English Social Article – DREAMS
Photo credit: Schick from morguefile.com
Love your dreams because nobody else is there to love your dreams.
Most of the dreams had crashed only because of the reason that you didn’t love them. Dreams are , for me at least , arouse in relation to our own inborn talents. Many of us are killing it for the sake of others. Every object in the world is considered to be the manifestations or reflection of God. He brought us up and given talents to make us unique from others. Follow your hearts than other’s path
We are always complaining that we didn’t get anything in our life or we haven’t reach anywhere . But the truth is that we haven’t follow our dreams. Our dreams have only a few seconds of duration as we expect quick results which close the first door towards your dreams. Fulfilling dreams is not as easy as making a tea. We need to work for it without considering the failures why because fate loves the fearless. Lack of self confidence is the another closed door. If we don’t believe in ourselves who else do?.’ Even if no one can do it , I can ‘ that should be our mindset.
One success or one failure is enough for us to change ultimately. That is the another problem. If we achieve success we stop our works there and start to take rest as like school students who close their books and start playing in summer vacation.And if we fails we we stop trying and begin to curse the fate.Our real failure starts there actually. While cursing the fate, we ignore to notice the reason for our collapse which will help us to come back to the life with a bang.
When we are busy with the world outside we forget to find our inner self in which our dreams are saved like precious gems. Please listen to your inner voice, they are calling you always in a belief that you will turn to them at least once.We get something only if we dream, so don’t forget to dream and follow it. World will show more beautiful doors towards us but don’t get mesmerized by it and try to open it because it is the door for others. Living in your own dreams are more beautiful than thinking of the unfulfilled dream and merely doing something for the sake of others. Fly high with your dream don’t make them lonely in the big world as the only person they know is you yourself.