Disparities (Thought provoking article)
Photo credit: Alvimann from morguefile.com
Hi All,
Having observed many such incidents where women are treated as brain less and stone like creatures on this earth, who are born just to serve various purposes and demands, I am here with this article just to provoke a thought if I can.
Are you marrying me or hiring an unpaid maid for life time? If the latter option is your answer, then “I am sorry. I can’t marry you.” She wanted to scream but couldn’t.
You expect me to be so nice to your parents, serve them like a slave and in turn you are there always to ignore and insult my parents. I am sorry again. I can’t ignore my parents just because I am married to you.
Do you feel that, it is a fair practice to say a big “No” to spend a single penny for my parent’s welfare, where you are allowed free to do anything for my in-laws benefit? I am sorry for one more time, I can’t bear the disparity anymore.
Mr. Husband, You look for all the possible ways to stay with your parents. Why can’t you think just for a minute that your wife too has parents? As your wife, I am ready to do anything for you; but please don’t stop me from visiting my parents, if at all you have a brain to think and heart to respond.
Non-working ladies/house wives carry many responsibilities at home. The list includes cooking, cleaning utensils, washing clothes, child care, taking care of in-laws and their needs, bringing vegetables and groceries form shops, maintaining relatives and relationships well in the family, and the list goes on endlessly.
As most of us know what statement/dialogue would be delivered from a non-working lady’s husband before he leaves for the office who gets up little late after 8 in the morning and shouts at his wife for not arranging everything ready in advance to reach his office at sharp 9. Yes the most common dialogue is “You are anyways at home to relax after I leave for office right?” Hello…. She is not so relaxed after you leave. Just take the responsibility of hers for one day and I am sure you would admit that she has lots to do after you leave for office.
The situation is too worse with working women. People may feel that there is much freedom for working women compared to non-working ladies. A working woman is set free to do nothing on her own. If she does so at any point of her lifetime, for sure she is going to get a series of awards such as “Careless” “Proud” “Egoistic” “disrespect fellow”. The so called husband gets ever ready to listen to his friends and parents saying that “Your wife doesn’t respect you” “She thinks and works independently”.
I still remember one incident happened to one of my friends. The girl was beaten black and blue by her husband for ordering a mobile online as an anniversary gift for her parents. When this educated lady questioned her husband for spending lakhs of rupees in comforting his parents, she was tortured even worse. “You are my wife. You shouldn’t question me. Don’t ever use your brain” that was the suggestion from her husband.
“Was that a marriage or an accident which put me in the condition of coma where brain hardly functions?” Thought the girl and continued staying with her husband as she didn’t want to hurt her parents who spent more than 10 lakhs for her marriage celebrations in the form of dowry, gifts, by telling them that they have chosen this so called intellectual son-in-law.
I want to scream at the top of my lungs for living in such a gender discriminated society. Why and who designed these disparities? Ok. Let’s not discuss much on who and why, because it’s not going to help in anyway. It’s only we, blindly following these unequal rules and regulations. Aren’t we?
Who would uproot these weeds then? It’s only we, who has to take that responsibility of uprooting and eliminating such type of weeds from society and to cultivate a healthy crop of equality.
I kindly request the women world to speak up and share your sorrows at least with your loved ones. Health research reports have revealed that most of the women get attacked to various diseases at early age, not because of the physical strain but of mental strain.
Thanks for spending your valuable time in reading this article.
A thought Provokes….