Short Story Fiction – The Insomniac
Photo credit: biberta from morguefile.com
I lie in bed at night staring at the ceiling feeling only fear, sleeplessness and the weight of my tired eyes. I have tried several different ways to fall asleep, including, sleeping pills and relaxing sounds. I have been told by doctors that I have insomnia, I didn’t believe them until I noticed the symptoms.
The first time I noticed the symptoms was at school. I am now a senior and have never had a problem like this till half way through the year. Throughout the days I found it hard to focus on school work and people irritated me easily. Getting through my senior year was tough, always being tired due to my lack of sleep. Every night I had to try and figure out ways to fall asleep.
My mom gave me sleeping pills but that didn’t work. I decided to just stare out my window for awhile, maybe I would fall asleep. As I was staring out my window I focused on a street light that had caught my attention. Not because it was right in front of me but because the lighting was a different color. I will never forget that night, the lighting was so ominous.
I woke up the next morning actually feeling rested and not fatigued. The next night came around and I found myself in the same boat I was on night before, sleepless. So I tried the method I used the previous night and stared at that lonely street light. As I stared at the light it began to flicker and as it flickered I began to panic. That light helped me fall asleep and if it were to go out I wouldn’t be able to sleep. As I stared it flickered and as it flickered through the night I fell asleep.
I didn’t have many friends due to the fact that everyone at my school was stuck up. I kind of like being alone, it gives me time to think and its so peaceful. Not many people would believe me but I do have a girlfriend, sometimes I call her when I can’t sleep. The first time the kids at my school started talking to me was the day after the light went out. Mostly because I went a little crazy but I found my past that and I’m doing a lot better now.
Before I go on I guess I better tell you what happened the night the light went out. The night the light went out there was a screech before I had fallen asleep. never before had I realized why I went crazy or why I was scared. Everybody wanted to know what happened that night, here is my confession. I thought it was all a dream until I realized time travel was possible.
I had been going back in time and this is why I was always tired and when I didn’t travel I was more rested. The night the light went out I saw something that no one should ever see. I was so sceptical about telling people why I went was because I know what happened and nobody should see such a horrific sight. I have made you wait far too long to tell you what I saw and what I had experienced.
During my last travel I saw the downfall of our world. I saw friends and families destroyed, whole cities burned and I saw the universe implode. In the matter of minutes I witnessed something no one could grasp. To this day I will never forget what I saw. Since I told you what happened, I have been able to grasp the power of time and I am working on preventing what I saw. Not only can I travel forward in time I can go back in time.