Fiction Short Story – Creatio Ex Nihilo
Photo credit: mconnors from morguefile.com
The moment he saw her Jev immediately realized that Sophia had been crying. Although he knew exactly why, Jev asked, “Honey are you crying…over that again?” Jev’s voice was filled with sympathy—he understood what Sophia was going through.
“I’m sorry.” Sophia blurted out behind a small sob. “I can’t help it. I thought I was ready for this, but…”
“You’re having second thoughts over this decision?” Jev asked.
“Maybe we’re making a mistake in this. Elo is so young—Much much too young for a Genesis kit! Maybe we should wait until he is just a little more older. He’ll be ready soon—I’ll be ready soon!”
“Beloved, we’ve discussed this so many times already and have put this off each time. Elo is completely ready for a Genesis kit. In fact, you’re the one who suggested we get it for him now,” Jev reminded her.
“I know, I know that,” admitted Sophia. “I can’t help this though. I’ve been thinking about this and thinking about it since I suggested it. But, now I am beginning to believe this whole Genesis kit idea is wrong. It’s too soon, Jev!” Sophia bit her lower lip and folded her arms. Another small sob escaped her throat as another tear traveled down her cheek.
“Oh Mama,” Jev said softly, “we can’t do this to him. All he has talked about recently, for eons, is finally having his own Genesis kit. Besides, he very much suspects, if not knows that we got one for him already. You know how hard he is to surprise. And, finally, all of his friends have their own kits already and he is going to feel so left out and distant from them if he doesn’t have one too.”
“You’re right, of course you’re right.” Sophia said, sheepishly.” “But…It just seems like yesterday he was a baby. No! No Jev. I am sure about this, Elo is much too young and I am putting my foot down about the matter!”
Jev just stood there, looking at her, a huge grin forming on his face. He just stood there grinning, and waiting…
Sophia finally raised her head and suddenly relaxed and smiled herself when she saw Jev’s patient and hansom grin. He always melted her fiery anger this way. Then, suddenly Sophia began to laugh, which of course, caused Jev to laugh with her. She went to him and buried her face in his chest and he wrapped her in his arms.
“I’m acting like a baby,” Sophia said with a small pout in her voice and only a small sniffle afterward—No more tears.
“You’re acting like a mother who is seeing her son grow up before her eyes.” Jev said, soothingly. “It’s perfectly normal for you to become ‘maternal’ and protective.”
Sophia bit her lower lip again and Jev kissed the top of her forehead. Sophia looked up and they began to pull each other closer—
“Oh, that is so gross!” a young voice piped in.
“Hi Baby,” said Sophia, “it’s your big day isn’t it?”
“Yes Mommy.” The boy said.
“We got you something special Baby!” Jev announced.
“Really?” cried Elo. “A Genesis kit, right? You got me a Genesis kit, right? Please say I’m right!”
Sophia and Jev didn’t say a word but just there holding each other. Both just simply smiled at the boy who stood there looking at them with wide anxious eyes. Jev and Sophia finally broke their embrace when it appeared the child could not bear the anticipation any longer.
Then Jev produced a small wrapped box to the little boy. Elo tore through the wrapping paper hurriedly and froze in place when he finally realized that he was actually holding his very own Genesis kit in his very own hands. After eons Elo looked up at his parents with joy and affection. “Thank you, Oh thank you so much!” the child squealed.
“You already knew, didn’t you?” Sophia had to ask.
“Yes Mommy, I knew.” Admitted Elo. “But, it’s very different now that I can see it and hold it.”
“Well, go on and open the box.” Jev encouraged.
Elo opened the box and peered down inside it. He was not disappointed in the least to see that the box was completely empty.
“Do you know what to do, Baby?” Sophia asked, with not just a little emotion her voice.
“Yes Mommy,” said the child, “I’ve always known what to do.”
And, with that Elo put his tiny hand inside the box and pulled out nothing. And then God said, “יְהִי אוֹר” (“Let there be light!”)
And there was light. And God saw that it was good.