Article – If reader pays attention…
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com
If reader pays attention….
He is warned of an imminent trickery… or otherwise he may continue his denial further…
Now that the reader has paid attention…. He must find the event of some importance, or it should, in course of action, grip him further through curiosity, because the event has already used some of his useful time (assuming the reader considers his time to be useful). or.. the reader could find all this to be absurd, going nowhere, just a wastage of time, a matter he completely misjudged, and in an attempt of recovery should immediately leave the matter here….
But there is indecision… you can see that there is quite much you are going to miss if you leave now and suddenly you doubt your decision to call it absurd, for such a quick judgment does not seem much reasonable.
You need time to think, to reflect but the idea is ridiculous because your time has already been wasted… Wise thing would be to take a glance at the remaining article, read some random sentences… read the last few lines and quickly try to perceive whether it is worth giving your time to, or you may just give in and continue reading further, for it would not take any more time as it has already now and at the least it will save you from the mental agony of indecision.
For the reader who had no such indecision, there has been nothing of importance for him till now. He feels deceived for being enticed into something which looked promising, which seemed to address him exclusively, but on the contrary he had been neglected and placed like a passerby listening to some other conversation. This kind of humiliation certainly ends the hope of any importance or curiosity.
But not much remain of this article and you might as well read it further (with coarseness and hopelessness), so as not to end up as the indecisive reader. Leaving in contradiction will only inflict more insult to your self esteem. you can curse your luck and the writer for such a deception and waste of time but you always knew that your decision ran such a risk.
The indecisive user (now decisive as he has let go of his mental agony), feels more relived now. Rather he has enjoyed the read after seeing the efforts of his fellow reader ending in futility. Despite being confused earlier, he has finished with a sense of victory, with a feeling of lesser remorse. The only pride other reader can take is that his humiliation, defeat of a decision has lifted the mood of someone else.