Photo credit: matthew_hull from morguefile.com
“Physical Interaction matters for us”
Recently, I have noticed we do not share many ideas, information and other things that matters for almost every one of us as compare to the past. These things could be from little advice or sharing an experience, which could play a valuable role in one’s future and present decision-making. One can see we all are indulging in our gadgets and technology entirely, which is pushing us away from lot of social responsibilities of guiding and assisting each other when it requires. It may be when one’s close friend or family member needs them to advise them on some issue, or it may be some important suggestion one needs for their career. Numerous factors may be responsible in our change of behaviour and way of seeing and performing things in a modern world.
In following paragraphs, I would like to shed a light on some little things that matters, which we are ignoring either knowingly or unknowingly due to modern and sedentary life style or other reasons. I would also like to suggest some possible solutions of these ever-rising issues in my last paragraph.
Firstly, technological advancement has lead to greater choice among consumers and society as a whole around the globe. This could be the reason why in recent times we are not interacting with others around us as often as compare to the past. This is leading our society towards emptiness even when we are in touch on social networks. We talk to each other often only through internet, applications etc. with technology. It is sad that in these days we do not have time to sit down with our loved ones and share our day’s stories and experiences that may assist our loved ones to achieve their dreams more precisely and with ease. On the contrary, we are busy posting new pictures and status updates online, ignoring a person sitting next to us. This has becoming a serious problem among modern society.
Secondly, I have noticed people do not share social issues and little matters with their colleagues and even with their close friends as compare to the past. There are issues such as, Public behaviour, social manners etc., which plays pivotal role in one’s life and especially for younger generation. It is necessary for us to share this priceless knowledge and lessons with our students, loved ones and even people we know whenever we get social with others, as this will help make a little changes in society more efficiently. As we all are aware that words of mouth spreads faster than fire, therefore spreading good education and little things that matters to society needs to be shared and implement through grass root level.
Thirdly, a word of appreciation for someone’s little help and work can give a world of happiness to a person, as we all need appreciation, motivation and not to mention encouragement from each other to keep performing in our lifetime. We consciously need to wake up to these crises, which are overtaking social interaction with technological ones, as this is putting our physical presence felt zero as compare to the technological presence. We need to interact with people around us and we need to start paying more attention to them. Technology has not made humanity, we have invented it, so we need to enforce certain limits of its use or the consequences could be devastated, such as, emptiness, depression, dramatic change in social behaviour and much more.
Therefore, we need to wake up to these issues and start acting like a human being and not a machine, which is controlling its environment and others around. Globalisation and technological advancements should not be allowed to take over little things that matters to us humans, such as, appreciation, physical interaction, showing kindness through little gestures, advice someone who needs us at a time of crisis or in difficult circumstances. If we did not combat these issues now, then there may seem no difference between a machine (robot) and a human being. Thus, to differentiate ourselves from these man made machines, one need to start sharing and showing all the little kind gestures through our natural ways of interacting in balance with technological advancements and gadgets. These little things can make our world much more satisfied place to live in this universe.
(NRI, non- resident Indian)