also added “I want all my child in the world to work hard to get result not to just depend on me, If only through prayer if I grant wishes of one person then it will be injustice if I don’t fulfil wishes of others on their prayer. Life should be balanced, every people will have same amount of pain and happiness, same amount of success and failure, it will upon them how they see success and failure and for how long. Even the one who will have everything may not be happy and the one who will have nothing will be happy by all their heart”.
Thus I was sent to guide the people I the world.
Every community in different part had their own language. 2000 years passed when humans were sent to this planet “Herat”, ancestors and older people to make their children follow God described God in various stories stating how cruel monster were harming and destroying their planet and how God killed that monster and save lives of people and hundreds of stories were made which never existed, it was just myth to make people believe in all hundreds of Gods and fear them and follow them. The community of those where couple were sent had good population of human by then and other community still needed to evolve as some were human, some half-man half- monkey. So I went among communities.
First community I went were Horgarathi and their language were horgarathi, I took birth among them lived and slowly steadily started teaching them the right path, asking them that there is only one GOD and no other GOD exist and slowly I got followers and still some were against me. I said to all in horgarathi language “Un Hallahi sekra bi zumao, lofalo un zaka Hallahi, nin thora” (It means “One God has made this universe, follow that one God non other”). So, people named God as Hallahi, but I gave no name, I only said in their language but they took it to be name of God. As time passed they started praying me also. I asked them not to pray me, I am just a messenger.
After I left their world some followed me and prayed only one God which they named “Hallahi” and some not and thus dispute was there and thus one who followed “Hallahi” name their community as “Kuloma” and religion was formed for them. Among Kuloma there were division some prayed me also as God and some said I was just messenger and thus within same religion here were different community.
Similarly after 800-1000 years I took in other community for same purpose of teaching path. Their community was “Bulko” I same way took birth and started teaching them but among them there were large number of haters and I had few follower. The Bulko community were cruel, they used to rape women saying female to be God gifted to enjoy and also they used to treat poor as slave and used to give unfair treatment. I asked people to respect female as they are life giver and who will respect and give love to female they will enjoy garden of God. In their language “Bulko” I said “inna Hulada deow walaha, thol Hulada unna kharega” (It means one God has made this universe, follow that one God non other”) I said same line to them but they named God as Hulada. And there religion was named “Omlanhi”. Here follower of right path was less and other community were not ready to marry this community so I asked them those whoever are blessed by God they will be blessed by more Children. Thus to have more children they started having number of wives.
Same way I took birth in other community and spread same message. Love were everywhere in the air. People used to help other, share food, feelings, and overcome difficulties together. But the problem arise that whichever community I left, their people started preaching me also and if there were another saint who took my place after me they were also prayed and some saint to gain power misused the power and asked people to pray them gift them or else God will be not happy with them. Also some saint divided community by introducing new rule to make own follower and become equivalent to God thus in one religion more religion gave birth from one.
People even become superstitious and believing in superstitious leads to generate a psychological power that makes one believe to see the same way that their mind wants to think. It also happens that if any things have happened in somewhere past like for example war then those sounds and voices and screams of people and animals are converted into some forms of energy and as energy gets converted and converted in some forms and in future under those climatic environment (same temperature, pressure and other condition) those energy are converted back to same form of energy and we hear same scream and voices and everything even we may see some images which may be little blurred as all these are energy and it comes to original forms also that we feel, see and hear.
But being unaware of it people believe it to be ghost and other superstitious believe and started fearing and depending upon some religious leader to protect them. Even your life is a form of energy and so after you die your energy comes out of your body and thus this energy sometimes goes inside any living being and they remember and feel same what that energy have experienced during their life and people claim that they remember their earlier life or some claim that some ghost has captured the body and so on. But it’s nothing like that, only extra energy have entered inside their body which may leave their body if the person have control over their mind.
Some started to prove themselves as great saint to enjoy power and year after years and while expanding village people started meeting new religion and on the order of their religious leaders they started killing each other. These went on for many thousand years until when people themselves started realizing that they are doing wrong as Religion never teach killing other people. People started disobeying other religion and make fun of their religious God but they didn’t know that they all are preaching same one God and disobeying that one God only.
Only different names were given due to their community and languages but meaning were same, Hallahi, Hulada, Inmoya, Klyrta etc were names given in their respective language but all meant same one God. World developed, technology upgraded, greed for wealth were always there and thus people started deforesting to build homes and industries, people cheated and killed other to take over their wealth. Rich people treated poor people like animals. Politicians and leaders used to misguide followers in name of caste and religion and country and divide them. People being jobless and useless had no work but just to follow their leader in hope that leader will help them for success but they were unaware that if leader will make them success then who will be left to follow so leaders never help for anyone’s success but takes credit if anyone gets successful.
People were so blind for their leader that they never tries to see cunning face of their leader and instead praise them and even pray those making statues. They were such blind that they never realized that the harm they are giving to society it will affect them too as they too live in that society. Politician divided them and they used to fight in name of religion, that religion where all prayed to same God only in different form and name. They used to see that in those fights they were killing other family and thus losing their family member too and their leaders and their family are safe at home happy and enjoying but still they have become such blind followers that they didn’t realized even 1% that they are just used as tool. God has given every people their own eyes, ears & brain to see and hear all and judge rationally using their own brain.
But followers’ brain were useless. Some started revolution calling themselves a true religious follower which were completely fake as all religion was started by me and I never asked any religion to fight or kill or convert other religion people to own. Now no religion was left pure all religion were modified as per the convenient and power of saint and people. Some prayed to leaders some pray to stone some prayed to pictures but none had humanity which I taught to all religion. Selfishness increased inside everyone that people cheated friends, families and even killed them. People were enjoying technologies by harming nature they always knew the side-effect and result of harming nature but didn’t cared.
So nature had to balance itself and thus some place were buried inside sea due to tsunami, some cities converted to desert due to cyclone and change in weather conditions. Lust and crime had captured the minds to people to such extend that females were captured raped and murdered and lessening the population of female means lessening the birth-giver which meant the doom day is near. Technology however adjusted people to live in such conditions of world where 90% of world were covered by sea and people who used to fight in nave of flesh eater and vegetarian now had to survive with sea foods. And very few land were there which were having air not fit to breath but technology let them survive in that air too by filtering.
Even after such misery of living people’s lust and greed were still present. World now need to be ended so God asked me to make collection of pure people who have humanity in their heart and thus you all are here who tried to save female, who have pure heart, who doesn’t give importance to wealth. Some of you even doesn’t follow God but follow that path which God wants and thus you are also here. Now you will witness the end of this world where no technology can help this cruel people to save themselves from heavy shower of snow and hailstone, from such cyclone that can carry away their ship, from balls of fire. The world will be finished and this cycle goes on in every galaxy.
This is how the world goes on.