Article – Natural Resource
Photo credit: ameenullah from morguefile.com
Any resource that we obtain from nature is a natural resource such as land, sunlight, water, minerals, oil and gases and so on. We haven’t inherited these from our fathers but borrowed from our children. The way we use these resources is really cruel and we must have to reform if we wish our children to have a blissful life.
A renewable resource is one which is created by mother nature time and again and is believed to never exhaust like as wind, sunlight, water and land. On the other hand we have exhaustible resources and the best thing about these is that no matters how well we know about their near end we continues to consume at a tremendous rate.
If one takes a glance to our daily activities one could easily spot that it doesn’t exist without the natural resources. It has been found that the exhaustible resources would come to the end by the end of the century, if the present rate of consumption continues. We as Indians consume 500 cubic kilometers of water, 900 million tones of wood, 24 quadrillion British thermal units of energy every year. Almost all of our land is under human control. Just think how our children or their would live without these resources.
However, we still can have as much hopes as there are stars in the skies. We can follow the 3 R’s i.e Reduce, reuse and Recycle in our day to day consumption. Other than these fundamentals, we have to create awareness, promote afforestation and rain water harvesting. Strict bans are to be placed on hunting. We have to save energy. In the course, economical and administrative reforms can also contribute.
We have to bring reforms in ourselves socially, mentally and emotionally if we don’t want our children to suffer the curse. Its not you or I who is going to do this but its all of us who must have to do this not for ourselves but for those from whom we have borrowed these.
Thank you.