Science Fiction Short Story – The Green party
Photo credit: cbikle from morguefile.com
They landed to tumuluous applause
The hatch on the cylindrical space caraft opened towards the ground.
The people of earth had been aware
For 5 months now that the first contact with ailien lifeforms would take place today.
The federation of life as the aliens called themselves had been orbiting the earth in 27 space craft for the last 6 months. The presidents and prime ministers of the earths respected countries coresponded with the orbiting space crafts and it was agreed that the first contact with the world would be in december at jfk.
Out came the first glimps of the aliens that the peple could see.
Dressed in a silver suit with a tight coller at the neck was a normal humanoid man; perhaps a little short and an unusual dark facial hare design.
Supprisingly loud: “PEOPLE OF EARTH”
We come to restore your world.
We will asume the office of government and begin the healing of your world”
Shock hit the spectators the gathered army personel reached for there guns but there were no guns there just empty holsters.
“This is the six oclock news.Im alan brader and this is cnn.”
“Tonight…………..westminster england and the ailiens,calling themselves the federation of life have overtaken parliment and have all 367 mps ant the house speaker held hostage.
The newscaster says stifly”well..you heard that report.unbelevable happenings from england today.
“Well go to our reporter in england
At the scene in westminster england.
“Hello dan Can you hear.”
“Yes alan this is dan here”
“Im just out side the houses of parliment were there are a multitude of people crouded just outside the parlement building.
Tvs all across the world swiched off.
5 seconds later they switched on
And the ailen that first came out of the craft at jfk in the usa appeared on the screen.
“People of earth..i am regent aleren.
Due to the decline of the world and the starvation of millions. The the federation of life promise to look after your world from now until life on earth is no longer possable.”
“No longer will the people of earth be subject to a volitile life. There will be plenty for all. Due to our large population of robots the people of earth will each live like millionares
In opulance and luxuary.
We will soon equre the other countrys leadership domiciles
And we will be the new law in the world.”
1 year later sitting in the small livingrom of the house he bought 2 years ago alan brader the news reporter retorted to his wife
“You cant complain about the lifers
To me honey. ”
“I just think we should have our own people in power with the lifers overseing and maintaining the infrastructure.”
“Its early days yet hon”
Alan assured.”when things are completly secure ..then there will be human leaders.”
“Yes but they havent said one way or another if that is what they are doing”
“And were not allowed to eat meat
That stuff they call supplement4
Just dosent taste the same”
“Its the new world honey. We cant slaghter inecent animals anymore.
Everyone and everycreature gets its share.
7 months earlier..
Broadcasted to the still shocked world was..”…and as for your farmers and the slaugtering of livestock.. This shall no longer be tolerated. There will no longer be animals used for food. ”
There were riots in london birmingham la, new york all over the world.
The robot armys amased against against the rioters. They were taken expertly down by the robots and soon the riots wete over.
The broadcastcwent on..
“We the Green party (the federation of life once instated in government called themselves the green party)
Have put a mandate forth the new lgestaion is as follows.
It is now ilegal to shoot animals or
Traffickvthem. Due to the violent nature of your species a 10 year prison sentence will be standered for
Animal trafiking and a 18 yearcsentence for killing an animal
All resources and busnises of the world will be publicly owned and
Go to the mutual profit of all”.
In a live broadvast the first mansion allocated to poor people was chrisened with a shampane bottle.
Cheers followed smash.
The lifer raised a glass of shampane
And saluted”to the new world order'”
“REAL liberty!”
It had become the new catchphrase of thevgreen party.
“REAL liberty!!” The croud roard.
1.3 years since the landing at jfk
And in his new mansion aponted him by the welfare of life commision.
Alan brader the news reporter
Looked at his wife seiriously”
“The holiday camps are there because the people need somwhere to go due to the robot shortage for soical establishments.”
“Were due to go to the holiday camp
In birmingham this month”
“Itl be fun i hear they have a waterslide
The prime regent aleran danced towards his desk singing the theme tune from war of the worlds:”dum dum dum..
Di di di di di di dum dum dum di di di
Di di di” he swung his arms two and fro
Walking back wards and forwards towards his desk.”a Woo ooo awoo ooo”
“Dum di dum di di di dum de dumm di di di..di di di”
His secretary and second in command
Trely stood by the window looking at the gathering croud.
He said” since the first holiday makers havent come back we are getting violent gatherings around the world. Most people tried to run but some elements of earth society are more agressive.”
Prime regent aleran replied” its time to take of the mask identifier for an hour”
Both aliens reached for there collars and fiddled with a very small control.
Their heads elongated and eventualy settled into the shape of cows heads.
The turned towards the windows and
Looked out at the people. They liked there Lips and made a braying noise.
First word of the demise of the holidaymakers was slow to appear.
Eventualy questions were asked.
“The holidaymakers of birmingham
State have decided they like the facilities
Of birney so much the want to stay a further 4 months” said the green party spokesman.
“3 million humans have been prosseced fo consumption lord teer” said secretary trely.
10 years later the earths populaton was down to five billion. Producton of human constituted meals was slower than the rate of eating. Within another 20 years the teers(for that was their real name) had eaten the entite population of earth. They left the barren earth and flew back to
Their home world somwhere in the milky way.