Article – The Seeds of life and Cosmic Energy Field
Photo credit: cooee from morguefile.com
The Cosmos is all an interplay of energy, the various cosmic components are positioned so as to form an energy matrix. Our Human body can sense few of the cosmos’s energy through the five senses but as per some great thinkers which include the spiritualists, saints, philosophers etc. there are other forms of energy which we do not sense through our sense organs but through other means within us. Spiritualists believe that by chanting mantras we can create waves of sound vibrations in the cosmos which resonate with the cosmic energy present in it to create a spiritual effect.
What is energy?, well modern Science says that everything is energy including matter which is a form of energy. You may have heard many people say that so and so gives me bad vibes or good vibes etc. Vibes can be short form of vibrations which is the way energy travels in space. In our daily lives we may feel sometimes low or high vibes, bad or good vibes. One may think that living entities would always try to experience good vibes and mitigate the bad ones. To some extent this may be true, but the criss cross of energy fields affecting us may not be of our choice and attaining a balance could be the aim. We transmit energies and we receive them, when transmitted and received energies strike a chord then a feeling of balance is attained.
Facts about our planet’s life supporting ability has since long been a matter of puzzle for the great thinkers as well as for others. Should our planets unique life supporting ability be attributed to the theory of probability?—is it by chance that a Star called Sun threw up a planet called Earth in a manner that it supports life?—-or was there something before that which caused this or some cosmic action to happen so as to create a life supporting facility that included our planet earth and its entire positioning in the cosmos so as to achieve the correct balance of energy fields that support life?. In ancient Hindu textures and Vedas (Rig Veda) this something has been referred to as the seeds of life —more recently this is very similar to the much discussed God particle (a new finding in astronomy). As per astronomers God particle is a life causing particle
The Rig Veda says (translated in Hindi):
‘Woh tha hiranyagarbh shrishti se pehle vidyaman, wahi to sare bhoot jaat ka swami mahan’
Hiranya garbh refers to the cosmic life womb that spews up seeds of life and this was present before creation or cosmic actions took place and this generated the entire cosmos.
Hence this view proposes that life is not just a minuscule spec in an otherwise non living cosmos but that the entire cosmos has sprung up to enable the seeds of life to cause life.