Science Fiction Story of Flying Saucer
Photo credit: gracey from morguefile.com
Chapter 1
There were times I believed that I was born special. I thought I possessed some uncommon abilities; especially relating to my range of vision; something other living human beings in this world didn’t. I used to sit in my room; staring through the window for long hours at the sky in the dusk. When the sun in its scarlet tint, was slowly sinking beneath the far west horizon; when the deep orange glow of nightfall cascaded over distant fields; I often longed; that the following day would grant me the recognition that I deserve; to say the least, that I was unique.
I was twelve years old back then. I did not go anywhere since I was confined to my room. My mother had strictly prevented me from stepping out of my compound for days. She said my disease would spread easily to my elder brother; through my coughing or sneezing. I knew it was a contagious virus. It was chickenpox. Nothing serious. But those days’ villagers knew nothing about the vaccine. In fact; vaccine came a few years later as an inoculation against the disease. Until those advancements in the medical field crept into their peripheries, villagers believed the rapid propagation of the disease served as a punishment from above for the malevolence of us humans. I did not remember doing any sins or acts of evil. But I had to confine myself in to my room for fourteen days until all the rashes and swellings of my skin were healed on their own.
Most of the time I had to lay on my bed from morning to evening; listening to the same boring radio tunes without doing any meaningful work. It was indeed an unbearable agony for me. Nothing else to do except drinking lukewarm water and eating only limited amount of tasteless food for each day and night.
I told my mother; I need books to read to kill the time to avoid getting bored for all those days ahead. Though; I was positively sure I haven’t read any books before; except text books and sport magazines. I was not much of a reader.
“What kind of books you need son?” Mother inquired.
“Anything you find mother.” I replied. But I thought she would bring me some adventure novels or detective fictions. I did not know other genres and types. All of them are same, in my point of view. I knew how to read well. That was my legacy I inherited from my late journalist grandfather.
My mother had made her way to town. For her; buying books would have been her second priority. She must have had ten other important house hold matters to attend. But I anticipated her return eagerly. I kept peering through the window, looking for her in the vicinity ever since the first hour had passed. I thought mother would come back soon with those books. Yet however, she did not come. Having been heavily exhausted with too much waiting I fell asleep.
By the time I was up, it was already half past three in the evening. Mother had finally returned after two hours. I jumped at her to grab those books. I surveyed them like glamorous gifts. I snatched those books off her hands. There were three books. Namely: Extra-terrestrial life in solar systems; ‘Earth’s atmosphere’ and ‘English grammar for dummies’.
My face fell, upon seeing those titles. What was there for me to read? I wanted to read; how brave youngsters set out in pursuit of glamorous princesses and how they fought with mighty enemies and eventually conquer empires. Those titles did not interest me even a tiny single bit. After a formidable effort to read first few pages of the book ‘English grammar for dummies’; realizing I am getting nowhere; I put those three books on top of the cupboard. It remained there for a whole day; until two rebellious cats came yowling and snarling from the kitchen ceiling, then after which, one of the two cats, losing hold, tumbled noisily down a wall painting along with a book on the cupboard. And it happened to be the book titled ‘Extra-terrestrial life in solar systems.’ I picked it up in order to keep it again in the cupboard. It had an eye catching photograph of the planet with rings on the title page, which of course I learned as Saturn later. Because of the shiny cover; suddenly a thought occurred in my mind; to read and find out who those extra-terrestrials were.
I read first few pages of the book titled “Extra-terrestrial life in solar systems.” From the forth page I learned about aliens. When the first few pages were over; my vision about aliens changed from four legged creatures to most human-like beings; shorter but brainier than humans. My curiosity grew with each page I turned. I expected them to be residing in moon. Soon I discovered moon is a water-less planet with one-sixth of the gravity in our earth; and neither air pressure nor atmosphere are to be found on the surface. The book also explained the moon has an atmosphere so tenuous as to be nearly a vacuum. I did not know the meaning of the word vacuum then. I had to learn it separately. While all these doubts and problems were dallying in my head; I secretly hoped that the book would reveal something about finding aliens in the moon.
As I advanced to the second chapter my curiosity blossomed like a flower; and toward the end it withered like a fleeting shadow; leaving me anxious and desperate. The chapter only described possibilities of alien life forms to exist in moon; and explained one by one; why those possibilities will not materialize in lunar atmosphere. And worst of all was felt as the chapter came to a bleak ending while depicting a negative idea along the lines of “Do not expect finding aliens in moon.”
I was infuriated at the particular statement. I argued tactfully and energetically.
“What if an alien space ship crashed on moon’s surface? Would it evaporate to thin air or disappear as a whole, leaving no traces behind? Won’t there be alien bodies or at least remaining body parts to be found?”
A tempting desire developed inside me to rationally defeat the author’s statement. The book suggested strongly that; it is essential to have oxygen as a breathing air and water as a supporting medium in giving rise to alien life forms; and earth has twenty one percent oxygen by volume and moon has none. In my mind; I pictured bringing him up to a live television show and arguing with the author while million educated viewers watching the show on Saturday afternoon. I imagined I was sitting with the author amidst cameras and light flashes aiming from all directions.
“Well! Mr. Author! You say there is no oxygen in moon. Even a six year old child knows that fact. Don’t you think?” I said.
“Oh! Does a six year old child know that?” said the author.
“I suppose every child must know that fact before reading your book.”
“Yes! No oxygen! That’s why moon lacks suitable breathing air for living beings.”
“Do humans breathe only oxygen? I inquired.
“That is correct.”
“Even the same six year old child knows that; earth has only twenty one percent oxygen in earth’s atmosphere. Isn’t that true?” I said.
“Ah! I can’t guarantee about the child’s knowledge.”
“Mr. Author! Would you answer my question?”
“Yes! That means seventy eight percent nitrogen, one percent for other gases.”
“So then we breathe mainly nitrogen. Am I correct?” I said in a suggestive tone leaning myself comfortably to the armrest; and I looked directly at the camera to show the audience that I was smiling.
“That is correct. But inhaling.”
“Then Mr. Author!” I continued.
“Why do you say in your magnificent book; that we do not breathe nitrogen? For god sake; why aliens need exactly; what is essential for us to live? Isn’t that possible; alien life forms to breathe entirely nitrogen? Forget about nitrogen; if it is not suitable for breathing. Can’t they breathe entirely helium for survival? What if they have inbuilt mechanism in their bodies to convert nitrogen to helium.”
“Finally! For the knowledge of the audience, would you describe how the water is made of? ”
“Hm! A water molecule has three atoms: two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.”
“Then! You insist water is essential for them to live. Is it a problem if they don’t have water? Can’t they bring oxygen from another planet and combine it with hydrogen they already have; to make water?” Mr. Author you may understand that; we call them aliens because they are aliens. If they live exactly like us and drink exactly what we drink; then we may call them humans.”
The author was baffled by my smartness and lowered his face not knowing how to answer my questions. He took off his glasses to wipe off the perspiration that had begun forming on his brow.
Without giving up my faith entirely; I read through the chapters one after the other, of the same book; hoping to indulge my curiosity. Since there was no hope finding aliens in moon; I eagerly anticipated alien life forms to be found in mars. Then in Saturn. If not in Jupiter. The book ended in such an inhumane manner while strangling my imagination. It irritated me immensely. With the view to justifying the title of the book Extra-terrestrial life in solar systems, it demonstrated briefly; some other solar systems which were discovered recently in our galaxy called Milky Way. Even though I learned some new terms related to astronomical science; and names of some natural satellites orbiting around Saturn; none of the clues of existence of alien life forms were revealed. I wanted to erase the title of the book with a black chalk; smudge it; and rename it as ‘No aliens.’ That was my title for the book. It deceived me and had fraudulently drained out my mother’s hardly earned money. I hoped she would get a refund as the contents of the book did not justify the title. I threw the book away in annoyance. It crashed against the wall and landed underneath the bed.
Chapter II
Well! That was the start. That was how my love for celestial objects bloomed. After a few years I developed a habit of gazing at far away skies for long periods of time. I observed how clouds are merged in to one giant cloud and occasionally break in to small bunches of floating clouds. My vision was attentive. I developed concentration. None of the sounds, which were emitted by the moving motor bikes and buses on the road could distract my contemplation. I did not here my dog’s barking. I did not hear my mother’s loud callings. Sometimes I was delighted observing a colorful kite drifting freely on azure sky. I moved my head as the kite changed its floating pattern along the direction of the wind; obviously from sudden jerks of the bridle and tethers to which the kite was attached.
At night I used to scrutinize the most conspicuous and recognizable constellation, ‘The Orion’ located on the celestial equator. I visualized myself traveling and visiting those three bright stars in Orion’s belt. How beautiful the planetary systems orbiting around Orion stars. Oceans, mountains, and greenish rain forests they have. Peaceful alien races which are like clones of our human kind. I dreamed incessantly all the way. I dreamed long hours until the moon has risen to its glorious height in the night sky. At times I glimpsed meteors or shooting stars entering earth’s atmosphere, casting streaks of light both from the glowing object; and the trail of glistening particles that it leaves in its wake. I amazed at the wondrous vision and looked around to find out who else is watching the scenery. Does anybody watch the sight? No one! I was saddened at the thought I was the only spectator.
When the shimmering moon; cast shadows on fences, houses and trees; I was delighted at the scenery. When the night’s coolness was expanding through meadows; and the damp mist was settling on the fields; and faint murmur of branches rocking in the night time breeze I felt the sensation of coolness clasping my body. When rustling of leaves sounded as nocturnal nighthawks gathering on tree tops and branches; and bats fluttering their wings; and owls make hooting sounds in distance; I was the first one to observe. Once the sound of limpid droplets dripped and trickled from leaves in humid nights; I listened to them as if I was listening to a whisper. Day by day I grew my love and admiration for the night and celestial objects in the sky.
Thus days and months passed by. I grew two years older. But all this while, I never gave up my hobby by any means; amidst of countless distractions pertaining to primal youth. One particular day I saw something rare and peculiar. Let me tell you what I saw. I witnessed something completely not akin to planet earth.
Yes! I saw a UFO. An unidentified flying object. To say precisely, I saw a flying saucer.
Before revealing the story I want to describe you some facts. If I say, I was the first individual to observe such a sight; then it is utterly improbable. Since that really cannot transpire; as I am just one of human beings; out of all who live on this earth; from the day human civilizations began. Anonymous Individuals in past must have seen this phenomenon that I am about to describe. Definitely some of witnesses in recent past; went on as far as mass media to describe those unusual sightings. But what would journalists and reporters do in such a scenario? They would enhance or alter their original story to their liking; in order to publish them as eye catching captions in articles in newspapers. But I pity for them; for those isolated true observers; who emerged out of numerous kinds of hoaxers. These true observers also have lost their credibility; mainly due to the fact that contemptible actions of hoaxers. May be people did not believe in them anymore; since modified videos and edited or forged photographs are innumerable to find; in media and World Wide Web. In such circumstances how can they distinguish as to which one is genuine?
Especially In such true reported incidents; meteorologists would argue bringing up theories of various kinds; though contradicting at times; to explain those sighting as ecological or natural environmental phenomenon. Unsurprisingly, governments would incline to hide those occurrences as classified confidential matters; as it invariably would cause security threats to their air-forces militarily power. In the end; observers of the original scenery; would begin to question their own mental states. They would question their own eye sights or comprehend the whole scenario as a mental hallucination of a kind. They would live rest of their lives; in bewilderment and incomprehension; because of the very idea they once have cherished. General public too; would soon forget what they have seen and heard. It is so natural and human.
Dear reader! Am I hindering your opportunity to learn how I saw it? Am I distracting you by giving too much additional details? But wait! I beg your pardon. I must elaborate on the following fact as well before telling my story.
Unquestionably, we forget important things when time goes on. Time is a healer. Oh! That is not what I wanted to say; time eradicates fragments of your precious memory. Do not argue with me here. After twenty years’ time has passed; your memory of an event; is nothing but a vague painting of obscure scenery. If you’re not sure; add another ten years to the original reminiscence. Surely now it will become a vague abstract painting and only flashes of segments remains to discern clearly. I have this dilemma. I feel I am becoming partially bias. Without been bias; I want to clarify what I have seen. Did so called time play tricks; on my mental picture to obscure it to something supernatural? Then again; I saw it only six years ago. Hence there wasn’t any sufficient time to alter my mental picture to a serious distraction. Then was it a mere ocular illusion or misconception differ from reality? Did I see floating weather balloon; which carries instruments aloft to send back information on atmospheric pressure and humidity? Oh! I must stop raising such imprudent assumptions on my eye sight as if I am color blind. It’s a disgrace to my reasoning and natural sanity.
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