Science Fiction Short Story – Infinite
Photo credit: xandert from morguefile.com
I just love libraries, this is the place that have free wifi, books, loo and silence. A combination for contemplation. The one I most frequent also had computers to use internet, with built in lan chat, which I mostly ignore. The computer desk tables are also design to provide little bit privacy, which misused most.
That day, internet stopped working just 10 minutes after I started using it. That inspire me to look around in computer user files. There were pictures, notes, papers to be copied, copied paper etc, but what my mind found most intriguing was a folder called, demon. Curiously, I opened it and found photos of a beautiful lady posing on webcam, only her face was visible, and she was making weird faces, but I, due to my mental image editing capability, gather her to be quite beautiful.
Something inside me told me to open lan chat application, which I did. A quickly looked for demon, but there was not any person online named demon. I rechecked it to confirm, but there was not. But then I noticed another one, goblin. My hope went through roof and came back. I sent goblin a message,
‘Who are you?’ came the reply. Not the easy one.
‘Ogre.’ I started smartness.
‘Too much gaming does that to you.’ texted goblin. Whats that ? I thought.
‘Causality? Philosophy student ?’ Smartness continued.
‘History. You?” Introductions at last, thank god, I thought. Could not have continued smartness for so long.
“Science. And I do not believe in goblin.” Truth be told.
“Which particular claim ?” she asked. ‘Did she just killed a cat ?’ I thought.
“Existance, I suppose.”
“You are talking to one, stupid.” Causality Again.
“If handles become identity, redditors will suicide.” I shared knowledge.
“Bye.” came the reply.
I stared. what ? I was trying to make an extremely intellectually satisfying conversation and she said bye. what ?
Nonetheless, I sense the opportunity because as internet was down, she couldn’t do much on the computer. I logged out and went to the door, from where she was highly likely to exit. she came after one or two minute, headed for exit door.
“Goblin.” I shouted as less as I can in the library. she looked back, immediately recognising who am I, waited a second or two for inviting me to join her and continued for exit. I ran after her.
“If you start every conversation with Hi, you will die of repetition.” what ? I had not thought this much since I was kid, combined.
“But you said, you were studying history, and not astrology.”
“What do you want ?”
“Why were you making weird face ?”
“Why you want to know?”
“Nothing, just want to keep conversation going.”
“Brain exercise and free astrological advices, I suppose.”
“You will not like the end.”
“Why ?”
“People die in the end.”
“Does not that make just before the end more interesting?”
“Like parachute didn’t opened?”
“Like ogre ate it.”
“Are you hungry?”
“Its question or invitation?”
“Its question or acceptance?”
“Invitation I guess.”
“I am going to that subway there,” she pointed to the corner subway just walking distance ahead.
“You can join me if you want, after that I am going to suicide by jumping from that building over there.” I saw that building, may be fifty or sixty feet tall. I was not sure if that was enough to kill goblin by jumping from it. I thought she was kidding.
“May be you should try the next one, its taller, which will increase the success rate.” I helped.
“I need to jump from that building only.”
“To put blame on to proper person.”
“Why are you telling me all this?” Detective in me just woke up.
“What harm you are going to do to person that was going to suicide?”
“I could stop you from suiciding altogether.”
“Try it.”
“Ok. I will have veggie delight.” I grabbed the opportunity, never realising what was coming. We headed for the subway. She told me on the way that there is a 2000 year old chain of people doing suicide. Each dying person gives all his/her money to next person. The only requirement for that person is to use that money in five year and then die by suiciding. They are expected to utilise the large sum given in a way to increase it and pass it to the fellow person who also will do the same and repeat the event indefinitely. For a second, I thought she was telling me truth.
“What rubbish. I could have come up with way better story.”
“Its not story. If you have questions you can ask me.”
“Will you assign me as your heir ?”
“Well, I have a person in my mind, you can try to persuade me to choose otherwise.” she replied. she was too calm for a person going to suicide in half an hour. I felt like stupid for falling in such a stupid idea.
“What persuasion? Why I want to die ?”
“Think why the chain is still unbroken?”
“what is the proof that it is unbroken?”
“Well, I have proofs, but that will take more time, lets just assume its unbroken. why is it still unbroken?”
“What you get is bigger or important or more wealthy ?”
“Nah. Its sexier. ten times.”
“Time travel.” she replied, and smiled in such a way that I wondered if she might be telling the truth. buy why me then?
“Why am I being told all this?”
“Are you time travelling already?”
she smiled. waiting for more guesses. I thought. Ha.
“I made you my heir in the future?” I smiled at my ingenuity.
She smiled, came very closed to me, her eyes were telling me that I have told the truth, and kissed me deeply. Small part of my mind was enjoying the moment, and bigger part of it filled with thousands of what and why questions.
“Just four and half year back, I was at your position, filled with questions, when you kissed me.” She told me. “Really?” I thought.
“So we smarted out and created loop out of endless link?”
“Lets have sub first, we have infinite time.”
She went ahead leaving me thinking about the whole scene. I wondered, What she telling the truth ?