Tryst with Destiny – Short Story Science Fiction
Photo credit: pjh from morguefile.com
My Brothers and Sisters,
We still have a deed undone, a task left for us to see to its fruition. And it will be the single most important deed that you would ever perform in your entire life. Our future depends on this very moment. Because today we fight for our robust scaly skin the humans are repulsed to. Today we fight for our stout hearts that beat longer which our oppressors think is a work of devilry. Today we fight for all the bruises, taunts, jeers, abuses- the humans have levelled against us.
For long we had followed their lead, suffered in their shadows. For long, we have been crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. For long, we have been considered creeps – repugnant, wild, object of permanent and unchanging loathing.
EACH ONE OF YOU IS INDISPENSABLE.The human enterprise, as they say, is built on the foundations of the toil of our ancestors. The elixir of their civilization is a concoction of our blood and sweat from the honest brow. We risked our lives so that we can travel back in time and rectify all the things that they had got wrong. And yet they choose not to heed our wishes, our dreams, our aspirations!
Inspite of all the devilish, blood spilling weapons they have got, know this my friend- Humans are weaker than us. They don’t travel back in time and correct their own mistakes because they cannot, the fierce wormholes that we wade through for those supercilious beings- burn and sing them. And yet they do not respect us.
For long we had husbanded their natural resources standing strong against the exploiters of the past, for long have we controlled their greenhouse emission, for long we have watched over their sons and daughters, bringing them back to life at the risk of our own.
Yet they blame us for changing the course of time. We do their bidding, exactly to the word and yet they find us responsible for all the wrong they think that is in the world. Our learned sages have warned them time and again, that it is not wise to tinker with time, yet they force us to do their in-time chores.
No longer do they just send us back in the treacherous maya of time for the world-sustaining tasks, but also to satisfy their streak of vanity. They ask us to risk the lives of our children just so that they can change the color of purse they had bought yesterday or go over some terms in the deal they have brokered some time back.
But that ends tonight. Let us tell the humans that we aren’t their rightful possession. We no longer choose to work on their whims and fancies.
Tonight we put a stop on all that and more.
The turning point is past and history begins anew for us, the history we shall write and act, and others will write about.
It’s time we storm through the wormholes. It’s time we change the history forever.
Tonight, we take over.
Let your wordless whispers turn into incoherent murmurs. Let your incoherent murmurs turn into a confident voice. Let that confident voice rise in a roar.
Today, let us make a tryst with destiny. At the stroke of midnight hour, when the humans sleep, we will liberate our fettered spirit and bask in the cherished freedom.
Some speeches change the course of time. This one did.
The Gortbans, as this alien tribe is known went back in time and altered the history in such a manner that humans no longer exist today.