An Article – The Louisiana’s Spooky Unseen World
Photo credit: rollingroscoe from morguefile.com
I have lived in Louisiana for thirty-one years. Twenty-two in New Orleans and the remainder in the state capitol Baton Rouge, thanks to Hurricane Katrina. The history of this region has always interested me because of all of the strange happening that took place here plus the ones that are still taking place.
I’m a Afro-American so the background of how slavery impacted this region really intrigued me. Ninety-nine percent of the slaves that arrived in this region, originated from West Africa. The French were the first to start the institution of slavery in New Orleans followed by the Spanish. The French retook the institution and passed it on to The United States along with the Louisiana Purchase.Just about all of the slaves came from West Africa to New Orleans by way of the Caribbean Islands and Haiti. They were mainly transported by the French and then the Spanish. Voodoo was big in West Africa and when the slaves were transported so was Voodoo plus the spirits that control Voodoo.
The second heaven is populated with one third of the angels who fail from grace. With their boss The Great Deceiver, they set up strong holds in calculated areas around the world. The stronghold of Voodoo flourished in West Africa and got a strong foothold in the Caribbean Islands and Haiti. It spread to Louisiana and localized in New Orleans and the surrounding area.
Voodoo managed to merge with some parts of the Catholic Church which started a unholy union, Marie Laveau and Voodoo was a perfect by product of this union. She was a high priestess who spread terror and fear throughout New Orleans and the surrounding area.
It is ironic that in this day and age the white population makes up the fastest growing segment of Voodoo followers. You see the devil spirits that control Voodoo don’t care whatsoever as to who gets involved. They just want to have you go to hell and have no chance of redemption.
There is a hierarchy to the devils unseen world. There are powers, principalities, and spiritual wickedness in high places. These evil forces can construct strongholds or negative force fields over given areas that attack all that are not sons and daughters of the creator.
Many of these spirits that are familiar spirits specialize in zeroing in on families for generations. They try to keep a curse going in families year after year, until the cycle is broken by those that accept the creator as their lord and savior. With this type of a background, it is easy to see why Louisiana has a spooky unseen world.