Does God exist? or It’s just our belief that we blindly follow the customs written in the Holy Books! On one hand, I had a strong belief that a hidden power runs our planet Earth but I was curious to know its scientific substance. Then something happened, my soul left my body to have a conversation with God. It was a life changing experience!

A Conversation with God
Photo credit: cohdra from
I was born in a Hindu family. As a Hindu, I was supposed to go to the temples and follow the customs defined in the holy books of Hinduism. However, I was never forced to, however I had a strong belief in God. I believed that there exists a power that controls our galaxy, our solar system and most importantly the individual lives of every living being on the planet Earth. I have always had an inclination towards Science as it explains majority of the questions in a logical way. But I was aware of the contradictions between religious beliefs and scientific explanations. The older generations never argued or questioned those beliefs and customs of their religion but my generation tries to understand its scientific substance. Though, a large section of the society rejects our curiosity by saying it’s a matter of Faith.
I grew up so did my curiosity. I happened to travel around the world. I realized that the world is full of different religions and their imbibed beliefs. Some follow them without understanding its sole meaning, some preach them but don’t follow, some deny to follow such beliefs as they don’t make sense. But some, like me, are curious to know their intended meaning and then follow them wholeheartedly.
One day, the truck hit me while I was crossing the road. The last words, I could hear after the accident, were, “The blood is gushing out! Someone should call the ambulance.”
I sensed an energy released from my body. The energy probably traveled with the speed of light and reached in front of a marvelous building. The energy now took the shape of my body. It was a wonderland. It looked like a rich kingdom. One person, dressed like a king, was furiously heading towards the building.
I stopped him “Hey, can you please tell me where am I? What am I doing here? ”
He replied” Hey brother, I am Krishna. it’s Heaven for planet Earth. If you don’t mind, can I catch you later on? I am already late for a meeting.”
He left me questioned. I just followed him. I entered into a very big auditorium full of diversely dressed people. Was it a fancy dress competition? But it was a pin-drop silence. While Krishna was taking his seat, one folk spoke into the microphone “Ok, that completes the gathering for today, I guess. I am Jesus, as you all know. I thank you all for participating Chat with Earth session of 21st Century. The guest from Earth has also arrived.”
The very next moment, the light flashed on me followed by all the faces in the auditorium.
Jesus continued “I would like Mr. Ravi to call upon the stage.” I had no clue what was going on? I just followed the instructions.
As I reached the stage, a person greeted me with his pleasant smile. ” I am Mohammed. Nice to meet you.”
The other person on the dias sensed my confusion and approached me ” I am Buddha. You look confused but don’t worry. You will comprehend it soon. Relax.”
Mr. Buddha took over the mike ” Now I take the opportunity to initiate the session with you Mr. Ravi. We organize this session once in a century. We call people from our beloved planet Earth and ask them to ask questions about religion and associated beliefs. Yes, you may discuss other things as well. Over the centuries, we have been calling big personalities like kings, religious leaders, politicians but unfortunately, the consequences were opposite of our expectations. They all took the message and promised to spread it but completely failed to do so. This time, Mrs. Saraswati (The Goddess of Education), who is sitting at the third row, encouraged us to call a young scientist. So you are here.”
I excitedly asked ” So can I ask you anything?”
“You heard it right Mr. Ravi.” Mrs. Saraswati responded while holding her musical instrument Veena.
I first asked “Are you all real Gods? Do you live together here because you live separately on Earth?”
Mr. Mohammed replied ” No, actually not! We were the messengers of God during our tenures on Earth. Because we communicated similar things on Earth time to time, we became friends and started to live here together. Your misinterpretation separated us on Earth, we will get back to this point later on.”
I still didn’t get the idea was that all real!
I withdrew my first question from my overloaded curious mind “As you might know, we have a lot of religions existing on Earth. What’s the best religion according to you?”
Mr. Ganesha, who was still busy in eating Besan Ladoos, stood up and raised his voice “There is only one religion Humanity.”
Mr. Buddha interfered ” Calm down, Mr. Ganesha. I explain. See, Mr. Ravi. Religion is a set of beliefs to live a life with peace and happiness. Over the centuries, God has sent all of us to teach human beings how to lead that life. Like during the tenure of Mr. Krishna, he observed the circumstances very carefully and communicated Geeta. Later on, Mr. Jesus and Mr. Mohammed did the same and communicated Bible and Quran, so did Mr. Buddha. All of them opted the same path, they went to Earth, observed the society, read all the available literature and presented the updated version of the predecessor.”
Holding my raising confusion “So are you trying to say that all communicated the same thing?”
Mr. Jesus replied ” Of course. The primary focus of the teaching was Humanity and the attributes were Peace, Happiness, Kindness, Helping, Truth and Honesty. We named the books, but we never thought that every book would be a different religion.”
I continued “If that’s the case, why did God send messenger at different times if all communicated the same thing.”
Mr. Mohammed replied “Good question. Because you human beings misinterpreted our teachings. God sent us to establish Humanity, but I must admit that we all failed to do so.”
I was satisfied with the explanation ” So, you meant the religions that we all follow are not your teachings?”
“I would like to answer that question.” Mr. Krishna added “Certainly not. Because we didn’t want discrimination on Earth. Actually the truth is that you created the religions, not us. Like you created sub-religions like Catholic-Protestant, Shiya-Sunni, Brahmin-Dalits. You created boundaries and languages. You people like discriminations. You even created Gods like Varun Dev for Air and Agni Dev for Fire and billion more for other purposes. ”
I continued to ask “Then how do you deal with different people and their prayers still satisfying their faith associated with varied beliefs.”
Mr. Buddha said “Yes, I read your mind. God once created the “Department of Humanity” and funded it tremendously. We all got our first jobs there and it allowed us to go to Earth and spread the message of Humanity. Our teachings were misinterpreted, however God wanted all of you to be happy. God had to create this department (Department of MisBeliefs) to satisfy human’s fantasy world of misinterpretations. We all got transferred here now. We have to work round the clock to listen to your prayers and expectations. On the other hand, the employees at Department of Humanity work only 2 hours a week. The reason is simple, you don’t follow Humanity on Earth, so they don’t have much to do. ”
Mr. Ganesha showed his dissatisfaction ” And they may take unlimited holidays too.”
I was embarrassed but continued with last question” Then who is God and how to reach Him? What’s the religion and how to follow? How to get rid of this discriminated world of false beliefs?”
“Nature is God. Science is the tool to get connected and become closer to Nature. Now God has realized that there is no point sending any messenger to Earth. So there is a software “Humanity” installed in everyone’s heart. If you don’t follow Honesty, Kindness, Truth, Helping and spread Peace and Happiness, it gets corrupted over time. You need to format it by practicing these tools. You don’t have to read or follow any scripture or idol to reach God. By practicing these tools, you make your world a better place to live and lead a fulfilled life.” All of them said those last words together.
I opened my eyes in the hospital. Was it a life after death experience? Whatever it was, I felt elevated because of my satisfied curiosity.
Disclaimer: The statements and opinions presented herein are solely those of the writer and do not constitute official statements or positions of has not verified nor claims correctness of the incidents presented.