Gandhi ji, our Bapu, Father of the Nation
Image: commons.wikimedia.org
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”.
I think that every individual in this world should dream no small and bear the power and courage to fulfill their dreams by putting utmost efforts in order to reach a point in their life where they realize that they control their own destiny.
Our freedom fighters, they dreamt of ‘independence’, ‘non-violence’, ’peace’ and ‘happiness’ or moreover I would say, they dreamt of India. The Great Revolt of 1857 gave birth to such dreams in the leaders of our nation and thousands of other people who wished to seek liberty.
It was the time when India was being ruled by the Britishers who brutally harassed many people, slaughtered them, took away their lands and forced them to slavery. These inhuman activities of the Britishers made the fellow people to dream of their independence and led to the emergence of several leaders out of which one was Shree Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, whose dreams and the thirst of making his dreams come true motivated other people who altogether firmly came forward and fought hand in hand against the Britishers. The major protests that took place at that time were Satyagraha Movement, Swaraj, Simon Go Back, Dandi March and the Quit India movement, which ultimately resulted in the formation of an independent nation- India.
Now, just question yourself that What if our freedom fighters would not have dreamt of an independent nation? What if Gandhiji would have given up fighting for his dreams and would have led the British people to misuse their illegal power? An unwilling and threatening question, isn’t it? It is just because of them that we proudly call ourselves as Indians today. We have to understand that dreaming might be easy but fulfilling those dreams isn’t that easy. Even our freedom fighters had faced challenging difficulties to set our nation free. Many lives were lost, many people were assassinated and many became homeless; nightmares were always in their favour but they were able to overcome their nightmares because they had a dream.
It all depends upon us now whether we want dream big and make our dreams come true or to let go of our dreams in the fright of the obstacles that we might face in fulfilling our dreams. We may fail for the first time, try again and fail again for the second time as well but, this time we fail better and at last the victory will be ours. The leaders of our nation had a dream, I have a dream, and I believe you should also have a dream because dreams worth more than money and who knows that a day might come when you will create a history.