Photo credit: ameenullah from morguefile.com
The planet has not shrunk as declared by the bluffing technologists. It is as big as ever–vast oceans,wild rivers , endless deserts, forests and mires and sky high mountains. You pass by endless fields and dozens of towns and villages as you roll in train or car Millions are born , live and die.
The technologist and scientist, the news paper man, the tv man ,the professor and teacher –all say that the digital phone , I-pad, the TV , the aero plane and all such things shrunk the world as if the world was a paper to be crumpled between fingers.
But Nature is getting vexed and becoming very angry because billions of human beings have started throwing filth, dirt and smoke in billions of tons carbon fumes , carbon dust, insecticides, chemicals and the villainous deathless plastic. All such things are thrown by man all around on every square feet of land and sea .
Ten thousand years ago it was all greenery and soft rain and musical hilly streams and green carpet like pasteurs. Ten thousand years back there were no photos, no telephone, no TVs and no printed books. But the world went on tremendously and grandly . There was fear for God , love for God and spirituality and art. All feared that God would not overlook the slightest sin and would award exemplary punishment to the evil minded person.
But all such things are now laughed at. Cynicism,cruelty,selfishness exist everywhere. Eyes and no eyes,ears and no ears .Turn a blind eye and deaf ear to every crime. But the God who rules over the billions and trillions of galaxies,Suns and planets –He is not frightening but only helps man and serves good persons most lovingly –will not leave even a single evil doer.
Meanwhile Nature grows angrier and angrier . It starts threatening with bigger storms, bigger droughts, hotter summers, bigger floods etc. Miles thick and hundreds miles long ice sheets of millions years old would melt and threaten to drown cities. Many feet thick soil sheets on mountain sides would soften and flow down carrying humans and burying them in the mud. Rains would stop,forests disappear and heat would increase in air.Who knows what would happen in one,two or three centuries hence?