Science Fiction Short Story – Message From 20 Light Years Away
Photo credit: gracey from morguefile.com
The darkness of night deepened and my clock music rang at 3:00 A.M signifying the time for my sleep. I jumped on my bed and woke up at 5:00 A.M sharply without even the iota of tiredness due to utter curiosity in my mind.
Well I liked reading about life on other planets and have read almost about hundreds of such planets but most interesting one was “Gliese 67Cc” that is assumed to have most likely habitat for survival after our lovely planet Earth.
I lied my mother that I was supposed to go to my school early, though I had to but the reason was something else and ran at my full pace and rushed to Physics lab. Where my worthy mentor, Mr. Niall sat, waiting for me.
Mr. Niall was a man in a… Billion, no Trillion or I would say Gazillion!! He had immense knowledge of Science and had an art to distribute his understandings. He instilled in me the will to work hard, to make my dreams come alive in innovative way. My dream was to make contact with any outer space civilization and so his. We worked on it together to accomplish our mission by sharing ideas, methods and related concepts.
“I have brought my karaoke sir”-I said.
“Good my boy!! Now attach it with the device.”-Mr. Niall said.
I took the device named,”IMTD i.e. interstellar message transmitting device” in my hand. It looked like the old age video gaming hand device with grey color, small screen in midst of ends with green button to send and red to play received files. The device was created by our’s will to create something extraordinary that we attained after an year of hard work and after committing countless errors. I plugged the karaoke and hit it on.
I took a deep breath and chanted a sacred sound and a spiritual icon in Indian Religion named,”Om” at long stretch as he said. The perspective behind recording the sound, “Om” was that it constituted thousands of vibrations with almost all audible frequencies which if received by any intelligent creature would create the pathway of conversation between two life infused planets.
Recording was ended soon and green button was pressed by me. As of my utter amazement, he handed over that message transmitting device to me and told me to take care of it.
The night was on and after such a magnificent achievement, my eyes were staring outside the window into deep dark space, imagining how my message would be travelling more than the speed of light in absolutely stark darkness voyaging across galaxies. But at that very moment my inner sense got pricked by vibrations arising from the table.
I kicked off the blanket and looked at the shining red light from the device that made me pick it up. No sooner did I picked it up than my ear heard the similar sound of ‘Om’ that I recorded that day.
Stretching my ears, I said to myself,”If I am not wrong, these occurrence signify the arrival of message from universe.”
After that what happened was out of this world, the device showed the text, “Voice received” several times that made me press the red button and soon sounds from device erupted.
“This is an unimaginable achievement.” -I screamed aloud
The sounds were definitely belonging to some language from which I was not familiar with but their was something awkward in the tone. The voices clearly appealed the sense of difficulty and tension. Rest of the night passed in hearing the voices and clock showed 7:00 A.M. I ran entering my parents room to disclose my special achievement but before I said anything, A newspaper headline caught my attention stating,”Planet Gliese 67Cc which used to orbit a red dwarf star has burst into several pieces due to presence of high amount of Carbon dioxide.”
This heading banged on my mind and I concluded that the messages I received were from the planet Gliese 67Cc and the people would be asking for help, when they were choking to death & begging for their life to see the end of their planet in front of their eyes but unfortunately it was too late.
This made me think upon my mother planet,”Earth” and thinking that if we are approaching to similar end of our lovely planet. Maybe this sign is provided by Lord Shiva that have given us room to correct such mistakes that made me fold my hand and pray for the poor souls.
Therefore I wrote this story to spread awareness to more and more people about the MESSAGE FROM 20 LIGHT YEARS AWAY.