Fiction Short Story – Attack of the killer babies
Photo credit: kontakts99 from morguefile.com
The disease had spread world wide. Only babies were affected.
The little baboons turned green then
fell into a coma lasting 48 hours. Said Dr richards on the news program on CNN.
Then they returned to normal with no recurring of the disease. The disease was called Baby Coma and was the biggest scare in the Nation, in this century.
Mothers were worried all over the world.
Little Ana baby snored in her coma. Her mother paulene fretted all night in tbe severest state of discord and worry that a mother can be.The little baby spent the next two days in a coma with her gp confused by the latest reports of the world wide baby disease he had gathered from the medical sources
At AMA .arazona medical association
“The disease lasts two days and seems to affect the brain” said doctor alder on the news program “it only affects babies
And seems to return the babies to normal
After two days..if you are a worried mother don’t worry your baby will be back to normal soon”
Little baby ana’s parents pauline and bill
Watched their always sleeping baby from the door to the nursery room.
She lay green and uncontious makingbaby snoring noises.
The worried parents watched for a further ten minnets then left the baby for the night.
As the sun rose the green faced baby’s eyes opened and she sat upright.
Looking around the room in her crib her mother came apon her.
“Ooo darling its mommy here” mother pauline cried. The baby reached outside the bars of the crib into the pencil box there .as the mother leaned over with unreal strenth the baby jammed the pencil she had accired into her mothers left eye. Her mother dropped like a stone.
The baby climbed the crib and dropped to the floor heading to the open door. “Dada!” The baby cried as doddled to the hallway.
Bill was in the kitchen making rusks for his baby just in case she would awake as the doctor said. Best not to get my hopes up he thought. He poured in the milk and then collapsed his head into his hands on the kitchen counter.”dada!” Little ana cried. He turned round “thank god!” He exulted. He rushed to pick the baby up in he arms when he stopped suddenly: how was she walking? Ana was only 6 months old how was she walking?
And talking!!!
He piked up the baby and ana said to
Him ” dada! Im going to kill you now.”
“Thats great sweetheart”
The pencil was thrust into bills ear he dropped the baby and roared in agony.
Landing deftly on her feet the baby came in for another pencil jab.
Bill with a pencil stuck in his ear reached for the box of rusks . He made it to the window and dangled the box of rusks over the window ledge.
” back off or no more rusks!” He had no idea how he came up with this but the baby stopped and started crying.
Rubbing her eyes she said” dont even think it old man!”
Later eating a bowl of rusks with the corpse of her father prone on the linolium little baby ana heard a woman scream outside. A smirk turned into a grimmace as she started to roar and laugh baby laughter.
Hundreds of killer babies were rampaging in the small arazona town of amy birth.Ten of them were busy handling a large burly man with a steel pipe in his possession while all around windows were smashing as as killer babies invaded the local shops.
The babies gurgled and gooed at the man with the pipe todling towards him.
The man swung but the babies were fast and soon the man was dead.
The army swung into town the machine gun armed soldiers took up positions.
Darren alder one of the machine gun troups said to his buddy “the government should never have squashed the reports of killer babies in the first place”
Darren grabbed his stereo system from the truck and raced of with it into position. Once there he waited for the signal. When the signal came he pushed play in the sterio. The babies had stopped what they were doing and stared open mouthed at the soldiers. Machine gun fire racketed every where. The sterio started playing queens “another one bites the dust”
The babies splattered and jumped, whole heads blew off and parts of there tiny torsos.
Soon the army of the world had killed all of the killer babies.
“Its a sad day for mankind today” droned the president.” “We did what had to be done.”