Fiction Short Story – The Power of Magic
Photo credit: Kevin_P from morguefile.com
Back, far back, in the mists of time when the world was very young and bright with full of positive vibes around, there lived a couple in Lourdes (France) who was very helpful to neighbors and relatives. They used to face every situation with a smile and often their positive vibes used to attract people to their home.
Every single day they had parties in their house. People enjoyed their company and the vibes of their home were so loving and kind that no one wanted to leave their place. They were kind of living Angels sent in this world.
Meaning of life was fun for them. Peace resided in their hearts. They had no rivalry with anyone but there was some one who was jealous of them and their happiness. And it was none other than “The Demon”. He felt powerless in front of them. He was troubled and frustrated as his black magic used to fail every time he tried to bring misery to anyone in the neighborhood because of the couple’s super humanitarian nature. He tried to harm them many times but fortunately the neighbors and relatives always stood up for the couple and the Demon was left helpless.
Troubled, demon decided to call for a meeting with other demons, witches and wizard.
As all got together they saw this demon to be very weak and powerless. On questioning he told them about the couple who helped and so was unable to suck on their positive energy. He asked for help, on which a wizard come up with a solution
Wizard: Do they have kids?
Demon: No
Wizard closed his eyes and through his magical powers saw that they were planning one .He opened his eyes and smiled
Demon: Why are you smiling? I am dying here. I do not have enough energy to survive and you are smiling. Demon was very frustrated and angry
Wizard: They are planning to have a child.
Demon smiled and said that means one of us can take birth in the family.
No, we cannot. There power of love is very strong. The Angel from above has already taken a seat.
Demon shook his head then what is the use, what can we do now!
We can dear. It looks like your energies are too drowned and you need to get out from this place before you die a death of a rat. Demon got agitated and attacked the wizard with his eyes but as he didn’t have enough energy he himself fell on the ground.
Stop your nonsense Demon I am helping you out with this. Come to my place till the time this woman gives birth. Grab some energy and in the meanwhile I will tell you my plan.
For many months, no one fell sick, no one did backbiting of each other and Lourdes became a very powerful healing place to visit. Tourism was very appealing and the country was getting benefits from Lourdes.
Everything was beautiful, the flowers, the weather, people around and the vibrations of the country.
In between, the Demon was sucking blood of other people but he had his watch on Lourdes and was waiting for a time to come back.
The couple was blessed with triplets. Three beautiful girls. They named them Rica, Aloha and Sheena.
The celebrations begin and happiness was all around till the girls grew up to the age of six!!
The man of the family told his family that his company had transferred him with a promotion and since money was very important in bringing up three kids, with a heavy heart the couple bid good bye to Lourdes and built their nest in Montreal, Canada.
The Demon and the wizard were watching this and they celebrated their first step towards killing them.
The family adjusted in Canada with great difficulty. It was a new place all together with new neighbors. They realized that they had entered into a zone where no one was friendly. Every body believed in minding their own business and if they were friendly it was for some or the other selfish reason.
The couple suffered or rather their super humanitarian character which was strong suffered but they gave good education to girls and taught them to be honest and helpful always.
The girls grew up in Canadian environment forgetting the love they received in France. They were 18 now and two of them, Rica and Aloha decided to leave their parents and started staying with their boyfriends. That broke the heart of the parents which was witnessed by Sheena and she decided to stay with parents as she could witness there pain.
On the other hand Demon watching this rejoiced. The wizard said now watch my game. He showed him the two boys he had sent to the girls to live with. These were his boys and this was just the beginning to the end of this happy family. The demon and the wizard celebrated their victory.
The girls started getting low grades in college and were thrown out of college. Soon both the girls started drugs. The boys made life of both the girls miserable but the girls were hypnotized in love to an extent, that they could not see any wrong in what the boys were doing to them.
Sheena knew that her sisters were on a path of destruction and so did the parents but they could not do any thing as the girls thought that their family was selfish and they wanted both of them to come back so that they could take care of old parents and spoil their lives by taking responsibility. Alas such was the magic of two boys.
Soon the money started disappearing from their accounts. The girls went bankrupt and because of the drugs their health also deteriorated. The family came in picture and got the girls admitted to the hospital and the boys vanished off. The girls apologized for their behavior but demon could not leave them like this.
The moment girls recovered the boys came again claiming their true love for them and the girls chose to leave their parents one more time.
This continued for long but as it is said that if a demon is watching over so is The Supreme God with his supreme powers.
One night the couple decided to leave Canada . Sheena overheard their talks.
She closed her eyes tight and prayed to God to show the right path to both of her sisters. She saw a man with long Golden hair wearing bright pink jacket. She got scared and opened her eyes. For a moment, she thought that it was for real. She gulped a glass of water and slept.
In her dreams the man with the golden hair appeared again and said you have been blessed with the power of love and gratitude and you can bring your sisters back. Just meditate on the magic you have in you.
She immediately opened her eyes as if it was not a dream but a messenger of god had asked her to do something. She recalled the words the man with the golden hair had said. She wrote them on a paper instantly. She looked at the watch it was 3 am.
Oh my God what should I do. What magic, gratitude and love he was talking about.
She was so excited that she rushed to her parent’s room but when she saw them sleeping peacefully she chose not to disturb them.
She kept on thinking of these three words magic, gratitude, love and slept peacefully.
She saw in her dream how when her parents were young they used to help people around. She was dreaming of the memory of Lourdes when she was six. She recalled every good deed of her parents and was smiling in her dreams, when her mother came and told her it was already noon and she should get up.
She woke up and got ready in speed. Her parents were astound and asked her what she was up to!! In answer to this she said Thank you mamma and papa for bringing all three of us into this world.
The parents were emotional and sad too because of other two girls. The coalesce feeling bought tears to their eyes.
I assure you father this will end soon. I have seen a ray of light in this dark period.
The male witch and Demon were looming around the family and was planning a cataclysm. They heard the girl using gratitude and this shook them from the inside.
This is an archaic way of diminishing black magic. Where did this girl learn this from asked male witch from Demon.
How would I know !!!!
How do you know!! You are the one who have been keeping eye on this family for so long and now you are asking me this bullshit question he grunted.
Well, I have not seen anyone coming to this family to help them, though they were making program to go back to Lourdes but I foiled there programme. I am not letting them move from this house what else can I do he exclaimed!
Both of them started squabbling and realized that their energies were sapping because of this one hit of gratitude.
Wait, we cannot fight like this we are demons. It is our job to spread negativity to make people fight and to make them frown. Ask your boys to trouble these girls more.
On the other hand, the male witch boys started ignoring girls while making them feel that they were in love with them. The girls were surrounded by negativity to an extent that they were ready to do anything for the boys. The girls were crying for these boys. Soon the energy level of both of the girls started sapping and they were bed ridden. This once again made the boys vanish from their lives and the girls were shifted in an asylum because of there depression.
Sheena was keeping an eye on her sisters and she knew that once they were back in health the boys will come back to play with their emotions. She had to make her sisters realize that they were going wrong.But she was confused as to how she would do that.
She again recalled the words of the golden man which asked her to use magic, love and gratitude.
She closed her eyes and saw both of her sisters in god’s light and thanked them for loving her and started sending them love, but she did not visit them in asylum nor did she tell her parents about it. Though she felt guilty, but she had no option than to finish their penchant for these two boys who were on a road to destroy both of them.
Everyday continually she used to visit church and with closed eyes watch her sisters in God’s light. She started sending them love and praying for them. It was the third day of her visit to church when she received a call from a boy called Lee asking her to visit asylum as the girls wanted to meet her.
On arrival to the asylum, she noticed both the sisters feeling shamefull. She knew she had to be strong and not show her emotions to them so she asked her sisters why had they called her. She told them that every time the family come to bail out these girls from these distracting situations they had to face defeat.The moment they felt they had regained their health they foolishly went back to those boys.
Rica and Aloha were in plethora of guilt and shame. They once again pleaded with Sheena to help them out.
Sorry, my family is my parents and according to both of you, we three are selfish people who are forcing you to stay with us for our good use. This time call your lovers who promises you to be with you forever with the most romantic lines they used when we were about to take you out from hospital“Till death do us apart’
Leave us the way we are. Go away. We don’t need anyone’s help screamed Rica while Aloha immediately apologised and said that she wanted to come back to family. Rica looked at Aloha with surprise as the demon had made her ego so high that she could not see anyone apart from her boyfriend and now she saw Aloha as her enemy too.
Sheena pleaded with both the girls to understand their situation. She told them to open their eyes and see that the boyfriends they had were demons. These demons were creating a wall of loneliness and unhappiness around you. Open your eyes and mind for heaven sake. How can you go against those who brought you in this world and took care of you. Where is your power,she asked them. You lost every penny you earned from summer jobs and now no one wants to give you a job.You have lost your reputation and love others had it for you. You have lost scholarships and have been kicked out from college.
Above all you are losing your health because of these negative walls. She pleaded please come out of it. Be strong enough to let these two demons go out from your lives. Use your free will please. I respect both of you and love you. We have always stood for each other but now we are loosing it. Rica and Aloha started crying and Sheena thought that they would repent but like every time when they started enjoying good health both the guys appeared. Sheena prayed hard this time and the power of magic, love and gratitude prayer kept on ringing in her mind.
Parents had already given up hope on these two and were about to leave hospital but Sheena stood there. Soon she noticed a man on stretcher.
Oh my god Father!! Rica and Aloha heard and rushed after Sheena to see their father being carried to ICU.
Aloha came forward and said I am not going anywhere as I want to come back to family . They next day Rica was followed by her boyfriend again. Rica started crying and asked him angrily where were you when I was living as Vagrant. Where were you when I was near to Requiem. Whenever it comes to responsibility you run away. You only gave rise to my negative thinking by supporting my cribbing about my loved ones and friends .I cannot build our nest on the pyre of my people. I do love you but not at the cost of loosing those who stood by me in my worst .She had realized that she could loose her father. She stood strong with her sisters. Both the guys noticed that and starting stepping back.
Sheena noticed that this time the girls had refused to go back. She held both of her sister’s hand and said he is someone else but he looked like their father. Thank God he is not our father said Rica. Yeah thank God that our family is safe said Aloha and thank god that you too are back. They got out of the hospital only to notice that their father was looking into the problem the car had. And three of them said thank god that the car didn’t start leaving us behind. The couple heard their daughter’s gigling voice and turned back.
The mother thank God for the return of her daughters and father just could not control his emotions and started crying and hugging them. Very soon they left for Lourdes.
The frustrated wizard cursed Demon as because of him his boy’s energy had sapped and the family was not destroyed.
They both started fighting and ended up killing each other.