Hi friends
Here I am back with another story. It is about a boy who was forgotten by almost everyone even GOD. In a village, in south India, there lived two brothers married and living happily.

Forgotten – Social Short Story
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
The elder brother had no children even after 5 years of his marriage so he decided to ask his younger brother for his younger son in adoption. The younger brother also gave his son. The child was named Prince but the royalty was only in name because they were middle class family.
Days passed. Prince grew very happily with his new parents but this happiness did not last long as there was a new baby born in the family. All the love Prince got was just gone in flash. Now his foster mom took care of the baby and had no time for our poor Prince. Felt neglected he used to go to his true parents house but even there he was chased away by his own brothers not knowing that it was their own blood. This made our little boy very upset and deserted. He lost his interest in studies and started going out with bad friends. Slowly he fell into the laps of drugs which started creeping into him. For his need to buy drugs he did a lot of petty thefts that brought him to prison many times.
Almost every one abandoned him — his family and his friends. He was left all alone in this world — no one to care for him. Years passed. He strolled the streets like a mad man. He used to curse himself for being born in this world. Who was to be blamed: one who gave birth to him or one who adopted him or both who forgot them. Even God had closed his eyes on him. Prince was almost finished till one day he breathed finally for the last time.
Friends who is to be blamed for the death of PRINCE? He lived in this world among his own people but forgotten by all.