Fiction Story – Travelling through Time
Photo credit: DuBoix from morguefile.com
It was quite late in the night-about 2:30 PM. I had my geography exam the next day but still the portion of physical geography was left. Well! I think i should first finish it…oh!God! How can I? Can a typical human being stay awake at this hour of night? It’s practically impossible. But still it is my FINAL EXAMS…but if dad comes here now I’ll be in hospital within some hours. So I went to sleep!!!!
After some time I found myself in a well furnished room. Nobody was there though. So I started examining it and finally hidden behing an almirah in a corner of the room was a very strange machine. It was a small cupboard-like thing with two sides covered and an empty space in the middle. A notice sort-of thing was hung on the wall beside it. It read:-
Travel through time. Press the red button for past and the green button for future. Adjust the timings from the keyboard and you will be there. There is an invisibility cloak on the shelf. Please take it along with you when you dismount the machine lest you should be seen. BEWARE….DON’T BE SEEN IN THE PAST OR THE FUTURE.IF YOU ARE SEEN, THEN YOU ARE GONE…THE MOST DREADED THING WILL HAPPEN IN YOUR LIFE. And one more thing…you can see things but you will not be able to touch then or speak to anyone.
So, this was a good idea indeed. Moreover I may even get a glance at my question paper. So I stepped onto the empty space and without any hesitation I pressed the green button. After all it was my Geography Exam tomorrow-the most dreadful one. Now, let me come back to the present situation. So here I was inside a so-called time machine. Who on the earth has made this and why was it in this room? Is it like this that it was kept for me only? Well, why should it be kept only for ME? Anyways, never mind all that. So I have landed up on the next day. I wrapped the invisibility cloak on my body and stepped down from the machine. I was in my school already! WOW! That was great!
At that time the assembly was going on. After it was over, the students were sent to their respective examination halls. I went up quitely to my one and stood beside my seat. I could see myself sitting there too with the question paper. I managed to read almost all the questions and found that most of them were from the portion I hadn’t studied. Anyways, I went downstairs…after all I had to go and study. But, where on the earth was that machine? Oh my God! Someone please help me! How am I going to return?
Everything was a dream of course. You all guess how I returned home. Anyways some of the questions did come in my exam. Anyways, my exam went well.