Science Fiction Short Story – The Extraterrestrial Mystery
Photo credit: dantada from morguefile.com
Curious of the unknown, Sunil was always on the look out for information on the mysterious. He always wanted a scientific explanation for anything that addressed the mysterious or the unknown. This obsession got him a many times in trouble. His unending queries and attempts to talk on such issues with others has been not only futile but has left a taste of ridicule on his nature.
Many a times he is noticed contemplative and lost in thoughts, especially when he was having his lunch, as it offered him a time of relaxation. “Sunil, what are you thinking?” Intruded his mother. “Finish your meal first……and do what you like to do.”
His quest for the mysterious was rewarded when he came across a book containing stories of the unknown. Being city based and doing his further studies, he did not have enough opportunity to survey and research. This book he happens to accidentally discover was from a book store. While religiously reading the book, Sunil got particularly interested in a story about a mysterious planet that “approaches our solar system periodically.” The information given in the book about the mysterious planet, he felt, was inadequate. To continue with his new found curiosity and deep interest he paid a visit to his former science teacher who had taught him during his high school days.
On reaching the teacher’s home, Sunil gently knocked on the door and when the door was finally opened, the teacher with a bit of start, recognized Sunil and ushered him in.
“It’s been a long time, so what brings you here?” asked the teacher.
“Sir, it is sheer curiosity that has landed me here.”
The teacher was amused and said, “Really? What makes you think I can help you?”
“Sir, I have not forgotten your keen interest in the mysteries of the world.” Answered Sunil. “It is about an extraterrestrial body known as planet X…..does it really exist?”
“Yes, I have heard about it. But I don’t know how real it is.”
“I want to believe that it exists.” Said Sunil. “Otherwise why would scientists in a report in the New York Times say that an unknown body was the cause of anomalies in the orbits of Pluto, Neptune and Uranus.”
“What you mean is that an unseen body is tugging at them and disturbing their orbits.” Clarified the teacher.
“Yes, that’s it.”
“When was this reported?” Asked the teacher.
“June 19, 1982.”
“That was a long time ago. And now there is no news of it…….any idea why?”
“Sir, I think those tracking it, and even certain nations, do not want to create unnecessary sensation of it. A lot of criticism from various quarters including the public could jeopardize the reputation of the scientific community. So, let the people come to know about it gradually.”
“You may be right or you may be wrong. As of today there is not a hint about this mysterious planet even if it is meant to inform the public gradually.” Added the teacher. “That leaves us in a situation where we begin to be skeptic about the whole thing.”
“Isn’t this what those who want to hush-up the issue want it?” Wondered Sunil.
“Maybe. But I think it is all upto us to search and research on this and satisfy ourselves.”
Advised the teacher. “We should be well informed.”
“Yes, Sir. We should satisfy ourselves.” Agreed Sunil. “Okay, I shall take your leave now. Good day Sir!”
“Good day, Sunil … and don’t forget to update me on your quest.”
“Okay Sir.”
Sunil left the teachers place and headed straight to the public library. He thought that he could find some more information about the mysterious planet. He rummaged the library to a great extent but to his great disappoint found not a single book on the planet. He realized that this search had to be unconventional. In fact it dawned on him that there can never be any information about this planet anywhere and perhaps in any library. After all, any news or information about the planet was so out of place.
He had one other option to get information – the internet. Sunil very well knew that what is found in the internet, especially unconventional news is not found in the normal stream of news or information that is dished out to the public.
At a Cybercafe close to his college Sunil opened the Google home page and typed in “Planet x” where in seconds showed hundreds of links and information of the so called planet. Sunil was at a loss as to which link he would click on.
“History of planet X …real or…” as he read this he clicked on the link. The screen immediately showed a site that catered to everything on the “controversial” planet. Controversial because there are people who vociferously denounce the very existence of this planet. And yet there are people who are die-hard believers of this celestial entity. Time passed in the Café and it appeared that Sunil was in no hurry to leave. It was over two hours when he left the Cybercafe.
Sunil appeared to be a changed person as he had a dazed look. He needed some time out. He needed to be alone for a while as a sense of an awe-struck mood dawned upon him. Since he resided near the seashore, he arrived at the beach in no time. Finding a peaceful spot under a palm tree, he sat akimbo and closed his eyes. The information he got was awesome and it just swirled in his mind. He hadn’t closed his eyes for long when he heard some footsteps, mushing over the sand, fast approaching him. When he opened his eyes he found his friend, Mahesh, standing before him.
“I have been looking for you everywhere. Then I thought you may have headed for the beach.” Surmised Mahesh.
“I have found something which has left me with wonder.” Said Sunil.
“And what may that be …?”
“I came straight from the Cybercafe. I couldn’t think of any other place except the beach.”
Getting impatient Mahesh prodded, “Come on, tell me what you have found?”
“Okay I’ll tell you. But the choice is yours to believe it or not.” Warned Sunil.
“Did you know that there is a tenth planet?”
“Tenth planet?” Mahesh wondered.
“Well…, it is not exactly a planet. It is actually like our Sun, but only that it failed to evolve like the sun. This entity is like a burning charcoal and is astronomically called a “Brown Dwarf”.
“Brown dwarf? …What is the size of this thing?”
“It is lot smaller than the Sun, but much bigger than our planet. You can say that it is the size of Jupiter.” Answered Sunil.
“Then how come we don’t see it or hear about it? What is so mysterious about it?”
“Let me answer the first part of your question. We don’t see it because it’s orbit goes beyond our solar system. It is said that it takes 4000 years to revolve around the Sun. So, obviously by the time we can see this planet many human generations will have passed. We don’t hear about it because our lives are too short to record an event much longer than the generations to come.”
“Hmm. Indeed there seems to be no record of such a bypass of this planet. I wonder why?”
“Perhaps there was … but were probably obliterated due to periodic catastrophes that totally destroyed civilizations all over the world. Surmised Sunil. “By the way, take note that the disappearance of civilizations coincided with the arrival of this mysterious entity.”
Mahesh pondered over the question and in a flash utters, “So that’s it! It just all fits in … I mean it makes sense why we don’t have a record of this mysterious planet. Old civilizations that are extinct, knew about this planet, must have documented it in some way the arrival of it before the same planet created massive destruction on earth as it passed by.”
“What is bothering me is that this so called planet is due to pass by near our Earth during the early year of 2014. If this is true then we probably do not have much time.” Said a worried Sunil.
With a start Mahesh asked, “What day is it today?”
“January 21, 2012.” Answered Sunil.
“Wow, we just have a couple of years left before the great event. How come everything in the nature’s front looks normal except for some fluctuating weather conditions?”
“It is said, nothing major or catastrophic will happen till the last couple of hours to the events early 2014. That’s why this ‘thing’ is so mysterious. It’s like something that will come hidden and suddenly pop out to surprise or frighten you.”
“I didn’t get you.” Said a confused Mahesh.
“What I mean is that this planet, as it approaches the inner solar system, will accelerate below the ecliptic, passing behind and beneath the Sun at a 33 degree angle. That’s why one is unable to view it now as it will come from below the Earth’s orbit.” Clarified Sunil.
“Wow! It is really hard to believe that we will soon experience such a spectacular event.”
“Oh yes, it is going to happen. Only we don’t know what to expect of this event.” Said Sunil sounding ominous. “Well, Mahesh I shall be leaving for a nearby quiet place … I need to get over this astounding information.”
Lost in thought, Sunil headed for the place he believes would be a quiet place. Once there, he flopped on the soft green grass and was immediately immersed in thoughts that bothered him greatly. He knew that there were many things, moot points, that he did not talk with Mahesh or rather did not divulge. No doubt the passing by of the celestial body would be spectacular and one of the kind for hundreds of years to come, but …the inherent dangers connected with the planet is what was worrying Sunil. Thoughts came to him fast and frighteningly to such an extent that his head started to reel.
“What will happen …?” The question came to Sunil’s mind from time to time. This question popping up repeatedly pushed Sunil to a drowsy state. “Earth is in for some massive and catastrophic events … floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, a pole shift … severe natural disasters … almost 5 billion people dead … my God, this can’t happen.”
“No … this can’t happen”, muttered a delirious Sunil.
“What can’t happen?” Questioned his mother. “Sunil … Sunil, wake up. How long have you been sleeping?”
“Ugh! My heading is aching.” Uttered Sunil as he began to regain his consciousness. “How long have I slept?”
“Close to five hours. After lunch you went off to your room.” Replied his mother.
“Five hours? Had I not gone out?” Asked a confused Sunil to his mother.
“No, you never did go out after lunch.”
Sunil looked around the room and then at his book shelf. Not finding for what he was looking for, he asked his mother: “Where is the book I had purchased from the store?”
“What store … What book?” Wondered his mother. “Since when have you started buying books?”
Sunil was now fully awake. He realized he had been dreaming, day dreaming to be precise, for the past five hours. He tried to recall the dates talked about in his dream but couldn’t.
“That heavy lunch must have done something with my mind”, thought Sunil. “Whew … what a dream?”
Sunil crossed his bed and stood before the window. The Sun was dipping as dusk approached quickly. There was a cool breeze blowing. Chirping birds were returning to their nests as the street lights came on. He could hear the bell ringing from a nearby temple. It was just a dream. And yet, his curiosity remained as a great fan of the unknown. After all, it was so real, and at the same time Sunil visibly looked relieved. He resolved that he would now actually research on the mysterious celestial body.
“Everything looks so normal …” Thought Sunil.
Sunil headed for the kitchen to have some snack. As he turned his back from the window, a shooting star from nowhere whizzed passed the darkening sky…