An Article – Do soul mates really exist?
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
I have been wondering that do soul mates really exist. In a generation like today when the life is so much different than it was for the previous generation where love and relationships had a different meaning altogether . Does this generation really require love in order to be in a relationship, or the very thought of landing up all alone makes us fall for a person. Every person be it in school or college tends to be in a relationship and yeah I mean just everybody.
How many takes does it really take to find your true soul mate or the one perfect person for you? Or the answer to all this is that there is no such one person. At every stage of your life you feel happy with a person and at that point of your life that person is your true soul mate. So does that mean, that there is no such thing as one perfect person in your life who can just complete you, is it just a fairy tale story? And what if you just find your one special someone who you feel is worth everything but to the contrary he/she doesn’t feel the same. How far can you then actually go to attain what you desire? Is it really necessary to put yourself respect and feelings at stake to make somebody love you?
I am not against relationships but what I feel is that the only person who can complete you is just you. Your life is not incomplete without a person, but a person who you feel happy with can give you memories and reasons to cherish in life.(Almost) Everybody has that one person in their life who they could do anything for but they have either lost them or they r going to lose them at some part of their life.
Is that pain of losing somebody you love/ loved so much worth it? So much pain that you can’t even breath, you feel that it’s the end of the world. That person who gave you so much pain to remember, could that person have been your soul mate. Even though you haven’t spoken to him/her for days and months but keep thinking about them in your unconscious mind all the time. You hate so many things about them just so much, but even that doesn’t make you forget them. Maybe you can never get over your past , you have to deal with it all your life. Even if you find that someone who gives you all the happiness you just can’t keep out of your mind that someone who gave you so much pain to remember.