Article – Transition child
Photo credit: gbh from morguefile.com
After the advent of new technology people are drawn to it. People are blind folded by it. Possession of which may have unknown side effects. Earlier when i was a kid we just had the television. When times went by there were computers. People were very proud to see there kids learn on them. Eventually they started playing on it new video games. Then came the internet. Then our kids were connected to internet to gain more more knowledge. But this quest for knowledge sidelined,with chatting sites & social networking. As parents we are unaware what dangers belies. Now we have the screen everywhere era. Neverthless mention them. Now people want to give there kids these touch screens to acquire knowledge.
So my article is about transition child.Before people start thinking why i am talking about electronics. When a new technology comes in to life of our child,we are unaware of its ill effects. This is story of one such kid.
Juju was a happy go lucky kid. Born in a rich middle class family. His family provided him with everything. When he was fifteen he was gifted with a computer. He was happy for it.His parents thought he would be intelligent & brilliant. But as time went by his grades started falling.He was not seen outside anymore.He even stopped listening to his parents.He was rude.Finally he stopped going to school.Strange noises were heard from his room.He could nt leave his computer chair.Hours and hours of gaming.His parents grew worried.His siblings interfered.Nothing could be done.he grew violent.Later his parents talked with him.started spending more time with him.so was with his friends & other family friends.
The vacuum he created was filled.Soon he was close to normal.
Juju is a transition child.Children caught in the web of technology whose ill effects are un known.Let us help such children let us spend more time with our friends face to face than on monitors or touch screens.The technology has made our lives easier but really jumbled us inside.We are nothing but wired people.Wired to some device or other.