Science Fiction Short Story – The blue sun
Photo credit: dantada from morguefile.com
One sunny day, where kids were eating ice cream and old women and men were taking their dogs for walks, in a scientist’s lab, an alarm rang. The scientist came hurrying into the room. His two grandchildren followed. He stared at his screen.
‘Oh no!’ he said.
‘What?’ said Elena, his granddaughter.
‘There’s something going on in space,’ he said.
‘What?’ said Sam, his grandson.
‘There is a small blue ball in space and it might cause some problems to the scientists who are on the way to mars and the creatures that might be on it.’
‘But what problems will it cause?’ asked Elena.
‘I’m not sure. Jones, David and Harry are junior scientists .They are sure to investigate to try and get promoted. And they don’t know about it either. ’
‘Oh,’ said Sam. ‘So what do we do?’
‘There is only one solution. We have to go to space.’
The next morning there was worries all around England. The blue ball now looked like a blue sun. It was on the news and there were pictures of it all over the internet. When Dr.Cyclone [the scientist] woke up and looked out of the window the blue sun looked like it was touching the Sun. He woke up Elena and Sam and told them about it. Then they drove quickly to the rocket launch centre.
There was panic all over the place.
‘What happened?’ Dr.Cyclone asked someone.
‘We rang Jones and he told us they were on the blue sun and suddenly there was a crash and the radio stopped.’ He said.
‘We better hurry then.’ said Dr.Cyclone. He spoke to someone and then the children and he went into a rocket. They buckled themselves up and then waited, Dr.Cyclone in the cabin. Three, two, one boom went the rocket and they soared through the air. Elena closed her eyes because she didn’t like speed. When she opened them they had landed. On something blue. They had reached the blue sun and it was really cold.
Dr came to her and said ‘We have reached.’ Then the three of them went out and explored.
‘There is someone here,’ said Sam through his radio ,pointing at a figure on the floor.
‘That is Jones,’ said the professor. ‘And there are Harry and David.’
‘They must have frozen because of the cold.’ said Sam.
‘No,’ said Dr. Cyclone, ‘the cold couldn’t have knocked them out. There is something here…’
Just as he said that something pushed him on his face.
‘The blue gralk,’ he said faintly.
Sam tried to punch the blue gralk but it was too fast. It kept on running around and was too fast for him.
Then the blue gralk caught him by the neck. Then there was a noise and suddenly it dropped Sam.
It was Elena driving the spaceship and she had knocked out the blue gralk. Dr.Cyclone had also got up by this time and he caught hold of Jones and Harry and put them in the spaceship and then put David in as well.
‘Hurry up you two, ‘he said.
Elena and Sam went in the spaceship while Dr.Cyclone took a container of red liquid and poured it on the ground then he ran in quickly.
‘What will that red liquid do?’ asked Elena.
‘It will destroy the blue planet and do you know the blue gralk is one of the most dangerous type of animals. In fact it’s not even an animal. It is a relation of a spider and a gorilla and it is found only in space.’
‘Wow,’said the children.
When the children reached home they were so tired that they fell asleep as soon as their heads hit their pillows.
The next day the children and professor were awarded certificates and medals. And as a treat the professor’s boss held a party. It was a nice way to end an exciting adventure.