Article – I Won’t Marry
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
A girl writing this title to a essay is not common I guess. So I just can’t stop thinking how my parents would react when I tell this to them.
In the culture where I am born, decades ago women were thought only to be a marriage material. Some were educated and some not. They were just married off. After a few years, the tradition of working women started who used to handle both personal and professional life. And now a days with the advent of so called Gender Equality, people don’t generally marry off a girl before she gets a job. But I would like to ask those people that is it a complete freedom?
After marriage, a women has to become a super women, cope with many emotional difficulties which many atleast reduce her productivity in workplace even though she does not leaves job.
I am a modern girl who wants to rise to the position of CEO of a global company someday. I am not a girl who sees the dreams of wearing a bundle of jewelries and dreaming about her “handsome future husband’. I know once a girl with these dreams gets married, there are nothing further left to dream of. I know what I dream of once it is achieved, still there are bigger dreams to achieve.
I loved the lines of Jane Austen, an author, “Anything is to be preferred or endured rather than marrying without Affection.”
I feel that people must be educated so that a girl and also a boy has a choice to marry or not. Marrying is not always necessary.
I wrote this post with a lot of dare today and I wish that I can , on my part, I can create awareness among people related to this topic.
I am not saying I don’t believe in institution of marriage. For some it may be a very good experience. But I am just saying there may be few others who don’t like it and should not be pushed by society to marry just because most of the people does marry.
Hope I am able to make it realize to a few persons who are reading this article.
And yes as my title suggests, I won’t marry cuz I would like to love myself before loving anyone else.