An Article – Volunteerism
Photo credit: alive from morguefile.com
This Article highlights the importance of Volunteerism in which one can serve the Nation on an as-needed basis, such as in response to a natural disaster. Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity and is intended to promote goodness or improve human quality of life. In return, this activity can produce a feeling of self-worth and respect. There is no financial gain involved for the individual.
Volunteerism means the principle of donating time and energy for the benefit of other people in the community as a social responsibility rather than for any financial reward but sometimes the volunteer ofter working with the hope of thereby gaining paid employment in the same field. As everyone knows that Unemployment is a serious issue now a days ,so volunteer too hopes to get some reward when He is providing His services to the society. But some people do the same for some sort of satisfaction that they are lacking from their current jobs.
Now a days Volunteering has become a meaningful activity for all ages i.e. adolescents ,adults within the work force and retirees. Older Volunteers with their longer experience , may rise to the leadership within non profit organizations whose program and activities depend on voluntary help. Women too plays an important role for her volunteer efforts. Many social problems like dowry, molestation and rape , domestic violence , illiteracy are examples of the traditional women-dominated volunteer roles.
There are a lot of benefits of Volunteerism. Some of them are as under-
1. Self Satisfaction
2. Community Improvement
3. Acquisition of new skills
4. Altruism
5. Relaxation
6. Socialization
7. Career Opportunities
8. Status or Reward
9. Specific benefits for the receivers of volunteer efforts
10. Developing and Building a strong nation
Volunteers sometimes receive only modest recognition , since their activities involve free will , beneficence , and lack of reimbursement . Still many of us are ready to serve the society and according to a survey the most actively participated members are as under-
1. Women in their 30s and 40s represent the majority of volunteers in actual numbers.
2. Despite actual numbers , men are more likely to volunteer .
3. Older Volunteers contributes a major share of its services to the society and would give more time if asked.
Now its time to think about those particular persons who are willing to become a volunteer as volunteerism emerges from the inner heart . One can’t force a person to offer his services free as each and every person has its own boundaries where he is willing to work. Sometimes though the person is willing but the work he wants to be done is not a suitable one according to His wishes. So he unwillingly refused to become a volunteer . So we are discussing here about those who most likely to be a volunteer. Some of them are –
1. Persons with Higher Education
2. Younger Persons
3. Persons with Higher incomes
4. Persons with more available time
5. Persons in better health
6. Persons with recreational interest
7. Persons who believe in Helping others
8. Persons interested in senior activities
9. Persons who attended N.S.S camps in their school and college levels
10. Persons whose mothers serves the country after opting a title named “Nurse” as Her career.
There are many organizations that are likely to attract volunteers. some of them are-
1. Churches
2. Social services
3. Civic groups
4. Cultural groups
5. Educational institutions
6. Health care organizations and institutions
7. Political organizations
8. Community Intergenerational programs
There are more general volunteer activities in many communities that commonly benefited the persons of that society. some of them are as-
1. Peer counseling
2. Teaching , tutoring or mentoring
3. Working with persons with mental retardation and developmental disabilities
4. Sewing projects such as blankets or dolls for children in the hospital
5. Clerical work for non-profit organizations.
There are thousands of social service organizations and Non Governmental organizations mushrooming up everyday in India, so much so that India seems to be a pilgrimage of social welfare activities.Since India is a developing Nation it lacks modern resources, rural areas are yet deprived of basic amenities like education, health facilities, employment opportunities. Irresponsible industrial growth and unawareness to environmental problems have led to pollution of land, water and air. Therefore, developed countries find a wide scope of improvement in Indian society and come forward to help.
Volunteerism has not only created growth poles in rural India, but also helped in penetrating advantages of education and modern techniques to the remotest parts of India. Be it Kalahandi in Odissa or villages of Bhagalpur and Darbhanga in Bihar, the torch of social service have created hopes in the lives of people. International approach to volunteering has grown English as a means of communication even in rural communities. This has enabled them with more access to the modern world. Tourism has also developed due to philanthropic growth. Contrary to tourism, where tourists come and enjoy their stay with watching rural culture, volunteers have a direct impact on the society as they go closer to people, interact and work with them.
ConnectIndia and Indicorps are initiated by NRI’s for the development of Indian society. Volunteers for the development sector leads to an exchange of social ventures, and has encouraged India’s vibrant civil society organizations to change their attitudes towards philanthropy. Be it education, or religion or economic strengthening, Indians have led their hands to global call for humanitarian help. India’s aid to Pakistan’s flood victims in September 2010, or post tsunami rehabilitation work in Sri Lanka are few examples of changing attitude toward philanthropy.
Volunteering from foreign sources has influenced very positively in India in the development of society, economy and human resources. Very few Indians think of volunteering outside India a tragedy. In case of disasters, there is a common call for humanity that Indian philanthropists too should consider. This will also promote a two-way process of exchange of volunteering service and develop Indian society in all dimensions.