English Article – The ‘F’ life and mistakes?
Photo credit: pjhudson from morguefile.com
“Nothing is impossible if we are determined”
Recently, I have noticed almost everyone around the globe is complaining about keep forgetting things; it is of either utmost importance or general daily life tasks. However, the question is why and how we keep forgetting tasks even they matters to us? Moreover, what are the possible solutions to tackle this ever-rising issue around the globe?
To my understanding, people perform hundreds of tasks in their daily life and unaccountable tasks in their entire life. It may include work life, daily life, general tasks from giving someone a glass of water to performing an engineering or construction work through calculations and measurements. Everyone seems to be complaining about one thing in common, forgot, forget, forgetting are common phrases we hear in day to day tasks for almost entire life. Numerous challenges in workplaces and competition in modern world throughout human lives are daunting for us, which may be the factors behind all these ‘F’ words and complaints.
However, we cannot ignore these matters, instead we need to find solutions to these problems of forgetting things that matters to others and us, especially in professional life, which includes office works, Businesses, share markets etc. There are situations when one human error or carelessness in form of forgetting to perform that particular task can serve as a severe blow for the Businesses and nations around the world. It may also put ones employment under scanner and can damage ones reputation, as if a person is good for nothing. Therefore, to act and overcome our weaknesses are must to succeed and earn respect in society.
Furthermore, the possible consequences of making errors and forgetting things could be huge financial losses. The best illustration is in the past when the staff in the stock exchange of Tokyo while transferring the information for data release in Japanese stock market Nikkei led to 427 billion yen loss. It happened due to human error of writing million instead of billion with mathematical figure. Matters got even worse when everyone forgot to change it until next day without realising and sold all the shares at lower prices.
To combat these situations of ‘F’ life, there are various possible solutions, such as, making paper notes in office environment to remember daily tasks and to set an alarm with Date and time in ones smart phone and even asking someone to remind you the about the particular task at certain moment. These solutions can work as if it is a magic band for people who are facing these situations in daily life on regular basis. Other possible and weird solution that actually works for my close friends and loved ones is to write on a Dairy or notebook, and then take a picture of that note and set that note as a desktop background or wallpaper on your PC, I pad or whatever gadgets we are using in our daily life.
Whatever, the way we choose, the main purpose is to make it a habit in our daily life to not to forget our tasks and especially professional tasks. These simple and weird solutions and changes can save our precious time and resources in our lifetime to overcome the fear of forgetting tasks, which matters to us. Nevertheless, more importantly these little changes in our life’s strategy can give us peace of mind that all of us are looking for in this rat race of becoming successful without forgetting and disappointing others and ourselves.
In the end, determination of changing ourselves and overcoming our limitations and weaknesses can provide us with the best thing in our life, which is happiness and self- satisfaction along with peace of mind. Let us start writing from now onwards whatever matters to us and prioritise our tasks. Weaknesses can be rectified and eliminated only if we desire to do that with practicality. With our determination and assistance of and for our loved ones, we can overcome any habit and problem that may threaten to block the way to success in our lifetime.
Ritiz Dewan {ESL teacher, BA}
16/08/13, CHINA