Fiction short Story – The Three Friends : Unexpected Adventures
Photo credit: demondimum from morguefile.com
There were three of us. I can be called as Munna. The other two were Smaran and Nikhil.
Each of us were talented in different mental skills. I would like to start of with introducing that Smaran was great at Theoretical-knowledge, where Nikhil was good Mechanics and at last me, at thinking Practically and Logically.
We were in a vacation to deep forest along with one guardian. We packed our backpacks and shifted them to jeep. Though we were travelling to a forest we brought three trekking bicycles which were actually designed by Nikhil with our advice. Some of the special features of this cycle was it has ability to turn its tyres from its vertical position to horizontal position. The another feature of this cycle was its tyre’s rim which was made in the shape of the blades in a helicopter. We made this for more suspension and to reduce friction.
We started our journey. We travelled to a distance which can be said as we almost covered 60% of the path to reach the end. It was night so we all were advised to sleep and we did it. But suddenly after some extent of our sleep we heard a drifting sound of our jeep. Soon, we woke up. It surprised us when we saw our guardian missing from the jeep. We looked our surroundings and we didn’t find him. None of us knew to drive the jeep. So we unloaded our cycles from the jeep. Then Smaran said that we have to lead the path forward in order to get out of this forest. We agreed with him and started our drive. Though the path was not straight we may mislead the way. So Nikhil said that we need something to direct us. This statement made me to search for the raw magnets since this forest was resourceful.
Finally I found the magnets which were shapeless but high charged. I took a pin from my bag and tapped it to the magnet for sometime. This converted the pin into magnet. Now I fixed to a small wooden piece and placed it in bowl containing water. At last I sealed the bowl. Now this instrument can be called as Magnetic Compass. This led us in correct direction.
Soon we travelled some extent, there was a attack by rare wolves surrounding us. Smaran with his knowledge , he confidently said they are colour blind. By this information we were frozen on our spots and we neither moved nor shook. After sometime they moved back and we understood that they did not figure us. So we relaxed for sometime and again started. There after the next challenge for us was the crack in the ground. It was deep and also almost 5-8 metres long.
After seeing this crack in the ground Nikhil said that it is Impossible to cross it without bridge. But here, the rim of the tyre helped us. I went a bit back to gain more momentum, then I started the bicycle at great acceleration and continued it till the tip of the crack then I suddenly uplifted my bicycle and turned the tyre to horizontal position. But I was continued to be in air because of the rotation of the blades in the tyres, and I reached the other side. The same method was followed by the other two where Smaran landed successfully but not the Nikhil. He just rushed into the ground. This crushing noise made the wolves to attack again. Though Nikhil was not brave ,this time couldn’t control himself when he saw the wolf in front of him. This time he screamed loudly at high pitch. But most surprisingly wolves ran away making us to understand that they were scared of sound. Then we took the First-aid from our backpack and aided him.
Then again commonly we started our journey. There Nikhil unwantedly kicked a stone where we found the sunk into the sand. Again this foolish thing of Nikhil saved our lives. We thanked him started to think about the problem. After sometime we concluded that the upcoming area cannot bear high pressure. When Smaran explained how the feet of camels help them to walk on sand in dessert we understood and we turned the wheel’s position to horizontal making more area to reduce pressure. So we travelled in this way till the way ended. After reaching the real ground ,suddenly we heard noise of people ,there non other but tribes. They caught us and imprisoned us in a cage. they were staring at our bicycles.
Though they were lacking in science and Technology the lock of the cage was simple but critical. The lock was, they joined the cage gate to the initial wall passing a string through it. And this String was again made to pass through the pulley like structure where a bowl shape thing was attached to it. So the actual phenomena they used was the opening and closing of the cage door was depended on the weight of the substance in the bowl. If there is overweight of the substance then the string cuts and we’ll locked and if it is of low weight then it is useless. So the correct amount of weight should be used. By Smaran’s extraordinary knowledge he found the correct amount of weight that should be possessed by the object. It was obvious that he used some of the formulae and properties of the string to find it. Taking this value and using Archemidies principle, that is “when a object is immersed with a liquid then the mass of the water displaced will be equal to the mass of the object” [I hope you can understand this statement easily], I found the stone having the mass equal to the value given by the Smaran. By placing this stone we unlocked ourselves. The tribes were surprised and released us because they realised that we were greater than them.
We took our bicycles back and started. This time we travelled for long distance and we heard a screaming voice of the girl. Soon we reached the spot, we found a girl surrounded by other kind of wolves. Then Nikhil competitively suggested to scream. But that was a failed idea of him, though we can understand that these wolves didn’t move after a loud scream of the girl. So we suggested the idea of ‘Colour-Blind’, even she escaped in the same manner. she came along with us .
The density of the forest started to decrease making us to understand that we reached our ends. But even here there was a problem i.e, ‘The river’.
The end of the forest was bounded with a river where we need to cross it to reach the city outskirts. Then a real idea passed through my mind. Though the tyres were filled with air ,they can balance on the water without sinking. So we to turn them again to horizontal position. But this time we were four[including the girl] so we need more balance. So we joined the cycles in a row. Then we allowed the back tyre of the middle cycle to turn where the fore wheels were turned for the other two cycles. By this process we gained more balance and also the middle cycle’s fore wheel was used for direction and back wheels of other two cycles for acceleration.
By this process we crossed the river. By reaching the city outskirts, we went in search of our house and finally when we found it, one situation surprised us a lot and also made us happy.The situation was when we saw our guardian in our house waiting for us. Soon we entered with no words he said that this was to test our abilities and also he said we were successful in it.!!!!