An Article – Contemporary Perception of Creativity Divine
Photo credit: wallyir from morguefile.com
Like a Divine comedy initiated by God, during his moments of indulgence in dark humor and drunken wine stupor. God, created a ‘glitch’ in evolution and way of perception by human beings. During a contemporary time-frame, when things boil down to some creation of any creative project. Going by the history, from which we never seem to learn. Seems like the perception of people and faculty of judgement, deems that work ineffective in terms of the ‘appealing’ potential or creativity. Then like a miracle that same ‘unworthy’ artwork later on goes to be at the summit of what they could ever think of. The artist concerned is declared a master of his craft, his work, praised and deemed the greatest of all time. Unfortunately, due to this glitch of erroneous perception during the subjective contemporary times, the ignorance has led to the death of many famous and important figures in the history. After death, they were applauded and praised, if they had been acknowledged before, well maybe we could have had much greater works in our museums around the world today. Yes and more priceless things to learn from them. It’s quite a melancholic tragedy. Such people come once on the face of this Earth, and take the world by storm. They write history and become immortal. Forever remembered and praised. Such stars are bestowed with the creativity as a ‘gift’ by that higher power up there.
The creative urge is a hard one to tame, it is like a destructive urge channelized towards something higher and divine. Art, no matter in what form is a key to an access to divine realms of thoughts, visions and perceptions. Some people are born at a certain contemporary time-frame of their lifetime, but what they have to present or show to the world; an idea, a revolution, a religion, a philosophy, a dream, a way, no matter what, as long as it is something new, and outside their paradigm of conceived ‘rationality and belief system’, well it’s rejected and flooded with skepticism and more than often times rejected altogether.
The ‘blessed’ creative/revolutionary people often invoke and stir the mass population’s perception of reality in such a way that they sense fear as a psychological defense mechanism. The conscious mind tries to protect itself from new influences that might break the notion of itself in the course of the Universe and perception of reality. People generally loath it or start panicking when they witness something unconventional which challenges their ‘ego-boundaries’. Introducing a new idea or concept is rather like a threat to the normal mode of perception in which the person concerned is within the so called comfort zone, and hence this causes fear and panic within them. Therefore, when something is brought to the forefront of everyday consciousness, something new, taboo-breaking, creative and revolutionary, they always happen to negate the previous old structure and paradigm of their consciousness which in-turn makes the person fear ‘confirming’ to them or accepting the ‘unconventionality factor’ so easily.
Now the creatively blessed people are either able to use this urge; constructively or destructively. We have a share of dark and destructive artwork in our society, don’t we? The creative urge is so potent, it has the power to consume the person itself if not properly directed and given an outlet through a particular creative medium on a regular basis. So, you see what I am trying to put across the table is the epic question, as to; Why the future generation which happens to be more evolved due to the distance of time and space (yet loathed by every predecessor generation as not really up to the mark). The future praises, applauds and worships an art or art form, or a craft even though those same works were ‘unworthy’ for the present populous during which the artists/individuals survived? Yes, even by the surviving top critics, and art moguls. Maybe the artists of various respective fields, who were unappreciated when they lived, were too ‘evolved’; mentally, physically and soulfully, and what they created was beyond the ‘then existing’ mass populations objective reality and perception of ‘greatness’, as well as the idea of ‘ultimate manifestation of superior creativity’. Creating something which uplifts the human in a soulful manner is but being a bit closer to the One and at peace with oneself. The works they create takes several generations to understand and decipher, let alone explaining.
Yet they were born before and left our planet before us, leaving behind their rich lineage of wisdom filled visionary, breakthrough works, immortal and eternally sketched in the collective consciousness of the human society. So did you see the divine comedy in here yet? Bottom line is; in a particular timeline of fixed years, say a generation. Humans come and go, with some of them creating magic by channeling their creative urges but go unappreciated. Not because their work was pathetic, visually unappealing or lacked creativity but rather during that time-frame, the humans were just not as evolved to perceive them in the truest terms for what they were. The wavelengths just don’t align. An err in the ‘equality’ when it comes to the level of consciousness and creativity, and of course receptivity. Consciousness, creativity and receptivity are the three things that separate say; Leonardo Da Vinci or Diego Rivera, Nietzsche or Hugo, Sinatra or Beethoven no matter what particular field, they were about creating. They believed in creating works, and crafts that would endure the test of time.
As above so below goes the dictum by Aleister Crowley. We were made in the image of God, and if God is the creator, well then we all have the potential, the divine spark, the ability of creation deep within us lying dormant until we utilize and activate, nurture that creative potential. It’s all about creation. :)